March 27, 2019 01:42
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Vim Config
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
" vundle 环境设置 | |
filetype off | |
set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim/ | |
call vundle#begin() | |
" Define bundles via github repos | |
Plugin 'VundleVim/Vundle.vim' | |
Plugin 'scrooloose/nerdtree' | |
Plugin 'scrooloose/syntastic' | |
Plugin 'Valloric/YouCompleteMe' | |
Plugin 'marijnh/tern_for_vim' | |
Plugin 'ctrlpvim/ctrlp.vim' | |
Plugin 'airblade/vim-gitgutter' | |
Plugin 'Xuyuanp/nerdtree-git-plugin' | |
Plugin 'vim-airline/vim-airline' | |
Plugin 'leafgarland/typescript-vim' | |
Plugin 'Yggdroot/indentLine' | |
Plugin 'w0rp/ale' | |
" theme | |
Plugin 'dracula/vim' | |
Plugin 'liuchengxu/space-vim-dark' | |
call vundle#end() | |
filetype plugin indent on |
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
set nocompatible | |
if filereadable(expand("~/.vimrc.bundles")) | |
source ~/.vimrc.bundles | |
endif | |
let mapleader=";" | |
" Highlight current line | |
set cursorline | |
" history存储长度 | |
set history=1000 | |
" Syntax hightlight | |
syntax enable | |
" 允许用指定语法高亮配色方案替换默认方案 | |
syntax on | |
" Basic Settings | |
" 相对行号 | |
set relativenumber | |
" Numbers | |
set number | |
set numberwidth=5 | |
set ruler | |
set laststatus=2 | |
set showcmd | |
set fileencodings=utf-8,gb2312,gb18030,gbk,ucs-bom,cp936,latin1 | |
" turn backup off | |
set nobackup | |
set nowb | |
set noswapfile | |
set ai | |
set si | |
set so=15 | |
" Open new split panes to right and bottom, which feels more natural | |
set splitbelow | |
set splitright | |
" 开启实时搜索功能 | |
set hlsearch | |
set ignorecase | |
set smartcase | |
set incsearch | |
" vim 自身命令行模式智能补全 | |
set wildmenu | |
" Softtabs, 2 spaces | |
" 将制表符扩展为空格 | |
set expandtab | |
" 设置编辑时制表符占用空格数 | |
set tabstop=2 | |
" 设置格式化时制表符占用空格数 | |
set shiftwidth=2 | |
" 让 vim 把连续数量的空格视为一个制表符 | |
set softtabstop=2 | |
set shiftround | |
" Display extra whitespace | |
set list listchars=tab:▸\ ,trail:·,precedes:←,extends:→ | |
" Make it obvious where 80 characters is | |
set textwidth=120 | |
set colorcolumn=+1 | |
" Tab completion | |
" will insert tab at beginning of line, | |
" will use completion if not at beginning | |
set wildmode=list:longest,list:full | |
function! InsertTabWrapper() | |
let col = col('.') - 1 | |
if !col || getline('.')[col - 1] !~ '\k' | |
return "\<tab>" | |
else | |
return "\<c-p>" | |
endif | |
endfunction | |
inoremap <Tab> <c-r>=InsertTabWrapper()<cr> | |
inoremap <S-Tab> <c-n> | |
" Nerd Tree | |
let NERDChristmasTree=0 | |
let NERDTreeWinSize=40 | |
let NERDTreeChDirMode=2 | |
let NERDTreeIgnore=['\~$', '\.pyc$', '\.swp$'] | |
let NERDTreeShowBookmarks=1 | |
let NERDTreeWinPos="right" | |
let NERDTreeShowHidden=1 | |
" Close vim if the only window left open is a NERDTree | |
autocmd bufenter * if (winnr("$") == 1 && exists("b:NERDTreeType") && b:NERDTreeType == "primary") | q | endif | |
nmap <F5> :NERDTreeToggle<cr> | |
" IndentLine | |
let g:indentLine_setColors = 239 | |
let g:indentLine_char = '¦' | |
nnoremap <leader>i :IndentLinesToggle<cr> | |
" Snippets author | |
let g:snips_author = 'Musicq' | |
" theme | |
" colorscheme dracula | |
" set background=dark | |
" let g:enable_bold_font=1 | |
" colorscheme molokai | |
" set background=dark | |
" let g:molokai_original = 1 | |
colorscheme space-vim-dark | |
set termguicolors | |
hi Comment guifg=#5C6370 ctermfg=59 | |
hi LineNr ctermbg=NONE guibg=NONE | |
" Syntastic | |
set statusline+=%#warningmsg# | |
set statusline+=%{SyntasticStatuslineFlag()} | |
set statusline+=%* | |
" let g:syntastic_always_populate_loc_list = 1 | |
let g:syntastic_auto_loc_list = 1 | |
let g:syntastic_check_on_open = 1 | |
let g:syntastic_check_on_wq = 0 | |
let g:syntastic_loc_list_height = 5 | |
"" Checkers | |
""" javascript | |
let g:syntastic_javascript_checkers = ['eslint'] | |
let g:syntastic_javascript_eslint_exec = 'eslint_d' | |
""" typescript | |
" let g:typescript_indent_disable = 1 | |
let g:syntastic_typescript_checkers = ['tslint'] | |
let g:syntastic_typescript_tslint_exec = 'tslint' | |
let g:syntastic_typescript_tsc_fname = '' | |
" YouCompleteMe | |
let g:ycm_error_symbol = '>>' | |
let g:ycm_warning_symbol = '>*' | |
nnoremap <leader>gl :YcmCompleter GoToDeclaration<CR> | |
nnoremap <leader>gf :YcmCompleter GoToDefinition<CR> | |
nnoremap <leader>gg :YcmCompleter GoToDefinitionElseDeclaration<CR> | |
" ctrlp | |
let g:ctrlp_map = '<leader>ff' | |
let g:ctrlp_cmd = 'CtrlP' | |
map <leader>fp :CtrlPMRU<CR> | |
if executable('ag') | |
" Use Ag over Grep | |
set grepprg=ag\ --nogroup\ --nocolor | |
" Use ag in CtrlP for listing files. | |
let g:ctrlp_user_command = 'ag %s -l --nocolor -g ""' | |
" Ag is fast enough that CtrlP doesn't need to cache | |
let g:ctrlp_use_caching = 0 | |
endif | |
set wildignore+=*/tmp/*,*.so,*.swp,*.zip " MacOSX/Linux | |
let g:ctrlp_custom_ignore = '\v[\/]\.(git|hg|svn)$' | |
let g:ctrlp_custom_ignore = { | |
\ 'dir': '\v[\/](\.(git|hg|svn)|node_modules)$', | |
\ 'file': '\v\.(exe|so|dll)$', | |
\ 'link': 'some_bad_symbolic_links', | |
\ } | |
" powerline | |
" let g:Powerline_symbols = 'fancy' | |
set encoding=utf-8 | |
set laststatus=2 | |
" 鼠标样式 | |
let &t_SI = "\<Esc>]50;CursorShape=1\x7" | |
let &t_SR = "\<Esc>]50;CursorShape=2\x7" | |
let &t_EI = "\<Esc>]50;CursorShape=0\x7" | |
" switch tab | |
nnoremap <leader>2 :tabnext<cr> | |
nnoremap <leader>1 :tabprevious<cr> | |
" ALE | |
let g:ale_fixers = { | |
\ '*': ['remove_trailing_lines', 'trim_whitespace'], | |
\ 'javascript': ['prettier', 'eslint'], | |
\ 'typescript': ['prettier', 'tslint'], | |
\} | |
"" Set this variable to 1 to fix files when you save them. | |
let g:ale_fix_on_save = 1 | |
"" Enable completion where available. | |
" let g:ale_completion_enabled = 1 |
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