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Last active April 29, 2021 01:14
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' Fy_メニュー
Option Explicit
Dim sMsg As Integer
Dim sWhere As String
Dim sTitle As String
Dim sMenuList As String
Dim sStrMsg As String
Dim sMenuNo As Integer
Dim sCommand As String
Dim sクリック表示 As String
'2020/05/10 --------------------------------------------------*
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
On Error GoTo subError
'--- FormSize ---
Me.Height = Me.HRheight.Height + 30
Me.Width = Me.HRwidth.Width + 15
ygEnd = 0
sTitle = ygSTR1
sMenuList = ygSTR2
sStrMsg = ygSTR3
sMenuNo = ygInt1
sCommand = ""
Call s_MenuList(sMenuList)
If sTitle <> "" Then
If Left(sTitle, 1) = "$" And Right(sTitle, 1) = "$" And Len(sTitle) > 2 Then
sTitle = Mid(sTitle, 2, Len(sTitle) - 2)
sCommand = sTitle
Select Case sCommand
Case "シートメニュー": sクリック表示 = ygSTR4 'する、しない
End Select
End If
Me.Caption = sTitle
End If
Me.lblMsg.Caption = sStrMsg
Exit Sub
MsgBox Error$ & "(#" & Trim(Trim(Err.Number)) & ")", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation _
, "確認 : FormIni"
Resume Next
End Sub
'2020/06/01 --------------------------------------------------*
Private Sub s_MenuList(qMenuList As String)
Dim wNO As Integer
Dim wMenuStr As String
If qMenuList = "" Then Exit Sub
wNO = wNO + 1
wMenuStr = fy対応文字列(qMenuList, wNO)
If wMenuStr = "" Then Exit Do
Me.lstMenu.AddItem wMenuStr
If sMenuNo > 0 And sMenuNo < wNO Then
Me.lstMenu.Selected(sMenuNo - 1) = True
End If
End Sub
'2020/07/19 --------------------------------------------------*
Private Sub lstMenu_Click()
On Error GoTo subError
Dim wMenu As String
Dim wNO As Integer
Dim wCnt As Integer
If Not (sCommand = "シートメニュー" And (sクリック表示 = "する" Or sクリック表示 = "")) Then Exit Sub
wCnt = Me.lstMenu.ListCount
For wNO = 0 To wCnt - 1
If Me.lstMenu.Selected(wNO) = True Then
wMenu = Me.lstMenu.List(wNO)
Exit For
End If
Next wNO
n = f_シート表示(wMenu, "")
Exit Sub
MsgBox Error$ & "(#" & Trim(Trim(Err.Number)) & ")", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation _
, "確認 : lstMenu"
Resume subExit
End Sub
'2020/05/10 --------------------------------------------------*
Private Sub cmd選択_Click()
On Error GoTo subError
Dim wMSG As String
Dim wMenu As String
Dim wNO As Integer
Dim wCnt As Integer
wCnt = Me.lstMenu.ListCount
sMenuNo = 0
For wNO = 0 To wCnt - 1
If Me.lstMenu.Selected(wNO) = True Then
wMenu = Me.lstMenu.List(wNO)
sMenuNo = wNO + 1
Exit For
End If
Next wNO
If sMenuNo = 0 Then
wMSG = "メニューを選択してください。"
MsgBox wMSG, vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "確認"
Exit Sub
End If
ygEnd = 1
ygInt1 = sMenuNo
Unload Me
Exit Sub
MsgBox Error$ & "(#" & Trim(Trim(Err.Number)) & ")", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation _
, "確認 : 選択"
Resume subExit
End Sub
'2020/07/20 --------------------------------------------------*
Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, CloseMode As Integer)
End Sub
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