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Created November 11, 2023 20:54
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// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
import "@chainlink/contracts/src/v0.8/interfaces/AggregatorV3Interface.sol";
contract CommoditiesMarketMaker {
address public owner;
uint256 public nextCommodityId;
struct Commodity {
uint256 id;
string name;
uint256 price;
uint256 quantity;
string category;
mapping(string => string) attributes;
mapping(uint256 => Commodity) public commodities;
mapping(string => address) public priceFeeds;
event CommodityTrade(uint256 indexed commodityId, uint256 quantity, uint256 price);
event CommodityAdded(uint256 indexed commodityId, string name, uint256 price, uint256 quantity, string category);
event CommodityUpdated(uint256 indexed commodityId, string name, uint256 price, uint256 quantity, string category);
event CommodityDeleted(uint256 indexed commodityId);
event PriceFeedUpdated(string indexed commodityName, address feedAddress);
modifier onlyOwner() {
require(msg.sender == owner, "Only the owner can call this function");
constructor() {
owner = msg.sender;
nextCommodityId = 1; // Start commodity ID counter at 1
function addCommodity(string memory name, uint256 price, uint256 quantity, string memory category) public onlyOwner {
Commodity storage commodity = commodities[nextCommodityId]; = nextCommodityId; = name;
commodity.price = price;
commodity.quantity = quantity;
commodity.category = category;
emit CommodityAdded(nextCommodityId, name, price, quantity, category);
function updateCommodity(uint256 id, string memory name, uint256 price, uint256 quantity, string memory category) public onlyOwner {
Commodity storage commodity = commodities[id];
require( != 0, "Commodity does not exist"); = name;
commodity.price = price;
commodity.quantity = quantity;
commodity.category = category;
emit CommodityUpdated(id, name, price, quantity, category);
function deleteCommodity(uint256 id) public onlyOwner {
require(commodities[id].id != 0, "Commodity does not exist");
delete commodities[id];
emit CommodityDeleted(id);
function updatePriceFeed(string memory commodityName, address feedAddress) public onlyOwner {
priceFeeds[commodityName] = feedAddress;
emit PriceFeedUpdated(commodityName, feedAddress);
function trade(uint256 commodityId, uint256 quantity, uint256 price) public {
Commodity storage commodity = commodities[commodityId];
require( != 0, "Commodity does not exist");
require(commodity.quantity >= quantity, "Insufficient commodity quantity");
require(commodity.price == price, "Trade price does not match the commodity price");
// Implement the logic for matching orders and executing trades
// For the hackathon, assume the trade always succeeds
commodity.quantity -= quantity;
// Emit an event for the successful trade
emit CommodityTrade(commodityId, quantity, price);
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