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Last active August 29, 2015 14:14
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  • Save muskie9/1bc96d343de4e4316bb7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save muskie9/1bc96d343de4e4316bb7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
require_once( dirname(dirname(__FILE__)).'/thirdparty/simple_html_dom.php' );
// Transforms the content area of the page
// Usage:
// $Content.Parse(ContentParser)
class ContentParser extends TextParser {
public function parse() {
$html = str_get_html($this->content);
if ( !$html ) {
return $this->content;
// Add 'responsive' class to tables
$tables = $html->find('table');
foreach($tables as $table ) {
$table->class = trim($table->class . ' responsive');
// Add anchors and back to top links before H3 elements - linked to by sidebar
$headings = $html->find('h3');
foreach( $headings as $Pos => $heading ) {
$Pos = $Pos + 1; // $Pos is 1-indexed
$newOuterText = '<a name="heading-'.$Pos.'"></a>' . $heading->outertext;
// If there are 2 or more headings, add back to top before each one (but not the top one)
if ( count($headings) >= 2 && $Pos != 1 ) {
$newOuterText = '<p class="back-to-top"><a href="#top">Back to top</a></p>' . $newOuterText;
$heading->outertext = $newOuterText;
// IMG elements need a bunch of stuff, can be tricky!
$imgs = $html->find('img');
foreach( $imgs as $img ) {
$target = $img;
$src = '/' . $img->src;
$alt = $img->alt;
$title = $img->title;
$class = ( $img->class == 'right' ? 'span3 build-figure-portrait build-figure-right' : 'build-figure-landscape' );
$orientation = ($img->class == 'right' ? 'Portrait' : 'Landscape' );
$imgAltSpan = $img->parent()->find('span', 0);
if ($imgAltSpan) $imgAltText = $imgAltSpan->plaintext; else $imgAltText = $alt;
// Youtube video divs need the 'build-content-video' class added
$iframes = $html->find('iframe');
foreach( $iframes as $iframe ) {
$parent = $iframe->parent();
if ( $parent->tag == 'div' && strpos($parent->class, 'thumbnail=') !== false ) {
$parent->class = trim($parent->class . ' build-content-video');
$string = $html->save();
// Add a final back to top link if there are 2 or more headings
if ( count($headings) >= 2 ) {
$string = $string . '<p class="back-to-top"><a href="#top">Back to top</a></p>';
return $string;
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