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Created September 23, 2015 10:20
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Two way binding for text with simple example using Javascript
<title>Behind the scenes of Two Way binding simple example for text</title>
<!-- Adding JS reference -->
<script src="two-way-binding.js"></script>
<!-- Invoking the binding Manager after completion of DOM load-->
<body onload="bindManager.init()">
<div class="demo-page">
<div class="section1">
<!-- Adding the new attribute 'mn-bind' that used to bind the change event -->
<input type="text" mn-bind="Name" />
<!-- Binding Manager will change the 'mn-bind' tags which have respective Property -->
<div >This is two way binding : <span mn-bind="Name"></span></div>
<div style="padding-top:30px;">
<input type="text" mn-bind="Property2" />
<div >This is two way binding for another property : <span mn-bind="Property2"></span></div>
<div class="section2" style="padding-top:30px;">
<input type="text" mn-bind="Name" />
//Intro: Simple example for handling two way binding
//in this example two way binding is made for only 'text', example can be modified to achieve much complex binding
//gives basic Idea of binding ,how it can be done using simple javascript without any Frameworks
//we used 'document.querySelectorAll' to get the list of elements.
//'querySelectorAll' is supported by all modern browsers , example tested in safari,chrome and FF
var BindingManagerClass = function () {
//config for Handling configurations of binder
this.Config = {};
//Initialization of events to listen on 'mn-*' attribute tags
//for now we used only 'mn-bind'
this.init = function () {
//Looping all the elements which are having 'mn-bind' attribute
for (var itemIndex = 0, itemsLen = document.querySelectorAll('[mn-bind]').length; itemIndex < itemsLen; itemIndex++) {
//checking element is input
if (document.querySelectorAll('[mn-bind]')[itemIndex].nodeName == 'input'.toUpperCase()) {
//Adding 'keyUp' event to input element
document.querySelectorAll('[mn-bind]')[itemIndex].addEventListener('keyup', function (e) {
if (e.keyCode == '13') {
//to Something on Enter...
} else {
var valueToSet =;
//Looking for all the elements which has value of 'mn-bind' is changed element's 'mn-bind' value.., and looping'[mn-bind="' +'mn-bind') + '"]')).forEach(function (bindElement) {
//checking for target skip target element to change
if (bindElement != {
//checking the tag name, using 'value' attribute for 'input' instead of 'textContent' which is used for 'div' and 'span'
if (bindElement.nodeName == 'span'.toUpperCase() || bindElement.nodeName == 'div'.toUpperCase()) {
bindElement.textContent = valueToSet;
} else {
bindElement.value = valueToSet;
//Creating bindingManagerClass single ton Object
var bindManager = new BindingManagerClass();
//To invoke the Binding Manager use below code for now invoking the init method in specified in 'onload' of body tag in html
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