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Last active December 10, 2015 01:28
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  • Save musaid/4359624 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save musaid/4359624 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
VIM config file. personal use only
" Musaid's standard settings for VIM
" Author: musaid ( []
" Version: 1.0
" Smart tabbing / autoindenting
set undolevels=200
set nocompatible
set autoindent
set smarttab
" Allow backspace to back over lines
set backspace=2
set exrc
set shiftwidth=4
set tabstop=4
set cino=t0
" write automatically on swapping
set autowrite
set noshowcmd
if exists('&selection')
set selection=exclusive
if has("gui_running")
" set the font to use
set guifont=Ubuntu:h10
" Hide the mouse pointer while typing
set mousehide
"Special error formats that handles borland make, greps
"Error formats :
" line = line number
" file = file name
" etype = error type ( a single character )
" enumber = error number
" column = column number
" message = error message
" _ = space
" file(line)_:_etype [^0-9] enumber:_message
" [^"] "file" [^0-9] line:_message
" file(line)_:_message
" [^ ]_file_line:_message
" file:line:message
" etype [^ ]_file_line:_message
" etype [^:]:__file(line,column):message = Borland ??
" file:line:message
" etype[^_]file_line_column:_message
set efm=%*[^\ ]\ %t%n\ %f\ %l:\ %m,%\\s%#%f(%l)\ :\ %t%*[^0-9]%n:\ %m,%*[^\"]\"%f\"%*[^0-9]%l:\ %m,%\\s%#%f(%l)\ :\ %m,%*[^\ ]\ %f\ %l:\ %m,%f:%l:%m,%t%*[^\ ]\ %f\ %l:\ %m,%t%*[^:]:\ \ %f(%l\\,%c):%m,%f:%l:%m,%t%*[^\ ]\ %f\ %l\ %c:\ %m
" This changes the status bar highlight slightly from the default
" " set highlight=8b,db,es,mb,Mn,nu,rs,ss,tb,vr,ws
" make things quiet
set visualbell
" make room for errors
set cmdheight=2
" always show a status line
au VimEnter * set laststatus=2
set ruler
" Use a viminfo file
set viminfo='20,\"50
"set path=.,d:\wave,d:\wave\include,d:\wave\fdt
set textwidth=80 " always limit the width of text to 80
set backup " keep a backup file
set backupext=.bak
" make history accessible
set history=200
" Map Y do be analog of D
map Y y$
" Toggle paste
map zp :set paste! paste?<CR>
" From the vimrc of 'Peppe'
" So I can get to ,
noremap g, ,
" Go to old line + column
noremap gf gf`"
noremap <C-^> <C-^>`"
" Switch off search pattern highlighting.
set nohlsearch
"Toggle search pattern hilighting and display the value
if v:version >=600
map <f7> :nohlsearch<CR>
map <f7> :set hlsearch! hlsearch?<CR>
imap <f7> <C-O><f7>
"Ctags mapping for <alt n> and <alt p>
map <M-n> :cn<cr>z.:cc<CR>
map <M-p> :cp<cr>z.:cc<CR>
set shellpipe=2>&1\|tee
"set shellpipe=\|grep\ -v\ NOTE:\|tee
" Set nice colors
" background for normal text is light grey
" Text below the last line is darker grey
" Cursor is green
" Constants are not underlined but have a slightly lighter background
" highlight Normal guibg=grey95
highlight Cursor guibg=Red guifg=NONE
highlight Visual guifg=Sys_HighlightText guibg=Sys_Highlight gui=NONE
" highlight NonText guibg=grey90
" highlight Constant gui=NONE guibg=grey95
" highlight Special gui=NONE guibg=grey95
if has("gui_running")
"if &columns < 90 && &lines < 32
" win 90 32
au GUIEnter * win 90 32
" endif
" Make external commands work through a pipe instead of a pseudo-tty
set noguipty
" Map control-cr to goto new line without comment leader
imap <C-CR> <ESC>o
" Look at syntax attribute
nmap <F4> :echo synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 1), "name")<CR>
nmap <S-F4> :echo synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 0), "name")<CR>
" delete the swap file
nmap \\. :echo strpart("Error Deleted",7*(0==delete(expand("%:p:h")."/.".expand("%:t").".swp")),7)<cr>
" delete prev word
imap <C-BS> <c-w>
set joinspaces
" Today
if !exists('usersign')
let usersign=$username
imap <F2> <C-R>=strftime("%d%b%Y")." ".usersign.":"<CR>
if has("menu")
imenu 35.60 &Insert.&Date<tab>F2 <c-r>=strftime("%d%b%Y")." ".usersign.":"<CR>
menu 35.60 &Insert.&Date<tab>F2 "=strftime("%d%b%Y")." ".usersign.":"<CR>p
imenu 35.60 &Insert.Date\ and\ &Username <c-r>=strftime("%d%b%Y")<CR>
menu 35.60 &Insert.Date\ and\ &Username "=strftime("%d%b%Y")<CR>p
set listchars=eol:¶,tab:›…,trail:_
" Enable 'wild menus'
set wildmenu
set showfulltag
set display+=lastline
set printoptions=syntax:y,wrap:y
" Switch on syntax highlighting.
syntax on
" Switch line numbers on
set number
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