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Created April 3, 2017 13:30
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[00:00:00] Build started
[00:00:00] git clone -q C:\projects\jld-jl-28dqq
[00:00:02] git fetch -q origin +refs/pull/145/merge:
[00:00:02] git checkout -qf FETCH_HEAD
[00:00:02] Running Install scripts
[00:00:02] if ($env:APPVEYOR_PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER -and $env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_NUMBER -ne ((Invoke-RestMethod `$env:APPVEYOR_ACCOUNT_NAME/$env:APPVEYOR_PROJECT_SLUG/history?recordsNumber=50).builds | ` Where-Object pullRequestId -eq $env:APPVEYOR_PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER)[0].buildNumber) { ` throw "There are newer queued builds for this pull request, failing early." }
[00:00:03] (new-object net.webclient).DownloadFile($(""+$env:JULIAVERSION), "C:\projects\julia-binary.exe")
[00:00:05] C:\projects\julia-binary.exe /S /D=C:\projects\julia
[00:00:21] IF EXIST .git\shallow (git fetch --unshallow)
[00:00:21] C:\projects\julia\bin\julia --startup-file=yes -e "versioninfo(); Pkg.clone(pwd(), \"JLD\");\"JLD\")"
[00:00:24] Julia Version 0.6.0-pre.alpha.329
[00:00:24] Commit cded1db* (2017-03-31 00:28 UTC)
[00:00:24] Platform Info:
[00:00:24] OS: Windows (i686-w64-mingw32)
[00:00:24] CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2680 v3 @ 2.50GHz
[00:00:24] WORD_SIZE: 32
[00:00:24] BLAS: libopenblas (DYNAMIC_ARCH NO_AFFINITY Nehalem)
[00:00:24] LAPACK: libopenblas
[00:00:24] LIBM: libopenlibm
[00:00:24] LLVM: libLLVM-3.9.1 (ORCJIT, haswell)
[00:00:24] INFO: Initializing package repository C:\Users\appveyor\.julia\v0.6
[00:00:24] INFO: Cloning METADATA from
[00:00:41] INFO: Cloning JLD from C:\projects\jld-jl-28dqq
[00:00:41] INFO: Computing changes...
[00:00:46] INFO: Cloning cache of BinDeps from
[00:00:46] INFO: Cloning cache of Blosc from
[00:00:47] INFO: Cloning cache of BufferedStreams from
[00:00:47] INFO: Cloning cache of Compat from
[00:00:48] INFO: Cloning cache of FileIO from
[00:00:48] INFO: Cloning cache of HDF5 from
[00:00:49] INFO: Cloning cache of LegacyStrings from
[00:00:49] INFO: Cloning cache of LibExpat from
[00:00:49] INFO: Cloning cache of Libz from
[00:00:50] INFO: Cloning cache of SHA from
[00:00:50] INFO: Cloning cache of URIParser from
[00:00:50] INFO: Cloning cache of WinRPM from
[00:00:50] INFO: Installing BinDeps v0.4.7
[00:00:51] INFO: Installing Blosc v0.2.0
[00:00:51] INFO: Installing BufferedStreams v0.3.2
[00:00:51] INFO: Installing Compat v0.21.0
[00:00:51] INFO: Installing FileIO v0.3.1
[00:00:51] INFO: Installing HDF5 v0.7.3
[00:00:52] INFO: Installing LegacyStrings v0.2.1
[00:00:52] INFO: Installing LibExpat v0.2.5
[00:00:52] INFO: Installing Libz v0.2.4
[00:00:52] INFO: Installing SHA v0.3.2
[00:00:52] INFO: Installing URIParser v0.1.8
[00:00:53] INFO: Installing WinRPM v0.2.3
[00:00:54] INFO: Building Blosc
[00:01:06] INFO: Building WinRPM
[00:01:16] WARNING: skipping repodata/repomd.xml, not in cache -- call WinRPM.update() to download
[00:01:16] WARNING: skipping repodata/repomd.xml, not in cache -- call WinRPM.update() to download
[00:01:16] INFO: Downloading
[00:01:19] INFO: Downloading
[00:01:21] INFO: Downloading
[00:01:22] INFO: Downloading
[00:01:24] INFO: Building HDF5
[00:01:25] INFO: Updating WinRPM package list
[00:01:25] INFO: Downloading
[00:01:27] INFO: Downloading
[00:01:32] INFO: Packages to install: libwinpthread1, libgcc_s_sjlj1, zlib1, hdf5
[00:01:33] INFO: Downloading: libwinpthread1
[00:01:33] INFO: Extracting: libwinpthread1
[00:01:33] INFO: Downloading: libgcc_s_sjlj1
[00:01:34] INFO: Extracting: libgcc_s_sjlj1
[00:01:34] INFO: Downloading: zlib1
[00:01:35] INFO: Extracting: zlib1
[00:01:35] INFO: Downloading: hdf5
[00:01:35] INFO: Extracting: hdf5
[00:01:35] INFO: Complete
[00:01:36] INFO: Package database updated
[00:01:37] INFO: Building Blosc
[00:01:37] INFO: Building WinRPM
[00:01:46] INFO: Downloading
[00:01:48] INFO: Downloading
[00:01:50] INFO: Building HDF5
[00:01:51] INFO: Updating WinRPM package list
[00:01:51] INFO: Downloading
[00:01:53] INFO: Downloading
[00:01:55] C:\projects\julia\bin\julia -e "Pkg.test(\"JLD\")"
[00:01:56] INFO: Computing test dependencies for JLD...
[00:02:01] INFO: Cloning cache of DataArrays from
[00:02:02] INFO: Cloning cache of DataFrames from
[00:02:07] INFO: Cloning cache of DataStructures from
[00:02:08] INFO: Cloning cache of GZip from
[00:02:08] INFO: Cloning cache of Reexport from
[00:02:09] INFO: Cloning cache of SortingAlgorithms from
[00:02:09] INFO: Cloning cache of SpecialFunctions from
[00:02:09] INFO: Cloning cache of StatsBase from
[00:02:10] INFO: Installing DataArrays v0.4.0
[00:02:11] INFO: Installing DataFrames v0.9.0
[00:02:12] INFO: Installing DataStructures v0.5.3
[00:02:12] INFO: Installing GZip v0.3.0
[00:02:12] INFO: Installing Reexport v0.0.3
[00:02:12] INFO: Installing SortingAlgorithms v0.1.1
[00:02:12] INFO: Installing SpecialFunctions v0.1.1
[00:02:12] INFO: Installing StatsBase v0.13.1
[00:02:13] INFO: Testing JLD
[00:02:15] WARNING: deprecated syntax "typealias C_time_t Int" at C:\Users\appveyor\.julia\v0.6\HDF5\src\plain.jl:53.
[00:02:15] Use "const C_time_t = Int" instead.
[00:02:15] WARNING: deprecated syntax "typealias Hid Int64" at C:\Users\appveyor\.julia\v0.6\HDF5\src\plain.jl:57.
[00:02:15] Use "const Hid = Int64" instead.
[00:02:15] WARNING: deprecated syntax "typealias Hid Cint" at C:\Users\appveyor\.julia\v0.6\HDF5\src\plain.jl:59.
[00:02:15] Use "const Hid = Cint" instead.
[00:02:15] WARNING: deprecated syntax "typealias Herr Cint" at C:\Users\appveyor\.julia\v0.6\HDF5\src\plain.jl:61.
[00:02:15] Use "const Herr = Cint" instead.
[00:02:15] WARNING: deprecated syntax "typealias Hsize UInt64" at C:\Users\appveyor\.julia\v0.6\HDF5\src\plain.jl:62.
[00:02:15] Use "const Hsize = UInt64" instead.
[00:02:15] WARNING: deprecated syntax "typealias Hssize Int64" at C:\Users\appveyor\.julia\v0.6\HDF5\src\plain.jl:63.
[00:02:15] Use "const Hssize = Int64" instead.
[00:02:15] WARNING: deprecated syntax "typealias Htri Cint" at C:\Users\appveyor\.julia\v0.6\HDF5\src\plain.jl:64.
[00:02:15] Use "const Htri = Cint" instead.
[00:02:15] WARNING: deprecated syntax "typealias Haddr UInt64" at C:\Users\appveyor\.julia\v0.6\HDF5\src\plain.jl:65.
[00:02:15] Use "const Haddr = UInt64" instead.
[00:02:15] WARNING: deprecated syntax "typealias HDF5BitsKind Union{Int8,UInt8,Int16,UInt16,Int32,UInt32,Int64,UInt64,Float32,Float64}" at C:\Users\appveyor\.julia\v0.6\HDF5\src\plain.jl:243.
[00:02:15] Use "const HDF5BitsKind = Union{Int8,UInt8,Int16,UInt16,Int32,UInt32,Int64,UInt64,Float32,Float64}" instead.
[00:02:15] WARNING: deprecated syntax "typealias BitsKindOrString Union{HDF5BitsKind,String}" at C:\Users\appveyor\.julia\v0.6\HDF5\src\plain.jl:244.
[00:02:15] Use "const BitsKindOrString = Union{HDF5BitsKind,String}" instead.
[00:02:15] WARNING: deprecated syntax "abstract CharType<:AbstractString" at C:\Users\appveyor\.julia\v0.6\HDF5\src\plain.jl:264.
[00:02:15] Use "abstract type CharType<:AbstractString end" instead.
[00:02:15] WARNING: deprecated syntax "typealias HDF5Object Union{HDF5Group,HDF5Dataset,HDF5Datatype}" at C:\Users\appveyor\.julia\v0.6\HDF5\src\plain.jl:370.
[00:02:15] Use "const HDF5Object = Union{HDF5Group,HDF5Dataset,HDF5Datatype}" instead.
[00:02:15] WARNING: deprecated syntax "typealias DatasetOrAttribute Union{HDF5Dataset,HDF5Attribute}" at C:\Users\appveyor\.julia\v0.6\HDF5\src\plain.jl:1208.
[00:02:15] Use "const DatasetOrAttribute = Union{HDF5Dataset,HDF5Attribute}" instead.
[00:02:15] WARNING: deprecated syntax "abstract DataFile" at C:\Users\appveyor\.julia\v0.6\HDF5\src\datafile.jl:13.
[00:02:15] Use "abstract type DataFile end" instead.
[00:02:16] WARNING: deprecated syntax "typealias H5T_class_t Cint" at C:\Users\appveyor\.julia\v0.6\HDF5\src\blosc_filter.jl:6.
[00:02:16] Use "const H5T_class_t = Cint" instead.
[00:02:16] WARNING: deprecated syntax "typealias H5Z_filter_t Cint" at C:\Users\appveyor\.julia\v0.6\HDF5\src\blosc_filter.jl:12.
[00:02:16] Use "const H5Z_filter_t = Cint" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:18] WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
[00:02:18] Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
[00:02:19] jldtests.jl
[00:03:07] The following unrecognized JLD file warning is a sign of normal operation.
[00:03:07] C:\Users\appveyor\AppData\Local\Temp\1\test.jld is an HDF5 file, but it is not a recognized Julia data file. Opening anyway.
[00:03:07] The following unrecognized JLD file warning is a sign of normal operation.
[00:03:07] C:\Users\appveyor\AppData\Local\Temp\1\test.jld is an HDF5 file, but it is not a recognized Julia data file. Opening anyway.
[00:03:08] The following unrecognized JLD file warning is a sign of normal operation.
[00:03:08] C:\Users\appveyor\AppData\Local\Temp\1\test.jld is an HDF5 file, but it is not a recognized Julia data file. Opening anyway.
[00:03:08] The following unrecognized JLD file warning is a sign of normal operation.
[00:03:08] C:\Users\appveyor\AppData\Local\Temp\1\test.jld is an HDF5 file, but it is not a recognized Julia data file. Opening anyway.
[00:03:08] WARNING: could not import into JLDTemp1
[00:03:11] The following missing type warnings are a sign of normal operation.WARNING: could not import into Main
[00:03:11] WARNING: could not import Intrinsics.unbox into Main
[00:03:11] WARNING: type TestType4 not present in workspace; reconstructing
[00:03:11] WARNING: type TestType5 not present in workspace; reconstructing
[00:03:11] WARNING: Method definition (::Type{getfield(JLD, Symbol("##TestType5#723"))})(Any) in module JLD at C:\Users\appveyor\.julia\v0.6\JLD\src\jld_types.jl:811 overwritten at C:\Users\appveyor\.julia\v0.6\JLD\src\jld_types.jl:811.
[00:03:11] WARNING: type TestType5 not present in workspace; interpreting array as Array{Any}
[00:03:11] WARNING: type TestType6 not present in workspace; reconstructing
[00:03:11] WARNING: type TestType7 not present in workspace; reconstructing
[00:03:11] WARNING: type TestType8 not present in workspace; reconstructing
[00:03:11] WARNING: type Core.Tuple{TestType4,Core.Tuple{TestType5,Core.Array{TestType5,1}},TestType6} not present in workspace; reconstructing
[00:03:12] WARNING: type Core.Tuple{TestType5,Core.Array{TestType5,1}} not present in workspace; reconstructing
[00:03:12] WARNING: type TestType5 not present in workspace; interpreting array as Array{Any}
[00:03:19] Test Failed
[00:03:20] Expression: (JLD.load(f))["lidict"] isa Dict{UInt, Array{StackFrame, 1}}
[00:03:20] Evaluated: Dict(0x0000000070e2beb7=>StackFrame[ZN4llvm15ScalarEvolution12getMinusSCEVEPKNS_4SCEVES3_NS1_11NoWrapFlagsE at LLVM.dll:?],0x0000000074d4b0f9=>StackFrame[free at msvcrt.dll:?],0x00000000622e0c93=>StackFrame[ip:0x622e0c92 at sys.DLL:?],0x0000000000401d61=>StackFrame[jl_apply at julia.h:1416 [inlined], true_main at repl.c:127],0x000000006215a6c8=>StackFrame[abstract_interpret at inference.jl:2034],0x00000000707605ea=>StackFrame[ZN4llvm14TargetLowering15DAGCombinerInfo23CommitTargetLoweringOptERKNS0_17TargetLoweringOptE at LLVM.dll:?],0x00000000621549ea=>StackFrame[typeinf_loop at inference.jl:2597],0x0000000065451340=>StackFrame[jl_lookup_generic_ at gf.c:2168 [inlined], jl_apply_generic at gf.c:2231],0x00000000704f64a0=>StackFrame[ZN4llvm13ImmutablePass14initializePassEv at LLVM.dll:?],0x0000000062162989=>StackFrame[ip:0x62162988 at sys.DLL:?],0x0000000071074c10=>StackFrame[ZNK4llvm16X86FrameLowering12emitPrologueERNS_15MachineFunctionERNS_17MachineBasicBlockE at LLVM.dll:?],0x000000007047aed7=>StackFrame[ZNK4llvm13ConstantRange8multiplyERKS0_ at LLVM.dll:?],0x00000000654516a4=>StackFrame[jl_compile_method_internal at julia_internal.h:313 [inlined], jl_call_method_internal at julia_internal.h:341 [inlined], jl_apply_generic at gf.c:2234],0x000000006547cdb5=>StackFrame[jl_call_fptr_internal at julia_internal.h:326 [inlined], jl_call_method_internal at julia_internal.h:345 [inlined], jl_toplevel_eval_flex at toplevel.c:589],0x0000000062173dff=>StackFrame[typeinf_code at inference.jl:2537],0x0000000070e327c1=>StackFrame[ZN4llvm15ScalarEvolution21isImpliedCondOperandsENS_7CmpInst9PredicateEPKNS_4SCEVES5_S5_S5_ at LLVM.dll:?],0x000000006e5d3349=>StackFrame[dgeevx at libopenblas.DLL:?],0x00000000704859b2=>StackFrame[ZN4llvm8Constant15getAllOnesValueEPNS_4TypeE at LLVM.dll:?],0x00000000704e9e80=>StackFrame[ZN4llvm16MetadataTracking7retrackEPvRNS_8MetadataES1_ at LLVM.dll:?],0x0000000074d4b106=>StackFrame[free at msvcrt.dll:?],0x0000000065451c7a=>StackFrame[jl_compile_for_dispatch at gf.c:1629],0x000000002dc292c1=>StackFrame[#eigvals! at <missing>:0],0x000000006215a9d9=>StackFrame[ip:0x6215a9d8 at sys.DLL:?],0x0000000062150ab0=>StackFrame[optimize at inference.jl:2928],0x00000000704f6680=>StackFrame[ZThn4_N4llvm14PassNameParserD0Ev at LLVM.dll:?],0x0000000075a47c04=>StackFrame[BaseThreadInitThunk at KERNEL32.DLL:?],0x00000000704e2a3c=>StackFrame[ZN4llvm13FPPassManager13runOnFunctionERNS_8FunctionE at LLVM.dll:?],0x00000000703c9a5a=>StackFrame[ZN4llvm5APInt12initSlowCaseERKS0_ at LLVM.dll:?],0x000000006215ef3f=>StackFrame[ip:0x6215ef3e at sys.DLL:?],0x0000000070a88528=>StackFrame[ZN4llvm24InstructionCombiningPass13runOnFunctionERNS_8FunctionE at LLVM.dll:?],0x00000000708828df=>StackFrame[ZN4llvm16SelectionDAGISel16SelectBasicBlockENS_14ilist_iteratorIKNS_11InstructionEEES4_Rb at LLVM.dll:?],0x0000000071075c20=>StackFrame[ZNK4llvm16X86FrameLowering12emitPrologueERNS_15MachineFunctionERNS_17MachineBasicBlockE at LLVM.dll:?],0x0000000065465828=>StackFrame[jl_interpret_toplevel_expr at interpreter.c:34],0x00000000654f4305=>StackFrame[jl_add_to_ee at jitlayers.cpp:792 [inlined], jl_finalize_function at jitlayers.cpp:803],0x000000002dc29575=>StackFrame[#eigvals!#36 at eigen.jl:173],0x000000007083de32=>StackFrame[ZN4llvm19SelectionDAGBuilder11LowerCallToENS_17ImmutableCallSiteENS_7SDValueEbPKNS_10BasicBlockE at LLVM.dll:?],0x00000000705f2b70=>StackFrame[ZN4llvm15MachineFunctionC2EPKNS_8FunctionERKNS_13TargetMachineEjRNS_17MachineModuleInfoE at LLVM.dll:?],0x000000006214c5af=>StackFrame[getfield_elim_pass! at inference.jl:5064],0x0000000070e2c045=>StackFrame[ZN4llvm15ScalarEvolution10getNotSCEVEPKNS_4SCEVE at LLVM.dll:?],0x00000000705f2b90=>StackFrame[ZNK4llvm19MachineFunctionPass17createPrinterPassERNS_11raw_ostreamERKSs at LLVM.dll:?],0x00000000710807c0=>StackFrame[ZN4llvm16createX86ISelDagERNS_16X86TargetMachineENS_10CodeGenOpt5LevelE at LLVM.dll:?],0x0000000070481696=>StackFrame[ZN4llvm11ConstantInt3getERNS_11LLVMContextERKNS_5APIntE at LLVM.dll:?],0x000000006547cd61=>StackFrame[jl_toplevel_eval_flex at toplevel.c:592],0x0000000070881d2f=>StackFrame[ZN4llvm16SelectionDAGISel22ComputeLiveOutVRegInfoEv at LLVM.dll:?],0x0000000062153b51=>StackFrame[typeinf_frame at inference.jl:2827],0x000000006e5d5297=>StackFrame[dgehrd_ at libopenblas.DLL:?],0x0000000062155798=>StackFrame[ip:0x62155797 at sys.DLL:?],0x00000000621741f1=>StackFrame[ip:0x621741f0 at sys.DLL:?],0x00000000621590e4=>StackFrame[abstract_eval_call at inference.jl:1892],0x000000007107ba20=>StackFrame[ZNK4llvm16X86FrameLowering12emitPrologueERNS_15MachineFunctionERNS_17MachineBasicBlockE at LLVM.dll:?],0x0000000023565848=>StackFrame[ip:0x23565847],0x0000000070783533=>StackFrame[ZN4llvm12InstrEmitter15EmitMachineNodeEPNS_6SDNodeEbbRNS_8DenseMapINS_7SDValueEjNS_12DenseMapInfoIS4_EENS_6detail12DenseMapPairIS4_jEEEE at LLVM.dll:?],0x000000006546c022=>StackFrame[_new_array_ at array.c:96],0x00000000621792a4=>StackFrame[include at sysimg.jl:14],0x000000007089a11e=>StackFrame[ZNK4llvm14TargetLowering20SimplifyDemandedBitsENS_7SDValueERKNS_5APIntERS2_S5_RNS0_17TargetLoweringOptEj at LLVM.dll:?],0x000000002dc298a1=>StackFrame[ip:0x2dc298a0],0x000000007081716e=>StackFrame[ZN4llvm18ScheduleDAGSDNodes12EmitScheduleERNS_26MachineInstrBundleIteratorINS_12MachineInstrEEE at LLVM.dll:?],0x0000000070617f5a=>StackFrame[ZN4llvm13SchedBoundaryD1Ev at LLVM.dll:?],0x00000000704ada21=>StackFrame[ZNK4llvm14BasicBlockEdge12isSingleEdgeEv at LLVM.dll:?],0x000000007081dbeb=>StackFrame[ZN4llvm19SelectionDAGBuilder5clearEv at LLVM.dll:?],0x00000000704f6740=>StackFrame[ZN4llvm4Pass17dumpPassStructureEj at LLVM.dll:?],0x00000000704f6410=>StackFrame[ZNK4llvm10ModulePass27getPotentialPassManagerTypeEv at LLVM.dll:?],0x00000000710755d0=>StackFrame[ZNK4llvm16X86FrameLowering12emitPrologueERNS_15MachineFunctionERNS_17MachineBasicBlockE at LLVM.dll:?],0x00000000705eb0ba=>StackFrame[ZN4llvm20MachineDominatorTree13releaseMemoryEv at LLVM.dll:?],0x000000002dc2b1ad=>StackFrame[geevx! at lapack.jl:1987],0x0000000074d4b197=>StackFrame[malloc at msvcrt.dll:?],0x00000000704dd2e2=>StackFrame[ZN4llvm17PMTopLevelManager16findAnalysisPassEPKv at LLVM.dll:?],0x000000006545175d=>StackFrame[jl_compile_method_internal at julia_internal.h:294 [inlined], jl_call_method_internal at julia_internal.h:341 [inlined], jl_apply_generic at gf.c:2234],0x0000000071074a40=>StackFrame[ZNK4llvm16X86FrameLowering12emitPrologueERNS_15MachineFunctionERNS_17MachineBasicBlockE at LLVM.dll:?],0x0000000070857696=>StackFrame[ZNK4llvm12SelectionDAG17InferPtrAlignmentENS_7SDValueE at LLVM.dll:?],0x00000000654ecf9f=>StackFrame[jl_generate_fptr at codegen.cpp:1457],0x00000000654520c1=>StackFrame[jl_apply at julia.h:1416 [inlined], jl_invoke at gf.c:51],0x00000000708826c7=>StackFrame[ZN4llvm16SelectionDAGISel17CodeGenAndEmitDAGEv at LLVM.dll:?],0x0000000070e26081=>StackFrame[ZN4llvm15ScalarEvolution13isImpliedCondENS_7CmpInst9PredicateEPKNS_4SCEVES5_PNS_5ValueEb at LLVM.dll:?],0x0000000070e4b742=>StackFrame[ZNK4llvm21TargetLibraryInfoImpl10getLibFuncENS_9StringRefERNS_7LibFunc4FuncE at LLVM.dll:?],0x0000000062150b09=>StackFrame[optimize at inference.jl:2931],0x00000000712fa4b0=>StackFrame[ZN4llvm16SelectionDAGISel17PreprocessISelDAGEv at LLVM.dll:?],0x0000000062162447=>StackFrame[abstract_call_gf_by_type at inference.jl:1384],0x00000000621463d3=>StackFrame[inlining_pass at inference.jl:4457],0x00000000712d94dd=>StackFrame[ZN4llvm15ScalarEvolution10getAddExprEPKNS_4SCEVES3_NS1_11NoWrapFlagsE at LLVM.dll:?],0x000000006e631c90=>StackFrame[dlangb_ at libopenblas.DLL:?],0x00000000654f41e2=>StackFrame[operator() at functional:2439 [inlined], addModuleSet<llvm::SmallVector<std::unique_ptr<llvm::Module>, 1u>, llvm::RTDyldMemoryManager*, std::unique_ptr<llvm::orc::LambdaResolver<JuliaOJIT::addModule(std::unique_ptr<llvm::Module>)::<lambda(const string&)>, JuliaOJIT::addModule(std::unique_ptr<llvm::Module>)::<lambda(const string&)> >, std::default_delete<llvm::orc::LambdaResolver<JuliaOJIT::addModule(std::unique_ptr<llvm::Module>)::<lambda(const string&)>, JuliaOJIT::addModule(std::unique_ptr<llvm::Module>)::<lambda(const string&)> > > > > at IRCompileLayer.h:73 [inlined], addModule at jitlayers.cpp:569],0x0000000000c5d6cc=>StackFrame[ip:0xc5d6cb],0x000000006230e624=>StackFrame[_start at client.jl:371],0x000000002dc290a6=>StackFrame[#eigvals#38 at eigen.jl:194],0x0000000070823a33=>StackFrame[ZNK4llvm14TargetLowering11LowerCallToERNS0_16CallLoweringInfoE at LLVM.dll:?],0x00000000622e0a76=>StackFrame[include_from_node1 at loading.jl:539],0x000000007047a59e=>StackFrame[ZNK4llvm13ConstantRange8multiplyERKS0_ at LLVM.dll:?],0x000000007751ab5a=>StackFrame[RtlInitializeExceptionChain at ntdll.dll:?],0x0000000062154ed9=>StackFrame[typeinf_loop at inference.jl:2614],0x00000000704c74c0=>StackFrame[ZNK4llvm10InvokeInst17getNumSuccessorsVEv at LLVM.dll:?],0x000000007050038c=>StackFrame[ZNK4llvm5Value12getValueNameEv at LLVM.dll:?],0x0000000070afae72=>StackFrame[ZN4llvm12InstCombiner20SimplifyDemandedBitsERNS_3UseERKNS_5APIntERS3_S6_j at LLVM.dll:?],0x00000000621685c9=>StackFrame[typeinf_frame at inference.jl:2467],0x000000002dc290e1=>StackFrame[ip:0x2dc290e0],0x00000000621597ea=>StackFrame[abstract_eval at inference.jl:1915],0x0000000070811a84=>StackFrame[ZN4llvm28createHybridListDAGSchedulerEPNS_16SelectionDAGISelENS_10CodeGenOpt5LevelE at LLVM.dll:?],0x0000000071433a90=>StackFrame[ZNK4llvm19MachineFunctionPass16getSetPropertiesEv at LLVM.dll:?],0x000000007751ab8f=>StackFrame[RtlInitializeExceptionChain at ntdll.dll:?],0x0000000070af4646=>StackFrame[ZN4llvm12InstCombiner23SimplifyDemandedUseBitsEPNS_5ValueENS_5APIntERS3_S4_jPNS_11InstructionE at LLVM.dll:?],0x0000000071076f20=>StackFrame[ZNK4llvm16X86FrameLowering12emitPrologueERNS_15MachineFunctionERNS_17MachineBasicBlockE at LLVM.dll:?],0x0000000070de7545=>StackFrame[ZN4llvm13isAllocLikeFnEPKNS_5ValueEPKNS_17TargetLibraryInfoEb at LLVM.dll:?],0x000000006215536e=>StackFrame[typeinf_ext at inference.jl:2576],0x0000000071375530=>StackFrame[ZN4llvm4Pass13getAnalysisIDINS_32BranchProbabilityInfoWrapperPassEEERT_PKvRNS_8FunctionE at LLVM.dll:?],0x000000007140b5d6=>StackFrame[ZNK4llvm10FoldingSetINS_12SDVTListNodeEE10NodeEqualsEPNS_14FoldingSetImpl4NodeERKNS_16FoldingSetNodeIDEjRS6_ at LLVM.dll:?],0x000000006546cd02=>StackFrame[_new_array at array.c:149 [inlined], jl_alloc_array_1d at array.c:372],0x0000000071074a30=>StackFrame[ZNK4llvm16X86FrameLowering12emitPrologueERNS_15MachineFunctionERNS_17MachineBasicBlockE at LLVM.dll:?],0x0000000000401400=>StackFrame[__tmainCRTStartup at crtexe.c:329],0x000000007079c28a=>StackFrame[ZN4llvm12InstrEmitter15EmitMachineNodeEPNS_6SDNodeEbbRNS_8DenseMapINS_7SDValueEjNS_12DenseMapInfoIS4_EENS_6detail12DenseMapPairIS4_jEEEE at LLVM.dll:?],0x0000000070e64285=>StackFrame[ZN4llvm16computeKnownBitsEPNS_5ValueERNS_5APIntES3_RKNS_10DataLayoutEjPNS_15AssumptionCacheEPKNS_11InstructionEPKNS_13DominatorTreeE at LLVM.dll:?],0x0000000077501b73=>StackFrame[RtlFreeHeap at ntdll.dll:?],0x000000002e6a07e4=>StackFrame[ip:0x2e6a07e3],0x00000000704e1cf0=>StackFrame[ZN4llvm10ModulePass17assignPassManagerERNS_7PMStackENS_15PassManagerTypeE at LLVM.dll:?],0x00000000654b3b19=>StackFrame[getAddressForFunction at codegen.cpp:1360],0x0000000070e32cd4=>StackFrame[ZN4llvm15ScalarEvolution13isImpliedCondENS_7CmpInst9PredicateEPKNS_4SCEVES5_S2_S5_S5_ at LLVM.dll:?],0x0000000000c5d8f8=>StackFrame[ip:0xc5d8f7],0x000000007080d164=>StackFrame[ZN4llvm28createHybridListDAGSchedulerEPNS_16SelectionDAGISelENS_10CodeGenOpt5LevelE at LLVM.dll:?],0x0000000070474530=>StackFrame[ZNK4llvm13ConstantRange14getUnsignedMaxEv at LLVM.dll:?],0x00000000704dd217=>StackFrame[ZN4llvm13PMDataManager16findAnalysisPassEPKvb at LLVM.dll:?],0x0000000027336b8d=>StackFrame[runtest at runtests.jl:4],0x000000006214848a=>StackFrame[inlining_pass! at inference.jl:4301],0x000000006e5d470d=>StackFrame[dgehd2 at libopenblas.DLL:?],0x0000000000000000=>StackFrame[ip:0xffffffff],0x000000006e5d309f=>StackFrame[dgeevx at libopenblas.DLL:?],0x00000000705ecbb6=>StackFrame[ZN4llvm15MachineFunction18CreateMachineInstrERKNS_11MCInstrDescERKNS_8DebugLocEb at LLVM.dll:?],0x000000006549ae06=>StackFrame[jl_gc_pool_alloc at gc.c:920 [inlined], jl_gc_alloc_ at julia_internal.h:242 [inlined], jl_gc_alloc at gc.c:2062],0x00000000704f6450=>StackFrame[ZN4llvm4Pass13releaseMemoryEv at LLVM.dll:?],0x000000007087ef40=>StackFrame[ZN4llvm22createDefaultSchedulerEPNS_16SelectionDAGISelENS_10CodeGenOpt5LevelE at LLVM.dll:?],0x000000007075d7e0=>StackFrame[ZN4llvm14TargetLowering15DAGCombinerInfo23CommitTargetLoweringOptERKNS0_17TargetLoweringOptE at LLVM.dll:?],0x0000000062179323=>StackFrame[ip:0x62179322 at sys.DLL:?],0x0000000071075ad0=>StackFrame[ZNK4llvm16X86FrameLowering12emitPrologueERNS_15MachineFunctionERNS_17MachineBasicBlockE at LLVM.dll:?],0x0000000070ac8c4f=>StackFrame[ZN4llvm12InstCombiner14visitStoreInstERNS_9StoreInstE at LLVM.dll:?],0x000000007107cca0=>StackFrame[ZNK4llvm16X86FrameLowering12emitPrologueERNS_15MachineFunctionERNS_17MachineBasicBlockE at LLVM.dll:?],0x00000000713873ad=>StackFrame[ZN4llvm5APIntC1Ejyb at LLVM.dll:?],0x000000006215e66f=>StackFrame[abstract_call at inference.jl:1862],0x000000006545a729=>StackFrame[jl_parse_eval_all at ast.c:873],0x000000006d0c7729=>StackFrame[_udivdi3 at libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll:?],0x00000000621645c9=>StackFrame[ip:0x621645c8 at sys.DLL:?],0x00000000704f6470=>StackFrame[ZN4llvm4Pass26getAdjustedAnalysisPointerEPKv at LLVM.dll:?],0x00000000713137d0=>StackFrame[ZN4llvm19LoopInfoWrapperPassD1Ev at LLVM.dll:?],0x000000007046bd2f=>StackFrame[ZN4llvm10BasicBlock18getSingleSuccessorEv at LLVM.dll:?],0x00000000704e30e4=>StackFrame[ZN4llvm6legacy15PassManagerImpl3runERNS_6ModuleE at LLVM.dll:?],0x00000000712e4c3f=>StackFrame[ZN4llvm15SmallVectorImplIPKNS_4SCEVEE5eraseEPKS3_ at LLVM.dll:?],0x00000000704e29c8=>StackFrame[ZN4llvm13FPPassManager13runOnFunctionERNS_8FunctionE at LLVM.dll:?],0x00000000703f287d=>StackFrame[ZNK4llvm16FoldingSetNodeIDeqENS_19FoldingSetNodeIDRefE at LLVM.dll:?],0x0000000070827eec=>StackFrame[ZN4llvm19SelectionDAGBuilder14lowerInvokableERNS_14TargetLowering16CallLoweringInfoEPKNS_10BasicBlockE at LLVM.dll:?],0x000000006547cad3=>StackFrame[jl_toplevel_eval_flex at toplevel.c:577],0x00000000654f251d=>StackFrame[operator() at jitlayers.cpp:442 [inlined], _M_invoke at functional:2025],0x0000000070a878cf=>StackFrame[ZN4llvm12InstCombiner3runEv at LLVM.dll:?],0x00000000ffffffff=>StackFrame[ip:0xfffffffe],0x00000000654658dc=>StackFrame[do_call at interpreter.c:75],0x000000006215a419=>StackFrame[ip:0x6215a418 at sys.DLL:?],0x0000000000c5d630=>StackFrame[ip:0xc5d62f],0x000000000040265f=>StackFrame[wmain at repl.c:264],0x000000006230d2b1=>StackFrame[process_options at client.jl:305],0x0000000070861040=>StackFrame[ZN4llvm12SelectionDAG14getMachineNodeEjRKNS_5SDLocENS_3EVTES4_S4_S4_NS_8ArrayRefINS_7SDValueEEE at LLVM.dll:?],0x0000000071080a50=>StackFrame[ZN4llvm16createX86ISelDagERNS_16X86TargetMachineENS_10CodeGenOpt5LevelE at LLVM.dll:?],0x00000000704746be=>StackFrame[ZNK4llvm13ConstantRange14getUnsignedMinEv at LLVM.dll:?],0x0000000065466602=>StackFrame[eval_body at interpreter.c:546],0x00000000704e7ab3=>StackFrame[ZN4llvm16MetadataTracking7untrackEPvRNS_8MetadataE at LLVM.dll:?],0x0000000071415edf=>StackFrame[ZNK4llvm12DenseMapBaseINS_8DenseMapINS_5APIntEPNS_11ConstantIntENS_20DenseMapAPIntKeyInfoENS_6detail12DenseMapPairIS2_S4_EEEES2_S4_S5_S8_E15LookupBucketForIS2_EEbRKT_RPKS8_ at LLVM.dll:?],0x0000000065466c44=>StackFrame[jl_interpret_toplevel_thunk at interpreter.c:695],0x00000000704c6582=>StackFrame[ZNK4llvm11Instruction16mayWriteToMemoryEv at LLVM.dll:?],0x00000000704f6440=>StackFrame[ZNK4llvm4Pass16getAnalysisUsageERNS_13AnalysisUsageE at LLVM.dll:?],0x0000000071433a50=>StackFrame[ZNK4llvm19ConstantExprKeyTypeeqEPKNS_12ConstantExprE at LLVM.dll:?],0x000000002dc281dd=>StackFrame[macro expansion at profile.jl:23 [inlined], anonymous at <missing>:?],0x0000000071076280=>StackFrame[ZNK4llvm16X86FrameLowering12emitPrologueERNS_15MachineFunctionERNS_17MachineBasicBlockE at LLVM.dll:?],0x0000000070479aac=>StackFrame[ZNK4llvm13ConstantRange11zextOrTruncEj at LLVM.dll:?],0x00000000708576d2=>StackFrame[ZNK4llvm12SelectionDAG17InferPtrAlignmentENS_7SDValueE at LLVM.dll:?],0x0000000070474504=>StackFrame[ZNK4llvm13ConstantRange14getUnsignedMaxEv at LLVM.dll:?],0x00000000621640f8=>StackFrame[typeinf_frame at inference.jl:2467],0x0000000070e2007a=>StackFrame[ZN4llvm15ScalarEvolution19getRangeForAffineAREPKNS_4SCEVES3_S3_j at LLVM.dll:?],0x00000000621644de=>StackFrame[typeinf_edge at inference.jl:2490],0x0000000062152569=>StackFrame[typeinf_frame at inference.jl:2698],0x000000006230f00b=>StackFrame[ip:0x6230f00a at sys.DLL:?],0x0000000065451740=>StackFrame[jl_call_fptr_internal at julia_internal.h:326 [inlined], jl_call_method_internal at julia_internal.h:345 [inlined], jl_apply_generic at gf.c:2234],0x00000000704f6460=>StackFrame[ZNK4llvm4Pass14verifyAnalysisEv at LLVM.dll:?],0x0000000071433ad0=>StackFrame[ZNK4llvm19MachineFunctionPass20getClearedPropertiesEv at LLVM.dll:?],0x00000000621451a7=>StackFrame[inlining_pass at inference.jl:4363],0x000000007129f8e2=>StackFrame[ZN4llvm13IRBuilderBase14SetInsertPointEPNS_11InstructionE at LLVM.dll:?],0x0000000070e0ffed=>StackFrame[ZN4llvm15ScalarEvolution19GetMinTrailingZerosEPKNS_4SCEVE at LLVM.dll:?],0x0000000000c5e390=>StackFrame[ip:0xc5e38f],0x0000000027336bd3=>StackFrame[ip:0x27336bd2],0x00000000704f6480=>StackFrame[ZN4llvm4Pass18getAsImmutablePassEv at LLVM.dll:?],0x000000006e648ce0=>StackFrame[ILADLC at libopenblas.DLL:?],0x000000006547ec01=>StackFrame[jl_load at toplevel.c:616 [inlined], jl_load_ at toplevel.c:623],0x00000000710755b0=>StackFrame[ZNK4llvm16X86FrameLowering12emitPrologueERNS_15MachineFunctionERNS_17MachineBasicBlockE at LLVM.dll:?],0x0000000065451968=>StackFrame[jl_apply at julia.h:1416 [inlined], jl_type_infer at gf.c:269],0x0000000070500c45=>StackFrame[ZNK4llvm5Value7getNameEv at LLVM.dll:?],0x00000000704e2e1a=>StackFrame[ZN4llvm13FPPassManager11runOnModuleERNS_6ModuleE at LLVM.dll:?],0x00000000654649b3=>StackFrame[eval at interpreter.c:242],0x0000000070de7155=>StackFrame[ZN4llvm21createMemDerefPrinterEv at LLVM.dll:?]) isa Dict{UInt32,Array{StackFrame,1}}
[00:03:21] ERROR: LoadError: LoadError: There was an error during testing
[00:03:21] while loading C:\Users\appveyor\.julia\v0.6\JLD\test\jldtests.jl, in expression starting on line 964
[00:03:21] while loading C:\Users\appveyor\.julia\v0.6\JLD\test\runtests.jl, in expression starting on line 6
[00:03:21] =================================[ ERROR: JLD ]=================================
[00:03:21] failed process: Process(`'C:\projects\julia\bin\julia' -Cpentium4 '-JC:\projects\julia\lib\julia\sys.dll' --compile=yes --depwarn=yes --check-bounds=yes --code-coverage=none --color=no --compilecache=yes 'C:\Users\appveyor\.julia\v0.6\JLD\test\runtests.jl'`, ProcessExited(1)) [1]
[00:03:21] ================================================================================
[00:03:24] INFO: Removing DataArrays v0.4.0
[00:03:24] INFO: Removing DataFrames v0.9.0
[00:03:24] INFO: Removing DataStructures v0.5.3
[00:03:24] INFO: Removing GZip v0.3.0
[00:03:24] INFO: Removing Reexport v0.0.3
[00:03:24] INFO: Removing SortingAlgorithms v0.1.1
[00:03:24] INFO: Removing SpecialFunctions v0.1.1
[00:03:24] INFO: Removing StatsBase v0.13.1
[00:03:25] ERROR: JLD had test errors
[00:03:25] Command exited with code 1
Worker information
version: v2.5.0
instance: 9222504:travis:default
startup: 500.490226ms
Build system information
Build language: julia
Build group: stable
Build dist: precise
Build id: 217530134
Job id: 217530137
travis-build version: 9c637df2d
Build image provisioning date and time
Thu Feb 5 15:09:33 UTC 2015
Operating System Details
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS
Release: 12.04
Codename: precise
Linux Version
Cookbooks Version
GCC version
gcc (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.6.3-1ubuntu5) 4.6.3
Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO
LLVM version
clang version 3.4 (tags/RELEASE_34/final)
Target: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
Thread model: posix
Pre-installed Ruby versions
Pre-installed Node.js versions
Pre-installed Go versions
Redis version
redis-server 2.8.19
riak version
MongoDB version
MongoDB 2.4.12
CouchDB version
couchdb 1.6.1
Neo4j version
RabbitMQ Version
ElasticSearch version
Installed Sphinx versions
Default Sphinx version
Installed Firefox version
firefox 31.0esr
PhantomJS version
ant -version
Apache Ant(TM) version 1.8.2 compiled on December 3 2011
mvn -version
Apache Maven 3.2.5 (12a6b3acb947671f09b81f49094c53f426d8cea1; 2014-12-14T17:29:23+00:00)
Maven home: /usr/local/maven
Java version: 1.7.0_76, vendor: Oracle Corporation
Java home: /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle/jre
Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: ANSI_X3.4-1968
OS name: "linux", version: "3.13.0-29-generic", arch: "amd64", family: "unix"

$ export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information...
The following extra packages will be installed:
libc-bin libc-dev-bin libc6-dev
Suggested packages:
The following packages will be upgraded:
libc-bin libc-dev-bin libc6 libc6-dev
4 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 275 not upgraded.
Need to get 8,856 kB of archives.
After this operation, 13.3 kB of additional disk space will be used.
Get:1 precise-updates/main libc6-dev amd64 2.15-0ubuntu10.18 [2,948 kB]
Get:2 precise-updates/main libc-dev-bin amd64 2.15-0ubuntu10.18 [84.5 kB]
Get:3 precise-updates/main libc-bin amd64 2.15-0ubuntu10.18 [1,178 kB]
Get:4 precise-updates/main libc6 amd64 2.15-0ubuntu10.18 [4,646 kB]
Fetched 8,856 kB in 0s (34.7 MB/s)
Preconfiguring packages ...
(Reading database ...
(Reading database ... 5%
(Reading database ... 10%
(Reading database ... 15%
(Reading database ... 20%
(Reading database ... 25%
(Reading database ... 30%
(Reading database ... 35%
(Reading database ... 40%
(Reading database ... 45%
(Reading database ... 50%
(Reading database ... 55%
(Reading database ... 60%
(Reading database ... 65%
(Reading database ... 70%
(Reading database ... 75%
(Reading database ... 80%
(Reading database ... 85%
(Reading database ... 90%
(Reading database ... 95%
(Reading database ... 100%
(Reading database ... 71420 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to replace libc6-dev 2.15-0ubuntu10.10 (using .../libc6-dev_2.15-0ubuntu10.18_amd64.deb) ...
Unpacking replacement libc6-dev ...
Preparing to replace libc-dev-bin 2.15-0ubuntu10.10 (using .../libc-dev-bin_2.15-0ubuntu10.18_amd64.deb) ...
Unpacking replacement libc-dev-bin ...
Preparing to replace libc-bin 2.15-0ubuntu10.10 (using .../libc-bin_2.15-0ubuntu10.18_amd64.deb) ...
Unpacking replacement libc-bin ...
Processing triggers for man-db ...
Setting up libc-bin (2.15-0ubuntu10.18) ...
(Reading database ...
(Reading database ... 5%
(Reading database ... 10%
(Reading database ... 15%
(Reading database ... 20%
(Reading database ... 25%
(Reading database ... 30%
(Reading database ... 35%
(Reading database ... 40%
(Reading database ... 45%
(Reading database ... 50%
(Reading database ... 55%
(Reading database ... 60%
(Reading database ... 65%
(Reading database ... 70%
(Reading database ... 75%
(Reading database ... 80%
(Reading database ... 85%
(Reading database ... 90%
(Reading database ... 95%
(Reading database ... 100%
(Reading database ... 71419 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to replace libc6 2.15-0ubuntu10.10 (using .../libc6_2.15-0ubuntu10.18_amd64.deb) ...
Unpacking replacement libc6 ...
Setting up libc6 (2.15-0ubuntu10.18) ...
Setting up libc-dev-bin (2.15-0ubuntu10.18) ...
Setting up libc6-dev (2.15-0ubuntu10.18) ...
Processing triggers for libc-bin ...
ldconfig deferred processing now taking place
$ git clone --depth=50 JuliaIO/JLD.jl
Cloning into 'JuliaIO/JLD.jl'...
remote: Counting objects: 554, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 0% (1/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 1% (3/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 2% (6/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 3% (8/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 4% (11/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 5% (14/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 6% (16/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 7% (19/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 8% (21/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 9% (24/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 10% (27/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 11% (29/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 12% (32/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 13% (35/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 14% (37/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 15% (40/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 16% (42/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 17% (45/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 18% (48/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 19% (50/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 20% (53/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 21% (56/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 22% (58/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 23% (61/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 24% (63/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 25% (66/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 26% (69/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 27% (71/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 28% (74/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 29% (76/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 30% (79/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 31% (82/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 32% (84/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 33% (87/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 34% (90/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 35% (92/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 36% (95/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 37% (97/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 38% (100/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 39% (103/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 40% (105/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 41% (108/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 42% (111/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 43% (113/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 44% (116/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 45% (118/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 46% (121/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 47% (124/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 48% (126/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 49% (129/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 50% (131/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 51% (134/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 52% (137/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 53% (139/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 54% (142/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 55% (145/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 56% (147/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 57% (150/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 58% (152/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 59% (155/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 60% (158/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 61% (160/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 62% (163/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 63% (166/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 64% (168/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 65% (171/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 66% (173/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 67% (176/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 68% (179/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 69% (181/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 70% (184/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 71% (187/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 72% (189/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 73% (192/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 74% (194/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 75% (197/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 76% (200/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 77% (202/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 78% (205/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 79% (207/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 80% (210/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 81% (213/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 82% (215/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 83% (218/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 84% (221/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 85% (223/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 86% (226/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 87% (228/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 88% (231/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 89% (234/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 90% (236/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 91% (239/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 92% (242/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 93% (244/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 94% (247/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 95% (249/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 96% (252/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 97% (255/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 98% (257/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 99% (260/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (262/262) 
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (262/262), done.
Receiving objects: 0% (1/554)
Receiving objects: 1% (6/554)
Receiving objects: 2% (12/554)
Receiving objects: 3% (17/554)
Receiving objects: 4% (23/554)
Receiving objects: 5% (28/554)
Receiving objects: 6% (34/554)
Receiving objects: 7% (39/554)
Receiving objects: 8% (45/554)
Receiving objects: 9% (50/554)
Receiving objects: 10% (56/554)
Receiving objects: 11% (61/554)
Receiving objects: 12% (67/554)
Receiving objects: 13% (73/554)
Receiving objects: 14% (78/554)
Receiving objects: 15% (84/554)
Receiving objects: 16% (89/554)
Receiving objects: 17% (95/554)
Receiving objects: 18% (100/554)
Receiving objects: 19% (106/554)
Receiving objects: 20% (111/554)
Receiving objects: 21% (117/554)
Receiving objects: 22% (122/554)
Receiving objects: 23% (128/554)
Receiving objects: 24% (133/554)
Receiving objects: 25% (139/554)
Receiving objects: 26% (145/554)
Receiving objects: 27% (150/554)
Receiving objects: 28% (156/554)
Receiving objects: 29% (161/554)
Receiving objects: 30% (167/554)
Receiving objects: 31% (172/554)
Receiving objects: 32% (178/554)
Receiving objects: 33% (183/554)
Receiving objects: 34% (189/554)
Receiving objects: 35% (194/554)
Receiving objects: 36% (200/554)
Receiving objects: 37% (205/554)
Receiving objects: 38% (211/554)
Receiving objects: 39% (217/554)
Receiving objects: 40% (222/554)
Receiving objects: 41% (228/554)
Receiving objects: 42% (233/554)
Receiving objects: 43% (239/554)
Receiving objects: 44% (244/554)
Receiving objects: 45% (250/554)
Receiving objects: 46% (255/554)
Receiving objects: 47% (261/554)
Receiving objects: 48% (266/554)
Receiving objects: 49% (272/554)
Receiving objects: 50% (277/554)
Receiving objects: 51% (283/554)
Receiving objects: 52% (289/554)
Receiving objects: 53% (294/554)
Receiving objects: 54% (300/554)
Receiving objects: 55% (305/554)
Receiving objects: 56% (311/554)
Receiving objects: 57% (316/554)
Receiving objects: 58% (322/554)
Receiving objects: 59% (327/554)
Receiving objects: 60% (333/554)
Receiving objects: 61% (338/554)
Receiving objects: 62% (344/554)
Receiving objects: 63% (350/554)
Receiving objects: 64% (355/554)
Receiving objects: 65% (361/554)
Receiving objects: 66% (366/554)
Receiving objects: 67% (372/554)
Receiving objects: 68% (377/554)
Receiving objects: 69% (383/554)
Receiving objects: 70% (388/554)
Receiving objects: 71% (394/554)
Receiving objects: 72% (399/554)
Receiving objects: 73% (405/554)
Receiving objects: 74% (410/554)
Receiving objects: 75% (416/554)
Receiving objects: 76% (422/554)
Receiving objects: 77% (427/554)
Receiving objects: 78% (433/554)
Receiving objects: 79% (438/554)
Receiving objects: 80% (444/554)
Receiving objects: 81% (449/554)
Receiving objects: 82% (455/554)
Receiving objects: 83% (460/554)
Receiving objects: 84% (466/554)
Receiving objects: 85% (471/554)
Receiving objects: 86% (477/554)
Receiving objects: 87% (482/554)
Receiving objects: 88% (488/554)
Receiving objects: 89% (494/554)
Receiving objects: 90% (499/554)
Receiving objects: 91% (505/554)
Receiving objects: 92% (510/554)
Receiving objects: 93% (516/554)
remote: Total 554 (delta 320), reused 503 (delta 274), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 94% (521/554)
Receiving objects: 95% (527/554)
Receiving objects: 96% (532/554)
Receiving objects: 97% (538/554)
Receiving objects: 98% (543/554)
Receiving objects: 99% (549/554)
Receiving objects: 100% (554/554)
Receiving objects: 100% (554/554), 158.07 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 0% (0/320)
Resolving deltas: 1% (4/320)
Resolving deltas: 2% (7/320)
Resolving deltas: 3% (10/320)
Resolving deltas: 4% (13/320)
Resolving deltas: 5% (16/320)
Resolving deltas: 16% (52/320)
Resolving deltas: 20% (65/320)
Resolving deltas: 21% (68/320)
Resolving deltas: 29% (93/320)
Resolving deltas: 41% (132/320)
Resolving deltas: 45% (144/320)
Resolving deltas: 50% (160/320)
Resolving deltas: 51% (165/320)
Resolving deltas: 54% (174/320)
Resolving deltas: 55% (179/320)
Resolving deltas: 58% (186/320)
Resolving deltas: 60% (194/320)
Resolving deltas: 61% (197/320)
Resolving deltas: 63% (202/320)
Resolving deltas: 74% (238/320)
Resolving deltas: 75% (243/320)
Resolving deltas: 76% (246/320)
Resolving deltas: 82% (265/320)
Resolving deltas: 84% (269/320)
Resolving deltas: 85% (275/320)
Resolving deltas: 97% (312/320)
Resolving deltas: 100% (320/320)
Resolving deltas: 100% (320/320), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
$ cd JuliaIO/JLD.jl
$ git fetch origin +refs/pull/145/merge:
remote: Counting objects: 5, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 50% (1/2) 
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (2/2) 
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (2/2), done.
remote: Total 5 (delta 4), reused 3 (delta 3), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 20% (1/5)
Unpacking objects: 40% (2/5)
Unpacking objects: 60% (3/5)
Unpacking objects: 80% (4/5)
Unpacking objects: 100% (5/5)
Unpacking objects: 100% (5/5), done.
* branch refs/pull/145/merge -> FETCH_HEAD
$ git checkout -qf FETCH_HEAD
Julia for Travis-CI is not officially supported, but is community maintained.
Please file any issues using the following link
and mention `@tkelman`, `@ninjin`, `@staticfloat` and `@simonbyrne` in the issue
Installing Julia
$ CURL_USER_AGENT="Travis-CI $(curl --version | head -n 1)"
$ mkdir -p ~/julia
$ curl -A "$CURL_USER_AGENT" -s -L --retry 7 '' | tar -C ~/julia -x -z --strip-components=1 -f -
$ export PATH="${PATH}:${HOME}/julia/bin"
$ julia -e 'versioninfo()'
Julia Version 0.6.0-pre.alpha.329
Commit cded1db (2017-03-31 00:28 UTC)
Platform Info:
OS: Linux (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2680 v2 @ 2.80GHz
LAPACK: libopenblas64_
LIBM: libopenlibm
LLVM: libLLVM-3.9.1 (ORCJIT, ivybridge)
$ if [[ -a .git/shallow ]]; then git fetch --unshallow; fi
remote: Counting objects: 2413, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 0% (1/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 1% (10/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 2% (19/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 3% (28/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 4% (38/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 5% (47/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 6% (56/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 7% (66/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 8% (75/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 9% (84/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 10% (94/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 11% (103/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 12% (112/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 13% (122/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 14% (131/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 15% (140/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 16% (150/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 17% (159/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 18% (168/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 19% (178/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 20% (187/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 21% (196/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 22% (206/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 23% (215/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 24% (224/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 25% (234/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 26% (243/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 27% (252/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 28% (262/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 29% (271/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 30% (280/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 31% (290/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 32% (299/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 33% (308/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 34% (318/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 35% (327/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 36% (336/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 37% (346/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 38% (355/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 39% (364/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 40% (374/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 41% (383/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 42% (392/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 43% (402/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 44% (411/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 45% (420/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 46% (430/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 47% (439/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 48% (448/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 49% (458/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 50% (467/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 51% (476/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 52% (486/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 53% (495/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 54% (504/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 55% (514/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 56% (523/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 57% (532/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 58% (542/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 59% (551/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 60% (560/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 61% (570/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 62% (579/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 63% (588/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 64% (598/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 65% (607/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 66% (616/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 67% (626/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 68% (635/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 69% (644/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 70% (654/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 71% (663/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 72% (672/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 73% (682/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 74% (691/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 75% (700/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 76% (710/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 77% (719/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 78% (728/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 79% (738/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 80% (747/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 81% (756/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 82% (766/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 83% (775/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 84% (784/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 85% (794/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 86% (803/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 87% (812/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 88% (822/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 89% (831/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 90% (840/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 91% (850/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 92% (859/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 93% (868/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 94% (878/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 95% (887/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 96% (896/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 97% (906/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 98% (915/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 99% (924/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (933/933) 
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (933/933), done.
Receiving objects: 0% (1/2413)
Receiving objects: 1% (25/2413)
Receiving objects: 2% (49/2413)
Receiving objects: 3% (73/2413)
Receiving objects: 4% (97/2413)
Receiving objects: 5% (121/2413)
Receiving objects: 6% (145/2413)
Receiving objects: 7% (169/2413)
Receiving objects: 8% (194/2413)
Receiving objects: 9% (218/2413)
Receiving objects: 10% (242/2413)
Receiving objects: 11% (266/2413)
Receiving objects: 12% (290/2413)
Receiving objects: 13% (314/2413)
Receiving objects: 14% (338/2413)
Receiving objects: 15% (362/2413)
Receiving objects: 16% (387/2413)
Receiving objects: 17% (411/2413)
Receiving objects: 18% (435/2413)
Receiving objects: 19% (459/2413)
Receiving objects: 20% (483/2413)
Receiving objects: 21% (507/2413)
Receiving objects: 22% (531/2413)
Receiving objects: 23% (555/2413)
Receiving objects: 24% (580/2413)
Receiving objects: 25% (604/2413)
Receiving objects: 26% (628/2413)
Receiving objects: 27% (652/2413)
Receiving objects: 28% (676/2413)
Receiving objects: 29% (700/2413)
Receiving objects: 30% (724/2413)
Receiving objects: 31% (749/2413)
Receiving objects: 32% (773/2413)
Receiving objects: 33% (797/2413)
Receiving objects: 34% (821/2413)
Receiving objects: 35% (845/2413)
Receiving objects: 36% (869/2413)
Receiving objects: 37% (893/2413)
Receiving objects: 38% (917/2413)
Receiving objects: 39% (942/2413)
Receiving objects: 40% (966/2413)
Receiving objects: 41% (990/2413)
Receiving objects: 42% (1014/2413)
Receiving objects: 43% (1038/2413)
Receiving objects: 44% (1062/2413)
Receiving objects: 45% (1086/2413)
Receiving objects: 46% (1110/2413)
Receiving objects: 47% (1135/2413)
Receiving objects: 48% (1159/2413)
Receiving objects: 49% (1183/2413)
Receiving objects: 50% (1207/2413)
Receiving objects: 51% (1231/2413)
Receiving objects: 52% (1255/2413)
Receiving objects: 53% (1279/2413)
Receiving objects: 54% (1304/2413)
Receiving objects: 55% (1328/2413)
Receiving objects: 56% (1352/2413)
Receiving objects: 57% (1376/2413)
Receiving objects: 58% (1400/2413)
Receiving objects: 59% (1424/2413)
Receiving objects: 60% (1448/2413)
Receiving objects: 61% (1472/2413)
Receiving objects: 62% (1497/2413)
Receiving objects: 63% (1521/2413)
Receiving objects: 64% (1545/2413)
Receiving objects: 65% (1569/2413)
Receiving objects: 66% (1593/2413)
Receiving objects: 67% (1617/2413)
Receiving objects: 68% (1641/2413)
Receiving objects: 69% (1665/2413)
Receiving objects: 70% (1690/2413)
Receiving objects: 71% (1714/2413)
Receiving objects: 72% (1738/2413)
Receiving objects: 73% (1762/2413)
Receiving objects: 74% (1786/2413)
Receiving objects: 75% (1810/2413)
Receiving objects: 76% (1834/2413)
Receiving objects: 77% (1859/2413)
Receiving objects: 78% (1883/2413)
Receiving objects: 79% (1907/2413)
Receiving objects: 80% (1931/2413)
Receiving objects: 81% (1955/2413)
Receiving objects: 82% (1979/2413)
Receiving objects: 83% (2003/2413)
Receiving objects: 84% (2027/2413)
Receiving objects: 85% (2052/2413)
Receiving objects: 86% (2076/2413)
Receiving objects: 87% (2100/2413)
Receiving objects: 88% (2124/2413)
Receiving objects: 89% (2148/2413)
Receiving objects: 90% (2172/2413)
Receiving objects: 91% (2196/2413)
Receiving objects: 92% (2220/2413)
Receiving objects: 93% (2245/2413)
Receiving objects: 94% (2269/2413)
Receiving objects: 95% (2293/2413)
Receiving objects: 96% (2317/2413)
Receiving objects: 97% (2341/2413)
Receiving objects: 98% (2365/2413)
Receiving objects: 99% (2389/2413)
remote: Total 2413 (delta 1482), reused 2397 (delta 1466), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (2413/2413)
Receiving objects: 100% (2413/2413), 877.70 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 0% (0/1482)
Resolving deltas: 3% (55/1482)
Resolving deltas: 4% (65/1482)
Resolving deltas: 5% (77/1482)
Resolving deltas: 6% (93/1482)
Resolving deltas: 7% (108/1482)
Resolving deltas: 8% (126/1482)
Resolving deltas: 9% (135/1482)
Resolving deltas: 12% (178/1482)
Resolving deltas: 15% (230/1482)
Resolving deltas: 18% (270/1482)
Resolving deltas: 19% (282/1482)
Resolving deltas: 20% (306/1482)
Resolving deltas: 21% (316/1482)
Resolving deltas: 22% (336/1482)
Resolving deltas: 23% (352/1482)
Resolving deltas: 25% (378/1482)
Resolving deltas: 28% (425/1482)
Resolving deltas: 29% (430/1482)
Resolving deltas: 30% (449/1482)
Resolving deltas: 31% (467/1482)
Resolving deltas: 32% (478/1482)
Resolving deltas: 33% (491/1482)
Resolving deltas: 34% (513/1482)
Resolving deltas: 37% (549/1482)
Resolving deltas: 38% (566/1482)
Resolving deltas: 39% (583/1482)
Resolving deltas: 40% (600/1482)
Resolving deltas: 42% (631/1482)
Resolving deltas: 43% (638/1482)
Resolving deltas: 45% (669/1482)
Resolving deltas: 46% (688/1482)
Resolving deltas: 47% (703/1482)
Resolving deltas: 49% (733/1482)
Resolving deltas: 50% (754/1482)
Resolving deltas: 51% (759/1482)
Resolving deltas: 52% (773/1482)
Resolving deltas: 53% (786/1482)
Resolving deltas: 54% (801/1482)
Resolving deltas: 55% (816/1482)
Resolving deltas: 60% (894/1482)
Resolving deltas: 61% (906/1482)
Resolving deltas: 66% (992/1482)
Resolving deltas: 67% (1004/1482)
Resolving deltas: 69% (1028/1482)
Resolving deltas: 71% (1056/1482)
Resolving deltas: 77% (1153/1482)
Resolving deltas: 78% (1161/1482)
Resolving deltas: 79% (1176/1482)
Resolving deltas: 80% (1194/1482)
Resolving deltas: 82% (1219/1482)
Resolving deltas: 84% (1247/1482)
Resolving deltas: 87% (1303/1482)
Resolving deltas: 88% (1306/1482)
Resolving deltas: 89% (1332/1482)
Resolving deltas: 92% (1368/1482)
Resolving deltas: 93% (1380/1482)
Resolving deltas: 94% (1397/1482)
Resolving deltas: 95% (1410/1482)
Resolving deltas: 96% (1431/1482)
Resolving deltas: 99% (1471/1482)
Resolving deltas: 100% (1482/1482)
Resolving deltas: 100% (1482/1482), completed with 17 local objects.
remote: Total 0 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
* [new tag] v0.5.0 -> v0.5.0

The command "if [[ -a .git/shallow ]]; then git fetch --unshallow; fi" exited with 0.
$ julia -e 'Pkg.clone(pwd()); Pkg.add("JLDArchives"); Pkg.checkout("JLDArchives")'
INFO: Initializing package repository /home/travis/.julia/v0.6
INFO: Cloning METADATA from
INFO: Cloning JLD from /home/travis/build/JuliaIO/JLD.jl
INFO: Computing changes...
WARNING: unknown JLD commit 1adf7718, metadata may be ahead of package cache
INFO: Cloning cache of BinDeps from
INFO: Cloning cache of Blosc from
INFO: Cloning cache of Compat from
INFO: Cloning cache of FileIO from
INFO: Cloning cache of HDF5 from
INFO: Cloning cache of LegacyStrings from
INFO: Cloning cache of SHA from
INFO: Cloning cache of URIParser from
INFO: Installing BinDeps v0.4.7
INFO: Installing Blosc v0.2.0
INFO: Installing Compat v0.21.0
INFO: Installing FileIO v0.3.1
INFO: Installing HDF5 v0.7.3
INFO: Installing LegacyStrings v0.2.1
INFO: Installing SHA v0.3.2
INFO: Installing URIParser v0.1.8
INFO: Building Blosc
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0
100 122 0 122 0 0 3261 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 3696
100 607k 100 607k 0 0 5299k 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 5299k
Compiling libblosc...
cc1: error: unrecognized command line option ‘-mavx2’
gcc -I. -DBLOSC_SHARED_LIBRARY -DSHUFFLE_SSE2_ENABLED -fPIC -O3 -pthread -std=gnu99 -DHAVE_LZ4 -I../internal-complibs/lz4-1.7.2 -c -o bitshuffle-generic.o bitshuffle-generic.c
gcc -I. -DBLOSC_SHARED_LIBRARY -DSHUFFLE_SSE2_ENABLED -fPIC -O3 -pthread -std=gnu99 -DHAVE_LZ4 -I../internal-complibs/lz4-1.7.2 -c -o shuffle-generic.o shuffle-generic.c
gcc -I. -DBLOSC_SHARED_LIBRARY -DSHUFFLE_SSE2_ENABLED -fPIC -O3 -pthread -std=gnu99 -DHAVE_LZ4 -I../internal-complibs/lz4-1.7.2 -c -o shuffle.o shuffle.c
gcc -I. -DBLOSC_SHARED_LIBRARY -DSHUFFLE_SSE2_ENABLED -fPIC -O3 -pthread -std=gnu99 -DHAVE_LZ4 -I../internal-complibs/lz4-1.7.2 -c -o blosclz.o blosclz.c
gcc -I. -DBLOSC_SHARED_LIBRARY -DSHUFFLE_SSE2_ENABLED -fPIC -O3 -pthread -std=gnu99 -DHAVE_LZ4 -I../internal-complibs/lz4-1.7.2 -c -o blosc.o blosc.c
gcc -I. -DBLOSC_SHARED_LIBRARY -DSHUFFLE_SSE2_ENABLED -fPIC -O3 -pthread -std=gnu99 -DHAVE_LZ4 -I../internal-complibs/lz4-1.7.2 -c -o ../internal-complibs/lz4-1.7.2/lz4.o ../internal-complibs/lz4-1.7.2/lz4.c
gcc -I. -DBLOSC_SHARED_LIBRARY -DSHUFFLE_SSE2_ENABLED -fPIC -O3 -pthread -std=gnu99 -DHAVE_LZ4 -I../internal-complibs/lz4-1.7.2 -c -o ../internal-complibs/lz4-1.7.2/lz4hc.o ../internal-complibs/lz4-1.7.2/lz4hc.c
echo "building without AVX2"
building without AVX2
gcc -I. -DBLOSC_SHARED_LIBRARY -DSHUFFLE_SSE2_ENABLED -fPIC -O3 -pthread -std=gnu99 -DHAVE_LZ4 -I../internal-complibs/lz4-1.7.2 -msse2 -c -o bitshuffle-sse2.o bitshuffle-sse2.c
gcc -I. -DBLOSC_SHARED_LIBRARY -DSHUFFLE_SSE2_ENABLED -fPIC -O3 -pthread -std=gnu99 -DHAVE_LZ4 -I../internal-complibs/lz4-1.7.2 -msse2 -c -o shuffle-sse2.o shuffle-sse2.c
gcc -fPIC -O3 -pthread -std=gnu99 -DHAVE_LZ4 -I../internal-complibs/lz4-1.7.2 -shared bitshuffle-generic.o shuffle-generic.o shuffle.o blosclz.o blosc.o ../internal-complibs/lz4-1.7.2/lz4.o ../internal-complibs/lz4-1.7.2/lz4hc.o bitshuffle-sse2.o shuffle-sse2.o -o ../../
INFO: Building HDF5
INFO: Package database updated
INFO: Cloning cache of JLDArchives from
INFO: Installing JLDArchives v0.1.0
INFO: Building Blosc
INFO: Building HDF5
INFO: Package database updated
INFO: Checking out JLDArchives master...
INFO: Pulling JLDArchives latest master...
INFO: No packages to install, update or remove

The command "julia -e 'Pkg.clone(pwd()); Pkg.add("JLDArchives"); Pkg.checkout("JLDArchives")'" exited with 0.
$ julia -e 'Pkg.test("JLD",coverage=true); Pkg.test("JLDArchives",coverage=true)'
INFO: Computing test dependencies for JLD...
WARNING: unknown JLD commit 1adf7718, metadata may be ahead of package cache
INFO: Cloning cache of DataArrays from
INFO: Cloning cache of DataFrames from
INFO: Cloning cache of DataStructures from
INFO: Cloning cache of GZip from
INFO: Cloning cache of Reexport from
INFO: Cloning cache of SortingAlgorithms from
INFO: Cloning cache of SpecialFunctions from
INFO: Cloning cache of StatsBase from
INFO: Installing DataArrays v0.4.0
INFO: Installing DataFrames v0.9.0
INFO: Installing DataStructures v0.5.3
INFO: Installing GZip v0.3.0
INFO: Installing Reexport v0.0.3
INFO: Installing SortingAlgorithms v0.1.1
INFO: Installing SpecialFunctions v0.1.1
INFO: Installing StatsBase v0.13.1
INFO: Testing JLD
WARNING: deprecated syntax "typealias C_time_t Int" at /home/travis/.julia/v0.6/HDF5/src/plain.jl:53.
Use "const C_time_t = Int" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "typealias Hid Int64" at /home/travis/.julia/v0.6/HDF5/src/plain.jl:57.
Use "const Hid = Int64" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "typealias Hid Cint" at /home/travis/.julia/v0.6/HDF5/src/plain.jl:59.
Use "const Hid = Cint" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "typealias Herr Cint" at /home/travis/.julia/v0.6/HDF5/src/plain.jl:61.
Use "const Herr = Cint" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "typealias Hsize UInt64" at /home/travis/.julia/v0.6/HDF5/src/plain.jl:62.
Use "const Hsize = UInt64" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "typealias Hssize Int64" at /home/travis/.julia/v0.6/HDF5/src/plain.jl:63.
Use "const Hssize = Int64" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "typealias Htri Cint" at /home/travis/.julia/v0.6/HDF5/src/plain.jl:64.
Use "const Htri = Cint" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "typealias Haddr UInt64" at /home/travis/.julia/v0.6/HDF5/src/plain.jl:65.
Use "const Haddr = UInt64" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "typealias HDF5BitsKind Union{Int8,UInt8,Int16,UInt16,Int32,UInt32,Int64,UInt64,Float32,Float64}" at /home/travis/.julia/v0.6/HDF5/src/plain.jl:243.
Use "const HDF5BitsKind = Union{Int8,UInt8,Int16,UInt16,Int32,UInt32,Int64,UInt64,Float32,Float64}" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "typealias BitsKindOrString Union{HDF5BitsKind,String}" at /home/travis/.julia/v0.6/HDF5/src/plain.jl:244.
Use "const BitsKindOrString = Union{HDF5BitsKind,String}" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "abstract CharType<:AbstractString" at /home/travis/.julia/v0.6/HDF5/src/plain.jl:264.
Use "abstract type CharType<:AbstractString end" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "typealias HDF5Object Union{HDF5Group,HDF5Dataset,HDF5Datatype}" at /home/travis/.julia/v0.6/HDF5/src/plain.jl:370.
Use "const HDF5Object = Union{HDF5Group,HDF5Dataset,HDF5Datatype}" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "typealias DatasetOrAttribute Union{HDF5Dataset,HDF5Attribute}" at /home/travis/.julia/v0.6/HDF5/src/plain.jl:1208.
Use "const DatasetOrAttribute = Union{HDF5Dataset,HDF5Attribute}" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "abstract DataFile" at /home/travis/.julia/v0.6/HDF5/src/datafile.jl:13.
Use "abstract type DataFile end" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "typealias H5T_class_t Cint" at /home/travis/.julia/v0.6/HDF5/src/blosc_filter.jl:6.
Use "const H5T_class_t = Cint" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "typealias H5Z_filter_t Cint" at /home/travis/.julia/v0.6/HDF5/src/blosc_filter.jl:12.
Use "const H5Z_filter_t = Cint" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
WARNING: deprecated syntax "Expr(:ccall)".
Use "Expr(:call, :ccall)" instead.
The following unrecognized JLD file warning is a sign of normal operation.
/tmp/test.jld is an HDF5 file, but it is not a recognized Julia data file. Opening anyway.
The following unrecognized JLD file warning is a sign of normal operation.
/tmp/test.jld is an HDF5 file, but it is not a recognized Julia data file. Opening anyway.
The following unrecognized JLD file warning is a sign of normal operation.
/tmp/test.jld is an HDF5 file, but it is not a recognized Julia data file. Opening anyway.
The following unrecognized JLD file warning is a sign of normal operation.
/tmp/test.jld is an HDF5 file, but it is not a recognized Julia data file. Opening anyway.
WARNING: could not import into JLDTemp1
WARNING: could not import into Main
WARNING: could not import Intrinsics.unbox into Main
The following missing type warnings are a sign of normal operation.
WARNING: type TestType4 not present in workspace; reconstructing
WARNING: type TestType5 not present in workspace; reconstructing
WARNING: Method definition (::Type{getfield(JLD, Symbol("##TestType5#723"))})(Any) in module JLD at /home/travis/.julia/v0.6/JLD/src/jld_types.jl:811 overwritten at /home/travis/.julia/v0.6/JLD/src/jld_types.jl:811.
WARNING: type TestType5 not present in workspace; interpreting array as Array{Any}
WARNING: type TestType6 not present in workspace; reconstructing
WARNING: type TestType7 not present in workspace; reconstructing
WARNING: type TestType8 not present in workspace; reconstructing
WARNING: type Core.Tuple{TestType4,Core.Tuple{TestType5,Core.Array{TestType5,1}},TestType6} not present in workspace; reconstructing
WARNING: type Core.Tuple{TestType5,Core.Array{TestType5,1}} not present in workspace; reconstructing
WARNING: type TestType5 not present in workspace; interpreting array as Array{Any}
INFO: JLD tests passed
INFO: Removing DataArrays v0.4.0
INFO: Removing DataFrames v0.9.0
INFO: Removing DataStructures v0.5.3
INFO: Removing GZip v0.3.0
INFO: Removing Reexport v0.0.3
INFO: Removing SortingAlgorithms v0.1.1
INFO: Removing SpecialFunctions v0.1.1
INFO: Removing StatsBase v0.13.1
INFO: Testing JLDArchives
WARNING: deprecated syntax "bitstype 64 MyBT" at /home/travis/.julia/v0.6/JLDArchives/test/v0.2.jl:63.
Use "primitive type MyBT 64 end" instead.
ERROR: LoadError: LoadError: MethodError: Cannot `convert` an object of type Array{Int64,1} to an object of type Array{U<:Integer,1}
This may have arisen from a call to the constructor Array{U<:Integer,1}(...),
since type constructors fall back to convert methods.
[1] getindex(::Type{Array{U<:Integer,1}}, ::Array{Int64,1}) at ./array.jl:194
[2] include_from_node1(::String) at ./loading.jl:539
[3] include(::String) at ./sysimg.jl:14
[4] include_from_node1(::String) at ./loading.jl:539
[5] include(::String) at ./sysimg.jl:14
[6] process_options(::Base.JLOptions) at ./client.jl:305
[7] _start() at ./client.jl:371
while loading /home/travis/.julia/v0.6/JLDArchives/test/v0.2.jl, in expression starting on line 51
while loading /home/travis/.julia/v0.6/JLDArchives/test/runtests.jl, in expression starting on line 1
=============================[ ERROR: JLDArchives ]=============================
failed process: Process(`/home/travis/julia/bin/julia -Cx86-64 -J/home/travis/julia/lib/julia/ --compile=yes --depwarn=yes --check-bounds=yes --code-coverage=user --color=no --compilecache=yes /home/travis/.julia/v0.6/JLDArchives/test/runtests.jl`, ProcessExited(1)) [1]
ERROR: JLDArchives had test errors

The command "julia -e 'Pkg.test("JLD",coverage=true); Pkg.test("JLDArchives",coverage=true)'" exited with 1.
Done. Your build exited with 1.
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