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Forked from odersky/FoldingViews.scala
Last active August 29, 2015 14:11
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package scalax.collection
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
/** FoldTransformers and the views based on them are a Scala
* adaptation, and to some degree an extension, of Rich Hickey's
* transducers for Clojure. They show that the concepts can be
* implemented in a type-safe way, and that the implementation is
* quite beautiful.
object FoldingViews {
/** The type of left folds */
type FoldL[-A, R] = (R, A) => R
/** The type of lazy right folds */
type FoldR[-A, R] = (A, => R) => R
/** A `FoldTransformer` is a transform that
* adds a specific operation in front of both a left fold and
* a right fold
abstract class FoldTransformer[-A, +B] extends { self =>
/** Extend left fold by prefixing it with some operation */
def left[R] (r: FoldL[B, R]): FoldL[A, R]
/** Extend lazy right fold by prefixing it with some operation */
def right[R](r: FoldR[B, R]): FoldR[A, R]
/** A class backing transformers created by `andThen` */
class CombinedTransformer[C](that: FoldTransformer[B, C]) extends FoldTransformer[A, C] {
def left[R](r: FoldL[C, R]): FoldL[A, R] = self.left(that.left(r))
def right[R](r: FoldR[C, R]): FoldR[A, R] = self.right(that.right(r))
override def fresh: FoldTransformer[A, C] = {
val self1 = self.fresh
val that1 = that.fresh
if ((self1 eq self) && (that1 eq that)) this
else self1 andThen that1
/** Compose this fold transformer with another one, analogous
* to function composition.
def andThen[C](that: FoldTransformer[B, C]): FoldTransformer[A, C] =
if (canAbort || that.canAbort)
new CombinedTransformer[C](that) {
override def canAbort = true
override def done = self.done || that.done
new CombinedTransformer[C](that)
/** Return a fresh copy of this fold transformer. The operation
* is different from the identity for fold-transformers that
* contain an operation that accesses some local mutable state.
def fresh: FoldTransformer[A, B] = this
/** Can one of the operations in this transformer abort prematurely, i.e. can it yield a result without
* traversing the whole underlying collection?
def canAbort = false
/** Has one of the operations in this transformer completed?
def done = false
/** A fold transformer that contains a `count` field as local mutable state */
abstract class CountingFoldTransformer[A, B] extends FoldTransformer[A, B] with Cloneable {
var count = 0
override def fresh = {
val result = clone.asInstanceOf[CountingFoldTransformer[A, B]]
result.count = 0
/** The fold transformer implementing a `map` operation */
class MapFT[A, B](f: A => B) extends FoldTransformer[A, B] {
def left[R](r: FoldL[B, R]): FoldL[A, R] =
(acc, elem) => r(acc, f(elem))
def right[R](r: FoldR[B, R]): FoldR[A, R] =
(elem, acc) => r(f(elem), acc)
/** The fold transformer implementing a `filter` operation */
class FilterFT[A](p: A => Boolean) extends FoldTransformer[A, A] {
def left[R](r: FoldL[A, R]): FoldL[A, R] =
(acc: R, elem: A) => if (p(elem)) r(acc, elem) else acc
def right[R](r: FoldR[A, R]): FoldR[A, R] =
(elem, acc) => if (p(elem)) r(elem, acc) else acc
/** The fold transformer implementing a `flatMap` operation
* Note: The function `f` should have type `f: A => Seq[B]` once
* views are integrated into Scala collections as a subtype of
* `scala.collection.Seq`.
class FlatMapFT[A, B](f: A => View[B]) extends FoldTransformer[A, B] {
def left[R](r: FoldL[B, R]): FoldL[A, R] =
(acc, elem) => f(elem).foldLeft(acc)(r)
def right[R](r: FoldR[B, R]): FoldR[A, R] =
(elem, acc) => f(elem).foldRightLzy(acc)(r)
/** The identity fold transformer */
class IdentityFT[A] extends FoldTransformer[A, A] {
def left[R](r: FoldL[A, R]) = {(acc, elem) =>
println(s"touching $elem") // debug
r(acc, elem)
def right[R](r: FoldR[A, R]) = {(elem, acc) =>
//println(s"touching $elem") // debug
r(elem, acc)
class SliceFT[A](start: Int, end: Int) extends CountingFoldTransformer[A, A] {
def left[R](r: FoldL[A, R]): FoldL[A, R] =
(acc, elem) =>
if (count >= end) acc
else {
count += 1
if (count < start) acc
else r(acc, elem)
def right[R](r: FoldR[A, R]): FoldR[A, R] =
(elem, acc) =>
if (count >= end) acc
else {
count += 1
if (count < start) acc
else r(elem, acc)
override def canAbort = true
override def done = count >= end
/** The fold transformer implementing a `takeWhile` operation */
class TakeWhileFT[A](p: A => Boolean) extends CountingFoldTransformer[A, A] {
def left[R](r: FoldL[A, R]): FoldL[A, R] = {
(acc, elem) =>
count = if (count >= 0 && !p(elem)) -(count + 1) else count + 1
if (count >= 0) r(acc, elem)
else acc
def right[R](r: FoldR[A, R]): FoldR[A, R] = {
(elem, acc) =>
count = if (count >= 0 && !p(elem)) -(count + 1) else count + 1
if (count >= 0) r(elem, acc)
else acc
override def canAbort = true
override def done = count < 0
/** The fold transformer implementing a `dropWhile` operation */
class DropWhileFT[A](p: A => Boolean) extends CountingFoldTransformer[A, A] {
def left[R](r: FoldL[A, R]): FoldL[A, R] = {
(acc, elem) =>
count = if (count >= 0 && !p(elem)) -(count + 1) else count + 1
if (count < 0) r(acc, elem)
else acc
def right[R](r: FoldR[A, R]): FoldR[A, R] = {
(elem, acc) =>
count = if (count >= 0 && !p(elem)) -(count + 1) else count + 1
if (count < 0) r(elem, acc)
else acc
/** The fold transformer implementing a `zipWithIndex` operation */
class ZipWithIndexFT[A] extends CountingFoldTransformer[A, (A, Int)] {
def left[R](r: FoldL[(A, Int), R]): FoldL[A, R] = {
(acc, elem) =>
count += 1
r(acc, (elem, count - 1))
def right[R](r: FoldR[(A, Int), R]): FoldR[A, R] = {
(elem, acc) =>
count += 1
r((elem, count - 1), acc)
/** An instance of type `View[B]` is a lazy sequence of elements of type `B`,
* represented by some source sequence and a fold transformer.
* Operations that go from view to view are expressed by composing
* fold transformers. Operations from view to something else are
* expressed by foldLefts or foldRights.
abstract class View[B] { self =>
/** The type of the elements of the source sequence */
type A
/** The source sequence */
val source: Seq[A]
/** The fold transformer */
def transformer: FoldTransformer[A, B]
/** Create new view by composing current fold transformer with a new one */
def andThen[C](t: FoldTransformer[B, C]) = new View[C] {
type A = self.A
val source = self.source
def transformer: FoldTransformer[A, C] = self.transformer andThen t
private def combineLeft[R](xs: Seq[A], z: R, f: (R, A) => R, done: R => Boolean): R =
if (xs.isEmpty || done(z)) z
else combineLeft(xs.tail, f(z, xs.head), f, done)
private def combineRight[R](xs: Seq[A], z: R, f: (A, => R) => R): R =
if (xs.isEmpty) z
else f(xs.head, combineRight(xs.tail, z, f))
/** The foldLeft operation over this view */
def foldLeft[C](z: C)(f: (C, B) => C): C = {
val trans = transformer.fresh
combineLeft[C](source, z, trans.left(f), _ => trans.done)
/** The foldLeft operation over this view */
def foldLeft[C](z: C, done: C => Boolean)(f: (C, B) => C): C = {
val trans = transformer.fresh
combineLeft[C](source, z, trans.left(f), z => done(z) || trans.done)
/** The lazy fold right operation over this view */
def foldRightLzy[C](z: => C)(f: (B, => C) => C): C = {
val trans = transformer.fresh
combineRight(source, z, trans.right(f))
/** View to view transformation */
def map[C](f: B => C): View[C] = andThen(new MapFT(f))
def filter(p: B => Boolean): View[B] = andThen(new FilterFT(p))
def flatMap[C](f: B => View[C]) = andThen(new FlatMapFT(f))
def slice(from: Int, end: Int) = andThen(new SliceFT(from, end))
def take(n: Int) = slice(0, n)
def drop(n: Int) = slice(n, Int.MaxValue)
def takeWhile(p: B => Boolean) = andThen(new TakeWhileFT(p))
def dropWhile(p: B => Boolean) = andThen(new DropWhileFT(p))
def zipWithIndex = andThen(new ZipWithIndexFT[B])
def partition(p: B => Boolean): (View[B], View[B]) = (filter(p), filter(!p(_)))
/** Going from a view to something else */
def indexOf(p: B => Boolean) =
zipWithIndex.foldLeft(-1, (_: Int) >= 0) { (acc, xn) =>
val (x, n) = xn
if (p(x)) n else acc
def find(p: B => Boolean) =
foldLeft(None: Option[B], (_: Option[B]).isDefined)(
(acc, elem) => if (p(elem)) Some(elem) else acc)
def toList: List[B] = foldLeft(new ListBuffer[B])(_ += _).toList
def toStream: Stream[B] = foldRightLzy(Stream.Empty: Stream[B])(_ #:: _)
override def toString = //toStream.toString
s"View(${toList mkString ", "})"
/** A factory object for views */
object View {
def apply[T](xs: Seq[T]) = new View[T] {
type A = T
val source = xs
def transformer = new IdentityFT
/** Tentative class to make views evaluate in parallel.
* A parallel view is a normal view that has in addition `fold`
* and `reduce` operations that might evaluate in parallel.
abstract class ParView[B] extends View[B] {
/** System-dependent operation which indicates whether
* the computation of this view should be handled by more than one
* thread
def shouldSplit: Boolean = ???
/** Split view into two halfs which can be treated in parallel */
def split: (ParView[B], ParView[B]) = ???
/** Perform to operations in parallel */
def inParallel[T, U](op1: T, op2: U): (T, U) = ???
/** Evaluate operation in parallel on this view.
* @param C The type of the result
* @param z The identity element of the operation
* @param leftOp A version of the operation which combines a result with a view element
* @param assocOp A version of the operation which combines two results.
def fold[C](z: C)(leftOp: (C, B) => C)(assocOp: (C, C) => C): C =
if (shouldSplit) {
val (lv, rv) = split
val (l, r) = inParallel(
assocOp(l, r)
else foldLeft(z)(leftOp)
/** Evaluate binary operation on the view element type in parallel.
* @param z The identity element of the operation
* @param op The operation to apply
def reduce(z: B)(op: (B, B) => B): B = fold(z)(op)(op)
/** Evaluate in parallel, resulting in Vector */
def toVector: Vector[B] =
fold(Vector[B]())(_ :+ _)(_ ++ _)
/** A decorator for summable parallel collections */
implicit class Summable(val pv: ParView[Int]) extends AnyVal {
def sum = pv.reduce(0)(_ + _)
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