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Neorg keybinding
title: Neorg default kemappings
de,cription: comments about neorg default keystrokes
author: muniter
created: 2021-11-26
version: 0.0.8
* Neorg
** Default keymappings recommendation
*** "core.norg.qol.todo_items.todo.task_cycle"
Current: "<C-space>"
Recommended: `<C-n>` and `<C-p>`
Currently they are not mapped in normal mode, and they are widely recognized as used for
cycling completions. Another alternative is to override `<C-x>` and `<C-a>` only when on a
todo list item, which is the default in vim for incrementing and decrementing a number.
*** "core.norg.manoeuvre.item_{up,down}"
Current: n `<M-j>` and n `<M-k>`
Recommended: n `[e` and n `]e`
This come from the widely used vim-unimpaired keymappings, to move a line up and down.
Also `<M-j> and <M-k>` are actually mentioned/recommended for switching windows under
`:help terminal-input`
*** ""core.integrations.telescope.find_linkable""
Current: i `<C-l>`
Recommended: i `<C-x><C-c>`
`<C-l>` could be used by people to switch windows, but is also very comfy. I like `<C-x><C-c>`
the pattern it's known from `:h ins-completion` but free. It's not that hard to type in qwerty
since `xc` are neighbors.
*** "core.norg.qol.todo_items.todo.task_{done,undone,pending}"
Current: `gtd gtu gtp`
Recommended: `<leader>td` `<leader>tu` `<leader>tp`
It's easier to type, and although it has the same keystrokes leader is much more comfortable
than combining `g` with the other two letters.
*** "core.integrations.treesitter.{next,previous}.heading"
Current: sub-mode style mapping that remaps `j` and `k`
Recommended: `[[` and `]]`
This is built into vim, `:help [[` refered as sections forward and `:help ]]` as sections
backward. This can be seen in for example vim-fugitive, a nice addition could be `[]` and `][`
to move at the end of the sections/heading contesnts. Also I just entered this
*traverse-heading* submode and can't get out, send help :D
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