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Last active December 29, 2016 13:49
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Load colorscheme depending on the day of month
" load colorscheme depending on the day of month {{{
fu! s:LoadRandomColorScheme()
let s:color_file_list = globpath(&runtimepath, 'colors/*.vim' )
let s:color_file_list = substitute(s:color_file_list, '\' , '/', 'g')
let s:color_file_list = substitute(s:color_file_list, "\n" , ',', 'g')
let s:color_file_list = substitute(s:color_file_list, '\(/[^,]\+/\)' , '', 'g')
let s:color_file_list = substitute(s:color_file_list, '\.vim' , '', 'g')
" echo s:color_file_list
if strlen(s:color_file_list)
let s:no_of_commas = substitute(s:color_file_list, '\([^,]\+\)', '', 'g')
if s:color_file_list =~ ','
let s:rnd = (strftime( "%d" ) + 0)% ( strlen(s:no_of_commas) +1 )
" echo strlen(s:no_of_commas)
let s:loop = 0
while s:loop < s:rnd
let s:color_file_list = substitute(s:color_file_list, '^\([^,]\+\),', '', '')
let s:loop = s:loop + 1
" echo s:color_file_list
let s:color_file = matchstr(s:color_file_list, '^[^,]\+')
" echo s:color_file
execute "colorscheme" s:color_file
unlet! s:color_file
unlet! s:loop
unlet! s:rnd
unlet! s:color_file_list
unlet! s:self_file
call s:LoadRandomColorScheme()
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