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Created September 29, 2014 10:05
Server Contract default creation input
## What are useful defaults?
### Server Id string
OTLog::Output(0, "Enter the ServerID for your server contract: ");
strServerID = OT_CLI_ReadLine();
### Nym id of server contract signer
OTLog::Output(0, "Enter the Server User ID (the NymID of the Nym who "
"signed the server contract): ");
strNymID = OT_CLI_ReadLine();
### Cached key (base64) of above nym
OTLog::Output(0, "Paste the cached key (ONLY the base64-encoded portion) "
"below, from wallet.xml for that Nym.\n"
"Terminate with '~' on a line by itself.\n\n");
strCachedKey = OT_CLI_ReadUntilEOF();
### Server nym cert file contents
OTLog::Output(0, "Paste the contents of the server Nym's certfile, "
"including public/PRIVATE, below.\n"
"NOTE: LEAVE THIS BLANK unless you REALLY want to use the "
"OLD system. If you leave this\n"
"blank (preferred), it will instead use the new "
"credentials system. (Just make sure\n"
"you copied over the \"credentials\" folder, as described "
"above, since we're about to\n"
"use it, if you leave this blank.)\n"
"Terminate with '~' on a line by itself.\n\n");
strCert = OT_CLI_ReadUntilEOF();
### Complete signed server contract terminated by '\n~'
OTLog::Output(0, "Paste the complete, signed, server contract below. (You "
"must already have it.)\n"
"Terminate with '~' on a line by itself.\n\n");
strContract = OT_CLI_ReadUntilEOF();
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