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Created March 1, 2013 02:20
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A slightly more idiomatic version of the Dart code from [this post](
class Graph {
num nodesNumber;
List<List<num>> edges;
Graph(this.nodesNumber, List<List<num>> edges) {
this.edges = new Iterable.generate(nodesNumber,
(_) => new List.fixedLength(nodesNumber)).toList();
for (var e in edges) edge(e[0], e[1], e[2]);
void edge(num from, num to, num weight) {
edges[from - 1][to - 1] = weight;
Map _constructShortestPath(List<num> distances, List<num> previous,
List<num> unvisited, num to) {
var vertex = to;
var path = [];
while (vertex != null) {
path.add(vertex + 1);
vertex = previous[vertex];
return {
'path': path,
'length': distances[to]
num _getUnvisitedVertexWithShortestPath(List<num> distances,
List<num> previous, List<num> unvisited) {
return unvisited.min((a, b) => distances[a] - distances[b]);
void _updateDistancesForCurrent(List<num> distances, List<num> previous,
List<num> unvisited, num current) {
for (var i = 0; i < edges[current].length; i++) {
var currentEdge = edges[current][i];
if (currentEdge != null && unvisited.contains(i)) {
if (distances[current] + currentEdge < distances[i]) {
distances[i] = distances[current] + currentEdge;
previous[i] = current;
// Dijkstra algorithm's_algorithm
Map getShortestPath(num from, num to) {
from = from - 1;
to = to - 1;
// Initialization
var unvisited = new Iterable.generate(nodesNumber, (i) => i).toList();
var distances = new List.fixedLength(nodesNumber, fill: 1/0);
var previous = new List.fixedLength(nodesNumber);
distances[from] = 0;
var current = null;
while (true) {
if (!unvisited.contains(to)) {
return _constructShortestPath(distances, previous, unvisited, to);
current = _getUnvisitedVertexWithShortestPath(distances, previous, unvisited);
// No path exists
if (current == null || distances[current] == 1/0) {
return {
'path': [],
'length': 1/0
_updateDistancesForCurrent(distances, previous, unvisited, current);
void main() {
var graph = new Graph(8, [
[1, 2, 5], [1, 3, 1], [1, 4, 3],
[2, 3, 2], [2, 5, 2],
[3, 4, 1], [3, 5, 8],
[4, 6, 2],
[5, 7, 1],
[6, 5, 1]
var shortestPath = graph.getShortestPath(1, 7);
print("path = ${shortestPath['path'].join(",")}");
print("length = ${shortestPath['length']}");
// No shortest path to the vertex '8'
print(graph.getShortestPath(1, 8));
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