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Created November 28, 2012 20:03
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Wolfram's 1D cellular automation in F# console
A simple F# script to display Wolfram's basic 1D cellular automaton rules as text output [1]
let runWolframRule rule cells iterations =
let compute cells ith rule =
let withBorders = 0 :: cells @ [0];
(withBorders.[ith], withBorders.[ith+1], withBorders.[ith+2])
|> fun (a,b,c) -> 0 ||| (a <<< 2) ||| (b <<< 1) ||| (c <<< 0)
|> fun bit -> if (rule &&& (1 <<< bit) <> 0 ) then 1 else 0
let toStr cells =
cells |> (function | 0 -> '.' | 1 | _ -> '#')
|> List.fold (sprintf "%s%c") ""
let computeAndPrint cells =
printfn "%s" <| toStr cells
cells |> List.mapi (fun i _ -> compute cells i rule)
|> List.fold (fun st _ -> computeAndPrint st) cells
let sampleCells x = (List.replicate x 0) @ [1] @ (List.replicate x 0)
Here's a sample output:
runWolframRule 30 sampleCells 40
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