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Last active March 4, 2017 19:10
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Secret of Javascript Templating
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<div id="root">
<div>{{ Title }}</div>
<div data-title="{{Title}}">{{Title}} has {{Heroes.length}} Heroes</div>
<fieldset style="border: 1px silid #eee;">
<legend>Developer Control Panel</legend>
<button onclick="renderAgainWithNewHero()">Render With New Hero</button>
//JS templating
//converting data to view with html template
var viewEngine = (() => {
class Engine {
compilePlaceHolders(templateStr, scope) {
//finding the template placeholders '{{xxxx}}' and loop each and every occurance
return templateStr.replace(/\{{([^{}]*)}}/g, (a, b) => {
var expr = b.replace(/ /g, ''),
val = scope[expr];
//condition to handle "Heroes.length" kind of usage
if (b.indexOf('.') > 0) {
var exprlst = b.split('.'),
resultedVal = scope;
exprlst.forEach((g) => {
//checking is value exists in scope property
//i.e., app["Heroes"] and again Heroes["length"]
if (resultedVal[g]) {
resultedVal = resultedVal[g];
val = resultedVal;
return val ? val : '';
render(appData, rootSelector) {
var rootElem = document.querySelector(rootSelector);
if (rootElem) {
//looping through childNodes to replace template placeholders
document.querySelector('#root').childNodes.forEach((n) => {
if (!n.template) {
//Storing text as template, it can be used to replace later
n.template = n.textContent;
n.textContent = this.compilePlaceHolders(n.template, appData)
return new Engine();
var app = {
Title: 'Flash',
Heroes: [
Name: 'Flash'
Name: 'Cisco'
viewEngine.render(app, '#root');
var renderAgainWithNewHero = () => {
//Adding one more Hero to Heros
app.Heroes.push({ Name: 'Catilin' });
//Calling view Engine to render updated data
viewEngine.render(app, '#root');
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