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Last active November 21, 2017 00:22
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A quick script for creating screenshots of colorschemes in "flazz/vim-colorschemes"
cSchemes=`ls -1 ~/.vim/bundle/vim-colorschemes/colors | sed 's/.vim$//'`
for currentScheme in $cSchemes
sed -i "s/^colorscheme .*/colorscheme $currentScheme/" ~/.vimrc
urxvt --geometry $geo -e vim ~/.vimrc &
sleep 0.25 # VERY IMPORTANT for this gap for the window to form
# sometimes the status bar wont apprear . Press 'j' to make it appear
xdotool key --window `xwininfo -name "vim"| grep ' id'| awk '{print $4}' | xargs printf "%d\n"` j
sleep 0.25 # VERY IMPORTANT for this gap for the screenshot to capture
scrot ${currentScheme}.png
kill $pid
rm vimCSscreenshots.tgz
tar czf vimCSscreenshots.tgz *.png
rm *.png
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