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Created December 26, 2020 00:22
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240. Search a 2D Matrix II
Write an efficient algorithm that searches for a target value in an m x n integer matrix. The matrix has the following properties:
Integers in each row are sorted in ascending from left to right.
Integers in each column are sorted in ascending from top to bottom.
Example 1:
Input: matrix = [[1,4,7,11,15],[2,5,8,12,19],[3,6,9,16,22],[10,13,14,17,24],[18,21,23,26,30]], target = 5
Output: true
Example 2:
Input: matrix = [[1,4,7,11,15],[2,5,8,12,19],[3,6,9,16,22],[10,13,14,17,24],[18,21,23,26,30]], target = 20
Output: false
we can start bottom-left position to iterative matrix.
if target less than the target
we can go up from the current cell, because a column already sorted top to bottom
like row =- 1
if target grater than the target
we can go right from the current cell, because a row already sorted left to right
like col += 1
if we find target we can return true
else false
from typing import List
class Solution:
def searchMatrix(self, matrix: List[List[int]], target: int) -> bool:
#edge cases null check the matrix
if not matrix:
return False
height = len(matrix)
width = len(matrix[0])
#edge cases
if height == 0 or width == 0:
return False
#start pointer will be bottom-left
col = 0
row = height - 1
while col < width and row >= 0:
if matrix[row][col] > target:
row -= 1
elif matrix[row][col] < target:
col += 1
else: #found it
return True
return False
matrix = [[1,4,7,11,15],[2,5,8,12,19],[3,6,9,16,22],[10,13,14,17,24],[18,21,23,26,30]]
target = 20
res = Solution().searchMatrix(matrix, target)
print("res : ", res)
T(N) = O(n+m) row/col decrement/increment exatly once.
row can only be decrement m times, col can only be increment n times causing the 'while' loop to terminate, the loop can not run for more than n+m iterations.
Because all other work us constant, the overall time complexity is lienar time.
S(N) = O(1) no extra space.
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