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Last active February 11, 2020 05:41
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TMDS encoder in Chisel 2/3
package DviController
import Chisel._
class TmdsEncoder extends Module {
val io = new Bundle {
val disp_ena = Bool(INPUT)
val control = UInt(INPUT, 2)
val d_in = UInt(INPUT, 8)
val q_out = UInt(OUTPUT, 10)
io.q_out := UInt(0)
val q_m = Wire(UInt(width = 9))
val ones_din = Wire(UInt(width = 4))
val ones_q_m = Wire(UInt(width = 4))
val diff_q_m = Wire(SInt(width = 8))
val disparity = Wire(SInt(width = 8))
val disparity_reg = Reg(SInt(0, width = 8))
ones_din := PopCount(io.d_in)
val q_ms = Vec.fill(9) { Wire(Bool()) }
for (n <- 0 to 8)
q_ms(n) := Bool(false)
q_ms(0) := io.d_in(0)
when (ones_din > UInt(4) || (ones_din === UInt(4) && io.d_in(0) === UInt(0))) {
for (n <- 1 to 7)
q_ms(n) := !(q_ms(n-1) ^ io.d_in(n))
q_ms(8) := Bool(false)
} .otherwise {
for (n <- 1 to 7)
q_ms(n) := (q_ms(n-1) ^ io.d_in(n))
q_ms(8) := Bool(true)
q_m := q_ms.toBits().toUInt()
ones_q_m := PopCount(q_m(7, 0))
diff_q_m := (UInt(2) * ones_q_m) - SInt(8)
when (io.disp_ena === Bool(true)) {
when (disparity_reg === SInt(0) || ones_q_m === UInt(4)) {
when (q_m(8) === Bool(false)) {
io.q_out := Cat(~q_m(8), q_m(8), ~q_m(7, 0))
disparity := disparity_reg - diff_q_m
} .otherwise {
io.q_out := Cat(~q_m(8), q_m(8, 0))
disparity := disparity_reg + diff_q_m
} .otherwise {
when ((disparity_reg > SInt(0) && ones_q_m > UInt(4))
|| (disparity_reg < SInt(0) && ones_q_m < UInt(4))) {
io.q_out := Cat(Bool(true), q_m(8), ~q_m(7, 0))
when (q_m(8) === Bool(false)) {
disparity := disparity_reg - diff_q_m
} .otherwise {
disparity := disparity_reg - diff_q_m + SInt(2)
} .otherwise {
io.q_out := Cat(Bool(false), q_m(8, 0))
when (q_m(8) === Bool(false)) {
disparity := disparity_reg + diff_q_m - SInt(2)
} .otherwise {
disparity := disparity_reg + diff_q_m
} .otherwise {
switch (io.control) {
is (UInt("b00")) { io.q_out := BitPat("b1101010100") }
is (UInt("b01")) { io.q_out := BitPat("b0010101011") }
is (UInt("b10")) { io.q_out := BitPat("b0101010100") }
is (UInt("b11")) { io.q_out := BitPat("b1010101011") }
disparity := SInt(0)
disparity_reg := disparity
class TmdsEncoderTester(c: TmdsEncoder) extends Tester(c) {
// test disp_ena == false
val m = Map(0 -> 0x354, 1 -> 0xab, 2 -> 0x154, 3 -> 0x2ab)
for ((k, v) <- m) {
poke(, false)
poke(, k)
expect(, v)
poke(, true)
var disparity = 0
for (n <- 0 to 255) {
poke(, n)
val (q_out, disparity_out) = TmdsEncoderInScala.tmdsEncode(n, disparity)
expect(, q_out)
expect(c.disparity, disparity_out)
expect(c.disparity_reg, disparity_out)
disparity = disparity_out
object SingleModuleTmdsEncoder extends Runner[TmdsEncoder] {
def main(args:Array[String]): Unit =
mainMethod(args)(() => new TmdsEncoder())(c => new TmdsEncoderTester(c))
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