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Last active August 29, 2015 14:08
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Save muskie9/0a1a5349c528dc1c7af2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
class Locator extends Page {
private static $db = array(
'AutoGeocode' => 'Boolean',
'ModalWindow' => 'Boolean',
'Unit' => 'Enum("km,m","m")'
private static $has_many = array(
'Locations' => 'Location'
private static $defaults = array(
'AutoGeocode' => true
private static $singular_name = "Locator";
private static $plural_name = "Locators";
private static $description = 'Find locations on a map';
public function getCMSFields() {
$fields = parent::getCMSFields();
// Locations Grid Field
$config = GridFieldConfig_RecordEditor::create();
$locations = $this->Locations();
$fields->addFieldToTab("Root.Locations", GridField::create("Locations", "Locations", $locations, $config));
// Location categories
$config = GridFieldConfig_RecordEditor::create();
$fields->addFieldToTab("Root.Categories", GridField::create("Categories", "Categories", LocationCategory::get(), $config));
// Settings
$fields->addFieldsToTab('Root.Settings', array(
HeaderField::create('DisplayOptions', 'Display Options', 3),
OptionsetField::create('Unit', 'Unit of measure', array('km' => 'Kilometers', 'm' => 'Miles')),
CheckboxField::create('AutoGeocode', 'Auto Geocode - Automatically filter map results based on user location')
->setDescription('Note: if any locations are set as featured, the auto geocode is automatically disabled.'),
CheckboxField::create('ModalWindow', 'Modal Window - Show Map results in a modal window')
$this->extend('updateCMSFields', $fields);
return $fields;
public static function getLocations($filter = array(), $exclude = array()){
$filter['ShowInLocator'] = true;
return Location::get()
->exclude('Lat', 0)
public function getAreLocations(){
return self::getLocations();
public function getMultipleLocators(){
return (Locator::get()->count() > 1) ? true : false;
//TODO implement this on delete, not unpublish as it is now
/*public function onBeforeDelete(){
$locations = Location::get()->filter(array('LocatorID' => $this->ID));
foreach($locations as $location){
$location->LocatorID = 0;
class Locator_Controller extends Page_Controller {
// allowed actions
private static $allowed_actions = array('xml');
// Set Requirements based on input from CMS
public function init() {
$themeDir = SSViewer::get_theme_folder();
$featured = (Locator::getLocations(array('Featured' => 1))->count() > 0) ?
'featuredLocations: true' :
'featuredLocations: false';
// map config based on user input in Settings tab
// AutoGeocode or Full Map
$load = ($this->data()->AutoGeocode) ?
'autoGeocode: true, fullMapStart: false,' :
'autoGeocode: false, fullMapStart: true, storeLimit: 1000, maxDistance: true,';
$absoluteBase = getcwd();//get current working dir
$base = str_replace('/framework','',$absoluteBase);//remove framework if .htaccess is working
$themePath = $base."/".$themeDir;
$listTemplatePath = (file_exists($themePath . '/templates/location-list-description.html')) ?
$themeDir . '/templates/location-list-description.html' :
$infowindowTemplatePath = (file_exists($themePath . '/templates/infowindow-description.html')) ?
$themeDir . '/templates/infowindow-description.html' :
// in page or modal
$modal = ($this->data()->ModalWindow) ? 'modalWindow: true' : 'modalWindow: false';
$kilometer = ($this->data()->Unit == 'km') ? 'lengthUnit: "km"' : 'lengthUnit: "m"';
// init map
if(Locator::getLocations()) {
$(function($) {
" . $load . "
dataLocation: '" . $this->Link() . "xml.xml',
listTemplatePath: '" . $listTemplatePath . "',
infowindowTemplatePath: '" . $infowindowTemplatePath . "',
originMarker: true,
" . $modal . ",
" . $featured . ",
slideMap: false,
zoomLevel: 0,
distanceAlert: 120,
formID: 'Form_LocationSearch',
inputID: 'Form_LocationSearch_address',
categoryID: 'Form_LocationSearch_category',
distanceAlert: -1,
" . $kilometer . "
* Find all locations for map
* By default, will return a XML feed of all locations marked "show in locator".
* If Locator::set_datasource('') is set in _config.php, Locator will look
* for a JSON feed and return the results.
* @access public
* @return XML file
* @todo throw exception if no get var in url and multiple locator pages
public function xml(SS_HTTPRequest $request) {
$filter = array();
$filter['LocatorID'] = $request->getVar('locatorID');
$Locations = Locator::getLocations($filter);
return $this->customise(array(
'Locations' => $Locations
* LocationSearch form.
* Search form for locations, updates map and results list via AJAX
* @access public
* @return Form
public function LocationSearch() {
$fields = FieldList::create(
$address = TextField::create('address', '')
$address->setAttribute('placeholder', 'address or zip code');
if (LocationCategory::get()->Count() > 0) {
$filter = ($this->data()->getMultipleLocators()) ? array('LocatorID' => $this->data()->ID) : array();
$locals = Locator::getLocations($filter, $exclude = array('CategoryID' => 0));
$categories = ArrayList::create();
foreach($locals as $local){
$categories->map('Title', 'Title')
)->setEmptyString('Select Category'));
$actions = FieldList::create(
FormAction::create('', 'Search')
return Form::create($this, 'LocationSearch', $fields, $actions);
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