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Created May 23, 2019 23:24
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API structure comments:
- constants package is an implicit part of our API, whether we want it to be or not
- right now, there is an undisclosed dependency between v1alpha{2,3} + internal + constants
- therefore, each of v1alpha2 & 3 should have their own copies of each node role type for example (to allow for migrations in future)
- has a big effect on kind as a library. Should consumers depend on the internal type? Or the external types?
- we don't provide any guarantees on the stability of the *internal type*. It is used simply as a base for conversion
- I am not sure what kubeadm's strategy for this is, however I suspect that there is not a particular good one just yet
- external types are *designed* to be stable and consumed by users, be that via CLI or library
- internal types are meant to be used *only* as a base for conversion, and in order to facilitate new API versions, may change without notice. This makes them inappropriate to be consumed by end users.
I personally think kind (as a binary) should consume *external types* only. The 'LoadConfig' method should be refactored to be LoadConfig(string, runtime.Object), where runtime.Object is *some version of* the kind config. If there is no suitable conversion registered between the config file that the user provides on disk and the config structure that the developer/consumer of the library uses, the machinery will automatically 'bail out' and fail the conversion (which is expected! this implies a user is using a newer version of the kind config with an older version of the lib, so it *is* impossible to convert)
To do this will require kind itself to switch to consuming *external* API versions, and this explains why all kubernetes controllers *also* depend on external versions (despite internal versions being a convinient basis to depend upon)
Tiny proposal:
- If we have the exported methods accept a runtime.Object, they themselves can convert into the *internal* type.
- Kind can internally (in the 'internal' packages) accept an *internal* Cluster object.
- This will allow kind's implementation to be fairly stable, and pushes the complexity of managing multiple API versions into the conversion package (where it *should* live).
- The downside here is that users see `runtime.Object` as an argument for their `Create` calls when consuming kind as a library, which is not so ideal.
- The only real way to work around this in golang is to have `VXalphaY` variants of each public API call, which works fairly nicely and is easy to maintain, despite being slightly abnormal
Closing remarks:
- I think this is most relevant when you view 'kind as a library' as an important piece. Personally, I think a separation between the CLI and the lib like this is probably a good direction as it encourages users to consume kind as a library (we place the same restraints on ourselves as we do CLI users).
- The need for kind as a library has been evidence by kinder as well as during our talks today
- The refactoring work for this is not actually too significant. It will mostly involve changing function signatures and adding in some calls to a Convert function in the public API surface.
- End result is that users don't need to think about anything, and as a conversion from internal->internal is a no-op, any *existing* users of kind as a library should not see anything break if we make this switch (so long as type signatures stay the same)
- My biggest concern here is how we handle methods like 'ListNodesByRole', as these methods should really accept a versioned API type (imagine we renamed 'worker' to 'node' - how should this be converted?). Given this is an exported method, we'd probably need to add a conversion at the start of the exported method in order to make it possible for this to work with any API version.
- Circling back to how I started this (handling node roles?!??) - we need to consider how we handle conversion for const values/type aliases of strings. The conversion generator right now simply says `out.Role = NodeRole(in.Role)`. This is not really sufficient - we need this to be `out.Role = Convert_config_NodeRole_To_v1alpha3_NodeRole(in.Role)` in order to ensure we have a sane means to convert given we *could* rename node role values.
- As a completely separate thing, we *may* (in future, and this IMO is a separate issue) need to handle renaming label *keys* too. To do this we could probably move these label keys to be a part of our API and include conversions in our exported functions/methods between different key values too (similar to the label _values_). We'd then need to define one particular key that is stable between API versions that we can use to identify what API version the label keys used for a given config is. This might over-complicate our internal code a bit, but would give us flexibility to rename labels on docker contains in future too if needs be.
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