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Last active March 12, 2024 03:25
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  • Save muratgozel/cbd643bee13c2b5cd7de89db56b3fdf2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save muratgozel/cbd643bee13c2b5cd7de89db56b3fdf2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Static page generation with puppeteer headless chrome for javascript web apps.
const os = require('os')
const crypto = require('crypto')
const path = require('path')
const fs = require('fs')
const util = require('util')
const puppeteer = require('puppeteer')
const libxml = require('libxmljs')
const dayjs = require('dayjs')
// generates static html files for server side rendering
// usage: node cd-utility/ssr $deploymentPath $locale $projectLiveURL $prevDeploymentName
// example: node cd-utility/ssr deployments/name en-us 0.1.23
function mkdirs(arr) {
// make drectories
return Promise.all(arr.filter(p => typeof p == 'string').map(function(p) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
fs.mkdir(p, {recursive: true}, function(err) {
if (err) reject(err)
else resolve(p)
function getFileLastModDate(filepath) {
try {
const lastmod = fs.statSync(filepath).mtimeMs
return dayjs(lastmod).toISOString()
} catch (e) {
return null
function getFileChecksum(filepath) {
try {
const str = fs.readFileSync(filepath, 'utf8')
return crypto.createHash('md5').update(str).digest('hex')
} catch (e) {
return null
function writeFileS(arr, str) {
// write files with same content
const wfp = util.promisify(fs.writeFile)
return Promise.all(arr.filter(p => typeof p == 'string').map(p => wfp(p, str)))
// cmd args
const deploymentDir = path.resolve(process.argv[2])
const srcDir = path.resolve(deploymentDir, '..', '..', 'source')
const locale = process.argv[3] // en-US, fr-FR, tr-TR etc.
const appURL = process.argv[4]
// get previous deployment name (which is a version number) but may also get from cmd
let oldDeploymentName = null
const historyFilepath = './changelog/history.json'
if (fs.existsSync(historyFilepath)) {
const history = JSON.parse( fs.readFileSync(historyFilepath, 'utf8') )
if (history.length > 1) {
oldDeploymentName = history[1].version
// constants
const currentDate = dayjs(
const lineBreak = os.EOL
// create an empty sitemap document
const sitemap = new libxml.Document()
const urlset = sitemap.node('urlset').attr({
xmlns: ''
// create an empty msconfig document
const msconfig = new libxml.Document()
const tile = msconfig.node('browserconfig').node('msapplication').node('tile')
function addURLToSitemap(url, lastmod = null) {
// use this function to add a url to the sitemap
if (!lastmod) {
.node('loc', url).parent()
.node('changefreq', 'daily').parent().parent()
else {
.node('loc', url).parent()
.node('lastmod', lastmod).parent()
.node('changefreq', 'daily').parent().parent()
const attachments = {
echo: function echo(str) {console.log(str)},
writeFile: util.promisify(fs.writeFile),
appendFile: util.promisify(fs.appendFile),
addNodeToMSConfigTile: function addNodeToMSConfigTile(name, src) {
tile.node(name).attr('src', src).parent()
saveView: function saveView(defaultLocale, locale, fullpath, prodAppURL) {
const page = this
defaultLocale = defaultLocale.toLowerCase()
locale = locale.toLowerCase()
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
page.content().then(function(str) {
const newHash = crypto.createHash('md5').update(str).digest('hex')
const isDefaultLocale = locale == defaultLocale
const savepaths = [deploymentDir + fullpath]
if (isDefaultLocale) savepaths.push(deploymentDir + '/' + locale + fullpath)
const filepaths = => p + '/index.html')
const webPaths = [fullpath]
if (isDefaultLocale) webPaths.push('/' + locale + fullpath)
const oldDeploymentDir = path.resolve(deploymentDir, '..', oldDeploymentName)
const oldSavePaths = [oldDeploymentDir + fullpath]
if (isDefaultLocale) oldSavePaths.push(oldDeploymentDir + '/' + locale + fullpath)
const oldFilepaths = => p + '/index.html')
const oldFileLastMod = getFileLastModDate(oldFilepaths[0])
const oldHash = getFileChecksum(oldFilepaths[0])
.then(function() {
const lastmod = oldHash !== null && oldHash == newHash
? oldFileLastMod
: currentDate
writeFileS(filepaths, str)
.then(function() {
const url = prodAppURL + fullpath
addURLToSitemap(url, lastmod)
return resolve()
}).catch(function(err) {
console.log('saveView error: ', err)
function genStaticViews(context) {
const {deploymentDir, currentDate, lineBreak} = context
// we're inside the app, render and save each static view
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
const {
viewers, settings, monument, metapatcher, locale, _, isProd
} = window[window['GOZELBOT_APPID']]
const {productionURL, locales, path} = monument
const {branding} = settings
const {app} = viewers
const viewer = app.getRouter()
const staticViewIDs = viewer.views
.filter(obj => obj.static && obj.locale == locale)
.map(obj =>
let numberOfgeneratedViews = 0
let numberOfFailedViews = 0
window.echo(staticViewIDs.length + ' views found in ' + locale + '. generating static files.')
// run only once (default locale)
if (locales[0] == locale) {
// generate pwa manifest
const manifest = {
short_name: _('projectShortName'),
name: _('projectName'),
start_url: '/#ref=pwam',
display: 'standalone',
background_color: branding.backgroundColor,
theme_color: branding.primaryColor,
icons: metapatcher.context.androidChrome.appIcons
window.writeFile(deploymentDir + '/manifest.json', JSON.stringify(manifest, null, 2))
// generate microsoft browser config xml file {
const n ='-')[1]
window.addNodeToMSConfigTile(n, obj.src)
window.addNodeToMSConfigTile('TileColor', branding.primaryColor)
// robots.txt
const robotsTXTPath = deploymentDir + '/robots.txt'
const robotsTXT = ['User-agent: *']
if (isProd) robotsTXT.push('Allow: /' + lineBreak)
else robotsTXT.push('Disallow: /' + lineBreak)
for (let i = 0; i < locales.length; i++) {
const lo = locales[i].toLowerCase()
robotsTXT.push('Sitemap: ' + productionURL + '/' + lo + '/sitemap.xml')
window.writeFile(robotsTXTPath, robotsTXT.join(lineBreak))
let timer = null
// will be called after each view change
viewer.on('afterShift', function(activeView, prevView) {
const roots = viewer.getActiveView().roots
// save page as html in v.fullpath folder
.saveView(locales[0], locale, activeView.fullpath, productionURL)
.then(function() {
// we are done with the last id
numberOfgeneratedViews += 1
// continue to shift as long as we have views
if (staticViewIDs.length > 0) shiftView(); else return resolve()
// goes to the next view
function shiftView() {
const nextViewID = staticViewIDs[staticViewIDs.length - 1]
const nextView = viewer.getViewByID(nextViewID, locale)
// will skip to the next view or cancel ssr if full render take more than timeout
timer = setTimeout(function() {
window.echo('failed ' + nextViewID + ' -> ' + nextView.fullpath)
numberOfFailedViews += 1
if (numberOfgeneratedViews === 0) {
return reject(new Error('Rendering of "' + viewer.getActiveView().id + '" took more than 3 seconds therefore skipped to the next view.'))
else {
if (staticViewIDs.length > 0) shiftView(); else return resolve()
}, 3000)
// go to the next view
window.echo('saving ' + nextViewID + ' -> ' + viewer.getViewByID(nextViewID, locale).fullpath)
// start browsing
console.log('👨‍🔧 launching chrome for ssr. (' + locale + ')')
// open browser
// only enable devtools for debugging, --lang doesnt work if it is true
//devtools: false,
//slowMo: 500,
args: [
.then(function(browser) {
// open new tab
.then(function(page) {
// set window size and user agent
page.setViewport({width: 1440, height: 768}),
page.evaluateOnNewDocument(function(lo) {
Object.defineProperty(navigator, "languages", {get: function() {return [lo];}});
Object.defineProperty(navigator, "language", {get: function() {return lo;}});
}, locale)
.then(function() {
// enter site address to the address bar, but not render
.goto(appURL + '/start.html', {waitUntil: 'networkidle0'})
.then(function() {
// attach node function to window object before render
page.exposeFunction('echo', attachments.echo),
page.exposeFunction('writeFile', attachments.writeFile),
page.exposeFunction('appendFile', attachments.appendFile),
page.exposeFunction('addNodeToMSConfigTile', attachments.addNodeToMSConfigTile),
page.exposeFunction('saveView', attachments.saveView.bind(page))
.then(function() {
// render the site
const context = {
deploymentDir: deploymentDir,
currentDate: currentDate,
lineBreak: lineBreak
.evaluate(genStaticViews, context)
.then(function() {
// save sitemap
const sPath = path.join(deploymentDir, locale.toLowerCase(), 'sitemap.xml')
fs.writeFileSync(sPath, sitemap.toString())
// save msconfig xml file
const msPath = path.join(deploymentDir, 'msconfig.xml')
fs.writeFileSync(msPath, msconfig.toString())
// close browser
.catch(function(err) {
console.log('Page evaluation error: ', err)
.catch(function(err) {
console.log('Page expose error: ', err)
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