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Last active January 12, 2022 23:54
Velvez vs. Exactoris
[1:55 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: You walk up to the cabin tower, attempting to enter and climb up to the top. But when you get to the base.
Something changes. Your eyes begin deceiving you, the ground warps beneath your feet. Your touch… your scent, your feeling. It’s all in flux, a whirlwind.
”You know…”
[1:56 AM] Velvez Garmot [MM] | Undead: What the fuck...
“nope. i don’t know.”
[1:58 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK:
I came here to correct a mistake. But I considered the possibilities, and I realized I don’t make mistakes.
[2:00 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: You lose your grip on reality, as everything begins to melt away. Heat, cold, the wind hitting your face, the absence of a body. Its all fake, its all real, its all an illusion, its all painful and bliss.
”I finally realized what it is you lack…”
[2:02 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: Until your eyes finally lay on a warping, illustrated man. Theres nothing more that can be said about him.
[2:02 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: ”…maturity.”
[2:03 AM] Velvez Garmot [MM] | Undead: “i think you lack having the balls to adMit you’ve done soMething wrong. i May be a duMbass but at least i ain’t enough’a a coward i don’t adMit it.”
[2:04 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: He doesn't acknowledge your words.
“And maturity only comes with
I learned that a long time ago...”
[2:10 AM] Velvez Garmot [MM] | Undead: “ohhh.”
Yeah, you see where this is going.
“how about you just... not? like, i figure you’re gonna pull soMethin’ ‘bout the Moths, but... leMMe suggest an alternative. one you Might find More... favorable, on a personal level.”
You spread your arms wide.
“how would ya like the satisfaction ‘a killin’ Me instead’a whatever ya were gonna do before? assuMin’ ya want Me ‘ta learn loss via Moth loss, well, if i’M dead then there ain’t the caretaker they had no More. and i’M stuck on prospit, with no way to get to My Moths and help ‘eM or let ‘eM know i’M okay.”
[2:13 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: The illustrated man laughs a little bit, and turns his head towards the moths, which have all one by one feinted to the ground. They lay, twitching.
“I won’t enjoy killing all of them, one by one…”
“…The only thing I’ll enjoy is making you watch.”
You now realize his mouth isn’t even moving, nor are his eyes. He floated down here… he isn’t walking. Your chest fills with direction, motivation, and the feeling that the odds :LIGHTaspect: might just be on your side. Regain all health, all hit dice, and all abilities.
[2:14 AM] Velvez Garmot [MM] | Undead: “nah.”
We aren’t in a strife, no?
[2:14 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: Not right now, at least.
[2:14 AM] Velvez Garmot [MM] | Undead: Is Exactoris within touching range?
[2:14 AM] Velvez Garmot [MM] | Undead: Velvez is unarmed, btw.
[2:15 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: No, but in order to get closer…
You’d have to Roll Initiative.
[2:16 AM] Velvez Garmot [MM] | Undead: Even just walking up to him, like, a casual gait?
[2:16 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: No. He knows what the plan is.
[2:16 AM] Velvez Garmot [MM] | Undead: Does he, though?
[2:16 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: ”You want to try it, don’t you?”
[2:16 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: ”You want to hit me so, so bad.”
[2:17 AM] Velvez Garmot [MM] | Undead: “nah. i ain’t gonna hit ya. i just wanna walk up to ya. hands firMly planted in My pockets, no weapons’a any kind.”
[2:18 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: ”You always said you’d come and kill me, right? That you’d make me suffer for everything I did to you, to your planet?”
[2:18 AM] Velvez Garmot [MM] | Undead: “yeah, but clearly yer in power here and i ain’t a fuckin’ idiot. i ain’t gonna fight ya.”
[2:19 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: ”Well, here I am. And now you don’t even want to fight.”
He turns to face you again.
”If you want to get any closer, you know what you have to do.”
[2:20 AM] Velvez Garmot [MM] | Undead: How far away is he currently?
[2:20 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: 30 feet.
[2:21 AM] Velvez Garmot [MM] | Undead: Okay.
“i aM literally just gonna walk up to ya.”
[2:21 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: He’s ready for what you want.
If you take another step forward, roll initiative.
[2:22 AM] Velvez Garmot [MM] | Undead: !d20
[2:22 AM]
# 13
Details:[d20 (13)]
[2:22 AM] Velvez Garmot [MM] | Undead: Initiative: 13. I doubt that beats whatever Exactoris rolls.
[2:23 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: 17. It begins.
[2:23 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: STRIFE ORDER
Exactoris, Lord of Mind.
Velvez, Pauper of Light.
[2:23 AM] Velvez Garmot [MM] | Undead: Ok, gonna start this out and use my Reaction to give myself 4 Aegis with the thing I forget the name of right now.
[2:24 AM] Velvez Garmot [MM] | Undead: Living Bulwark, that’s the one.
[2:24 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: ”You know… I feel bad, even. Go ahead, do it. I’ll let you get one free shot.”
Exactoris gives up his whole turn!
[2:24 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: Velvez’s Turn!
[2:26 AM] Velvez Garmot [MM] | Undead: “sure.”
Velvez slowly walks 30 feet towards Exactoris, and raises a foot up.
Hey ETHBK roll Athletics for exacto bitch boy please.
[2:27 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: Exactoris chooses to contest using Acrobatics!
[2:27 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: But as far as you can tell… he’s completely still, floating there.
[2:27 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: 25.
[2:28 AM] Velvez Garmot [MM] | Undead: Using Pauper’s Price...
[2:34 AM] Velvez Garmot [MM] | Undead: 66.
“get out of My cabin. dead or alive— oh wait, too late, dead.”
But the spikes on Velvez’s jacket shine, and she growls. She raises her foot up, bringing it down on his skull and dealing...
[2:35 AM] Velvez Garmot [MM] | Undead: 265 damage, fuck you. /lh
[2:36 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: You stomp him directly down into the ground as hard as you can.
And for your minor action?
[2:37 AM] Velvez Garmot [MM] | Undead: So the ultimate curb stomp didn’t kill him?
[2:38 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: Because as you do that… a few specs of cyan blood fly onto your boot. That definitely bloodied him.
But he floats back up out of the crater in your ground, which almost went all the way through. He puts his feet onto the solid ground below him, and the Illustrated Man looks down at you.
”I haven’t stepped on solid ground in decades. It almost feels good.”
[2:39 AM] Velvez Garmot [MM] | Undead: “you can fucking step duMbass so go do it.”
Free action Berserker Rage, minor action TRP. You need it.
End turn.
[2:40 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: Exactoris’s Turn.
[2:40 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: ”All of the ridicule, the empty threats, the anger and malice… It almost makes me want to smile.”
[2:41 AM] Velvez Garmot [MM] | Undead: “do you not have control over your fucking face Muscles? just sMile.”
[2:41 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: Exactoris is below half health from the curb stop. So he can dip into the depth of his player abilities.
Fury of the True Philosopher.
[2:42 AM] Velvez Garmot [MM] | Undead: Shit
[2:42 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: If Rwylon were here… he’d feel like a rip off.
[2:44 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: He wants to make sure you don’t try to run away as well…
Stand and Fight.
[2:45 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: Does 54 break Velvez’s Will?
Yes it does.
[2:45 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: She can’t get more than 30 feet away from Exactoris. She’s compelled to stay here and see it out.
This ability isn’t psionic.
[2:47 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: As a minor action, he enters a new stance. Controlled Flurry.
[2:47 AM] Velvez Garmot [MM] | Undead: God fucking damnit I’m dead aren’t i
[2:50 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: He circles you with his movement, hovering right above the ground. He takes out a large scythe, taller than you are, and it’s covered in electronic chips. The entire thing is teeming with sparks.
He now wields his Electrotherapy Blade. The tip of it’s metal drags along the dirt, creating a line in the dirt.
“I’m millions of years ahead of you… and I always have been.”
[2:51 AM] Velvez Garmot [MM] | Undead: “you’re sayin’ that like it Means anythin’ ‘ta Me.”
[2:52 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: "It will."
Now, his attack begins.
His blade flings through you in a Raze.
Muse - Topic
[2:52 AM] Velvez Garmot [MM] | Undead: oh god
[2:55 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: Your body is torn through by cold metal twice in a row. Take 39 damage and gain 12 rupture.
Additionally, since it was a successful hit.
Reverse Therapy.
[2:55 AM] Velvez Garmot [MM] | Undead: Hey hey what the fuck oh no
[2:56 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: Alchemization ability.
On successful hit, the target is Frightened until the start of your next turn, Sundered for the next 3 turns, and must pass a sanity check against your will to not become blinded.
[2:56 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: Roll Sanity.
[2:56 AM] Velvez Garmot [MM] | Undead: Ah well
[2:56 AM] Velvez Garmot [MM] | Undead: Fuck
[2:56 AM] Velvez Garmot [MM] | Undead: !d20-2 #this ain’t gonna beat the dc lol
[2:56 AM]
DiceParser: this ain’t gonna beat the dc lol
# 5
Details:[d20-2 # (7)]
[2:56 AM] Velvez Garmot [MM] | Undead: Yeah
[2:57 AM] Velvez Garmot [MM] | Undead: Also how Sundered am I?
[2:57 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: That does not break resistance, and the metal causes a shock throughout your whole body... You're completely blind, and can't see anything. You're sundered (3) and are Frightened.
[3:00 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: Additionally, despite his major and minor action being completely used up...
"I'm not finished yet."
[3:00 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: Mental Celerity.
[3:02 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: For his second major action, Exactoris reaches his hand towards you. But it isn't towards you...
It's towards your cabin. He strains ever so slightly, and the entire thing is uprooted. Pipes burst as the whole building lifts into the air, and you can hear the foundation crack.
And it floats to be right above you.
[3:03 AM] Velvez Garmot [MM] | Undead: “oh fuck you” is what Velvez would say if she wasn’t blind right now.
[3:03 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: Major Slot Lift.
[3:03 AM] Velvez Garmot [MM] | Undead: (GG gamers, and thus ends Velvez)
[3:04 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: This targets Reflex.
[3:04 AM] Velvez Garmot [MM] | Undead: Yeah those hit.
[3:06 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: The entire thing collapses right onto your head, and you take 95 damage at once. And the rupture from his blade.. It applies twice, adding 12 damage two more times for an additional 24 damage.
[3:06 AM] Velvez Garmot [MM] | Undead: Does Exactoris have anything else to do?
[3:07 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: He does. Cyan Swirl.
[3:08 AM] Velvez Garmot [MM] | Undead: Oh god dammit I’m getting one shot
[3:08 AM] Velvez Garmot [MM] | Undead: Okay this is fine /serious
[3:09 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: To spite you, he spits right at your feet with the Cyan blood in his mouth from when you stomped him. It burns into your shoe.
His racial ability does an additional 9 damage to you, turned into 21 from Rupture.
[3:09 AM] Velvez Garmot [MM] | Undead: Alright, Velvez is now at 29% HP!
[3:10 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: "One day.. you had to learn that your actions have consequences. Everything you ever said to me. It lead to this."
[3:11 AM] Velvez Garmot [MM] | Undead: “okay bud. i was half confused one third pissed and one sixth trying to get ya to solve yer own probleMs but okay.” You get out between raspy coughs of blood.
[3:11 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: He uses his remaining minor action to Intimidate you.
"Then you should have hid your immaturity too."
[3:12 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: -1 to your next attack.
[3:12 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: Velvez's Turn.
[3:12 AM] Velvez Garmot [MM] | Undead: Cool I wasn’t hitting jack diddly anyways.
[3:13 AM] Velvez Garmot [MM] | Undead: You let out a scream of rage, take your pickaxe out, and swing it at Exactoris’ face.
[3:13 AM] Velvez Garmot [MM] | Undead: !2d20kl1+6+1d4
[3:13 AM]
# 10
Details:[2d20kl1+6+1d4 (1 3 13)]
[3:13 AM] Velvez Garmot [MM] | Undead: Okay that’s a uhhhhh
[3:14 AM] Velvez Garmot [MM] | Undead: 3 plus 6 plus 1 but I think it’d be funnier if I crit failed here
[3:14 AM] Velvez Garmot [MM] | Undead: But I didn’t, so
[3:14 AM] Velvez Garmot [MM] | Undead: Yeah that’s basically my turn since a 10 don’t hit
[3:15 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: He lets you swing it right at him, not even intending to dodge...
And the entire front part of your pickaxe shatters. The metal flies back at you, ripping your jacket.
[3:15 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: "You hit much weaker than the Black and White Kings… Even with that little kick of yours."
[3:16 AM] Velvez Garmot [MM] | Undead: “the fuckin’... who now?” You wheeze.
[3:16 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: "shhhh... It'll all be over soon."
[3:16 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: Do you use your minor action, or any more abilities?
[3:17 AM] Velvez Garmot [MM] | Undead: “nah.”
You scream at the top of your lungs, in absolute fury. You will keep doing this until one of you dies.
No. Nothing you use would help. End of turn.
[3:17 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: Exactoris's Turn
He raises the Electrotherapy Blade over his head once again.
[3:20 AM] Velvez Garmot [MM] | Undead: “you’re no god. you’re a fucking coward who can’t fix your own Mistakes.”
[3:20 AM] Velvez Garmot [MM] | Undead: “and you never will.”
[3:21 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: A bronze blood sacrifice. With his major action, Raze.
[3:21 AM] Velvez Garmot [MM] | Undead: Your voice is calm, fury bubbling just under the surface.
You’ve accepted it. You flip him off with both hands and look him in his eyes as he kills you.
[3:22 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: His blade swings through you, and as he gets a little carried away, the tip arcs back into himself.
But you’ve taken the maximum amount of rupture now.
[3:22 AM] Velvez Garmot [MM] | Undead: Yep.
[3:25 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: You gain an additional 6 rupture for 18 total. You also take a healthy 15 damage, upped to 27 with Rupture.
Exactoris also takes 22 self damage, and gains 6 rupture.
He opts not to use Reverse Therapy, and you can see again.
[3:25 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: And with that, he makes another check for STAND AND FIGHT.
[3:25 AM] Velvez Garmot [MM] | Undead: He literally cannot lose the check.
[3:26 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: You’ll stay then.
[3:26 AM] Velvez Garmot [MM] | Undead: Yes.
[3:27 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: With his minor action, he puts his Electrotherapy blade away…
And brings out two small blades. They look as heavy as the Land of Gothics and Trials. Double Scalpels.
”Now… I finally get to make a real attack.”
[3:27 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: Mental Celerity.
[3:28 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: He floats towards you calmly…
And proceeds to cut you limb from limb.
Major action Slice.
[3:29 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: Minor action Dice.
[3:30 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: He uses an Endurance Point, and is filled with courage… he uses another Minor action.
[3:31 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: Another endurance point, another minor action.
[3:32 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: And as a final blow, after you’ve been destroyed by his blades.
Free action. Rend.
[3:34 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: His finger slips in one of the cuts, and he slices his own palm. He takes 18 damage, raised to 24 from his Rupture.
[3:39 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: Through the entirety of the slashes, he does 147 damage.
But for 9 attacks, and with 18 rupture, equates to an extra 162 damage. 309 total.
[3:39 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: Lobotomy would trigger here… but the fight is already over.
[3:41 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: END STRIFE
The Illustrated man wraps his arm around your bronze covered wrist, and holds you up.
He decided to hold back… and didn’t kill you. Instead you’re unable to fight back any longer, and return to 1 HP at the end of the fight. Your jacket is completely torn to shreds, however, by his scalpels. You lose Rock Sharpens Iron.
3:42 AM] Velvez Garmot [MM] | Undead: You spit blood and a tooth in his face.
“you not finishin’ Me off only proves My point.”
[3:43 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: “Even after all of this… you still think your point matters. You fail to realize that you did this, and if you had simply done what you needed to do, none of this would have happened.”
[3:44 AM] Velvez Garmot [MM] | Undead: You spit some more blood in his face. He doesn’t deserve a response.
[3:44 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: Exactoris takes a small breath as he hovers there, using hit dice to regain his lost health.
[3:44 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: “Do what you will… you’re the reason this is about to happen.”
He tosses you to the ground.
[3:45 AM] Velvez Garmot [MM] | Undead: “.....fuck you.”
[3:47 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: “You should be more respectful to me. I am about to be your only remaining next of kin, after all.”
[3:48 AM] Velvez Garmot [MM] | Undead: “ shit and die.”
[3:48 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: “Maybe I will. But not until you’ve already learned your lesson.”
[3:50 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: “Velvez… I didn’t want to do any of this. You can still make this right.”
He puts his scalpels away, turning to you.
[3:51 AM] Velvez Garmot [MM] | Undead: “go fuckin’ help the leprechauns on yer shithole. they’ve been waitin’.”
[3:53 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: “Velvez Garmot… I’ll spare the moths, your sprite, your lusus. And you.”
He turns his back to you.
“Simply do one thing for me.”
[3:53 AM] Velvez Garmot [MM] | Undead: “what do you fuckin’ want,” you spit.
[3:55 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: ”Promise to do better, daughter. Sincerely… I want you to try to do things the right way. To not be as hard to work with, to swallow your damn pride for once and be more of a philosopher than a pauper.”
[3:55 AM] Velvez Garmot [MM] | Undead: “i aM gonna ignore what ya called Me and take that how i aM going to take it which is ‘work better with others’.”
[3:57 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: ”Work better with ME. Theres no reason to be so difficult… When I was just making the sacrificed to make a better world for me, my people, and everyone. A better world for you.”
[3:57 AM] Velvez Garmot [MM] | Undead: “i will work better with you in soMe capacity.”
[3:58 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: “No. Be sincere. Apologize.”
If you say this without a depth of heart… it’ll take a Deception roll, opposed by his Insight.
[3:58 AM] Velvez Garmot [MM] | Undead: Yeah no you ain’t sorry, deception it is. Doubt this will go well LMAO
[3:58 AM] Velvez Garmot [MM] | Undead: Deception: 16
[3:59 AM] Velvez Garmot [MM] | Undead: Oh shit wait
[3:59 AM] Velvez Garmot [MM] | Undead: I have blood price back
[3:59 AM] Velvez Garmot [MM] | Undead: One moment
[4:00 AM] Velvez Garmot [MM] | Undead: Deception: 55
[4:00 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: Insight: 30
[4:02 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: “I’ll take your word on it… I know the possibilities of betrayal, working against me. And you and everything you love survive in none of them.”
He looks back at you over his shoulder.
“I’ll trust that you want to change. But I hope this has had a profound effect on your mind… You know the consequences of reckless words, reckless behavior. The pain I caused you is what your peers feel when you think AFTER you act.”
[4:03 AM] Velvez Garmot [MM] | Undead: “can ya at least fix the cabin, please?”
[4:04 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: The illustrated man becomes Exactoris once again as he begins to float away. Reality comes back to you once more.
“No. You need a reminder going forward to be better… And that I can come back at a moment’s notice.”
[4:05 AM] Velvez Garmot [MM] | Undead: “fine. i’ll fuckin’ reMake it again then.”
[4:08 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: He nods at your suggestion, and hovers off the end of your ground.
“I care for you and your brothers, Velvez… I love each and every one of you. So…
Act like it.”
[4:10 AM] Velvez Garmot [MM] | Undead: You don’t respond and try to pull yourself to your feet.
[4:14 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: You try to get up… but you can’t. Your 1 HP is more like 1/275 of a health point, and you just lay there as Exactoris flies away.
Your moths are alive, they flutter over to you to try and help you up.
But you’re alive to try again another day.
[4:14 AM] Exactoris | ETHBK: [END - ACT ONE]
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