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Created October 19, 2023 15:41
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Sample template for writing ansible modules in Powershell 7 for use on linux and windows
#sample module for using powershell core instead of python for module code
#biggest different is that the legacy windows powershell functions are not available
#example uses a 'main' function as the primary executing code, providing parameter validation and error handling in a powershell-y way
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
$ProgressPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
function Main {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
# initialize output hashtable
$result = @{}
# do stuff
# create output object hashtable or powershell object
# do error handling with throw or write-error like normal powershell
# don't use write host or have any uncontrolled outputs
# use shouldprocess like normal, the ansible check mode parameter translates to the -Whatif powershell parameter
if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($something)){
# ansible will look for a 'changed' boolean value
$result['changed'] = $true
return $result
# get main function parameters
$ast = (get-command 'Main').scriptblock.ast
$parameter_list = $ast.FindAll( { $args[0] -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.ParameterAst] }, $true) | foreach-object {$}
# import passed parameters and build filtered list for splatting
$input_json = get-content -path $args[0] -Raw
$params = Convertfrom-json -InputObject $input_json -asHashTable
# $params includes everything passed to the module
# $filtered_params includes only the passed parameters that match values in the 'Main' function
$filtered_params = $params.clone()
$params.Keys | foreach-object {
if ($parameter_list -notcontains $_) {
# pass check mode paramter as a boolean Whatif value to the module
$filtered_params.Add('Whatif', $params._ansible_check_mode)
# do not confirm changes if check mode is false
$filtered_params.Add('Confirm', $params._ansible_check_mode)
# run function and return output
Try {
$results = Main @filtered_params -verbose -WarningVariable warningvar -InformationVariable infovar -ErrorVariable errorvar -warningaction silentlycontinue 4> {$verbosevar}
} Catch {
#if main functions returns any error, return error output as failure message
$results['failed'] = $true
$results['msg'] = $errorvar
} Finally {
#populate other streams and return output
$results['warning_stream'] = $warningvar.Message
$results['information_stream'] = $infovar.MessageData
$results['verbose_stream'] = $verbosevar
$results | convertto-json -Compress
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