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Last active October 1, 2023 20:15
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LNav format for Adobe Experience Manager (AEM)

LNav format for Adobe Experience Manager (AEM)

This is log format for

Regex can be improved but it works quite well for me. Send me pull requests if you have a better soution.

    "$schema": "",
    "aem": {
        "description": "Format created by Abdul Munim -",
        "regex": {
            "default_request": {
                "pattern": "^(?<timestamp>\\d{2}\\.\\d{2}\\.\\d{4} \\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}\\.\\d{3}) \\*(?<level>\\w+?)\\* \\[(?<requester>[\\w\\-\\.]+) \\[(?<request_id>\\w+)\\] (?<request_method>\\w+) (?<request_url>.+?(?= HTTP)) (?<req_version>.+)\\] (?<executor>\\S+?) (?<body>.*)$"
            "replicator": {
                "pattern": "^(?<timestamp>\\d{2}\\.\\d{2}\\.\\d{4} \\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}\\.\\d{3}) \\*(?<level>\\w+?)\\* \\[\\[(?<requester>[\\w\\-\\.\\:]+)\\] \\[(?<request_id>\\w+)\\] (?<request_method>\\w+) (?<request_url>.+?(?= HTTP)) (?<req_version>.+)\\] (?<executor>\\S+?) (?<body>.*)$"
            "internal_services": {
                "pattern": "(?<timestamp>\\d{2}\\.\\d{2}\\.\\d{4} \\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}\\.\\d{3}) \\*(?<level>\\w+?)\\* \\[(?<requester>[^\\[\\]]+?)\\] (?<executor>\\S+?) (?<body>.*$)"
        "value": {
            "level": {
                "kind": "string",
                "identifier": true
            "req_version": {
                "kind": "string",
                "identifier": true
            "request_id": {
                "kind": "string"
            "request_method": {
                "kind": "string",
                "identifier": true
            "request_url": {
                "kind": "string",
                "identifier": true
            "requester": {
                "kind": "string",
                "identifier": true
            "executor": {
                "kind": "string",
                "identifier": true
            "body": {
                "kind": "string"
        "level-field" : "level",
		"level" : {
			"error" : "ERROR",
			"warning" : "WARN",
			"debug" : "DEBUG",
			"info" : "INFO"
        "timestamp-format": [
            "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S.%L"
        "sample": [
                "line": "09.06.2023 09:38:31.380 *ERROR* [ [1686303509939] POST /bin/example/search HTTP/1.1] Error in tag : {}"
                "line": "09.06.2023 01:40:25.027 *INFO* [[0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1] [1686274825025] GET /etc/replication/ HTTP/1.1] Setting up replication with options: ReplicationOptions{synchronous=true, revision='null', suppressStatusUpdate=true, suppressVersions=true,, aggregateHandler=null}"
                "line": "09.06.2023 00:00:00.022 *INFO* [] Smart Tags not configured. Ignoring periodic job."
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