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Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
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Snake Game by OCaml
(* Snake Game by OCaml *)
(* see) *)
(* column No.19 - No.23 *)
let cls () = print_string "\x1B[2J";;
let set_pos (x,y) =
print_string ("\x1b[" ^ string_of_int y ^ ";" ^ string_of_int x ^ "H");;
let show_board () =
set_pos (0,0);
print_endline "+-----+";
print_endline "| |";
print_endline "| |";
print_endline "| |";
print_endline "| |";
print_endline "| |";
print_endline "+-----+";;
let show_snake snake =
ignore( (fun (x,y) -> set_pos(x+1, y+1); print_char '*') snake);;
let show_apple (x,y) = set_pos(x+1, y+1); print_char 'O';;
let show_game apple snake =
cls ();
show_apple apple;
show_snake snake;
type move = Up | Down | Right | Left;;
let rec get_move () =
let s = read_line() in
if String.length s = 0 then
match s.[0] with
'w' -> Up | 's' -> Down | 'a' -> Left | 'd' -> Right
| _ -> get_move();;
let rec new_apple snake =
let x = ( 5) + 1 and
y = ( 5) + 1 in
if List.mem (x,y) snake then
new_apple snake
let add_head move snake =
match snake with
[] -> []
| ((x, y) :: _) ->
match move with
Up -> (x,y-1) :: snake
| Down -> (x,y+1) :: snake
| Right -> (x+1,y) :: snake
| Left -> (x-1,y) :: snake;;
let drop_tail = function
[] -> [];
| snake -> List.rev ( (List.rev snake));;
let is_eated apple snake =
match snake with
[] -> false
| (head :: body) -> head = apple;;
let update_state move snake apple =
let snake' = add_head move snake in
if is_eated apple snake' then
(snake', new_apple snake')
(drop_tail snake', apple);;
let is_gameover = function
[] -> false
| ((x,y) as head :: body) ->
x = 0 || x = 6 || y = 0 || y = 6 || List.mem head body;;
(* input >> update >> show loop *)
let rec game_loop snake apple =
let move = get_move() in
let (snake', apple') = update_state move snake apple in
show_game apple' snake';
if is_gameover snake' then
print_endline ("Game over snake length:" ^
string_of_int (List.length snake'))
game_loop snake' apple';;
(* main function *)
let () =
let snake = [(1,1)] in
let apple = new_apple snake in
show_game apple snake;
game_loop snake apple;;
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