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Created October 22, 2013 08:46
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namespace SidekiqPush;
* rubyのsidekiqのphp版クライアント
class Client {
private $redis;
private $namespace;
private $default_item = array(
'retry' => false,
'queue' => 'default',
'class' => '',
'args' => array()
public function __construct($redis, $namespace = null) {
if (is_array($redis)) {
$this->redis = new \Redis();
$this->redis->connect($redis['host'], $redis['port']);
} elseif ($redis instanceof \Redis) {
$this->redis = $redis;
} else {
throw new \Exception("Redis is undefined");
$this->namespace = $namespace;
public function perform_async($args = array()) {
$normed = $this->normalize_item($args);
return $this->push($normed);
public function perform_in($interval, $args = array()) {
$int = floatval($interval);
$now = microtime(true);
$ts = ($int < 1000000000) ? $now + $int : $int;
if ($ts > $now) {
$args['at'] = $ts;
$normed = $this->normalize_item($args);
return $this->push($normed);
private function push($item) {
$pushed = false;
if (array_key_exists('at', $item)) {
$at_key = $this->key_generate(array('schedule'));
$at = $item['at'];
$pushed = $this->redis->zAdd($at_key, $at, json_encode($item));
} else {
$set_key = $this->key_generate(array('queues'));
$list_key = $this->key_generate(array('queue', $item['queue']));
$this->redis->sAdd($set_key, $item['queue']);
$pushed = $this->redis->lPush($list_key, json_encode($item));
return $pushed;
private function compact($array) {
return array_filter($array, 'strlen');
private function key_generate($_parts) {
array_unshift($_parts, $this->namespace);
$parts = $this->compact($_parts);
return implode(':', $parts);
private function normalize_item($item) {
if (!$item['class'] || !$item['args']) {
throw new \Exception("Message must include a class and set of arguments: " . json_encode($item));
$item = array_merge($this->default_item, $item);
$item['jid'] = substr(sha1(mt_rand()), 0, 24);
$item['enqueued_at'] = microtime(true);
return $item;
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