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Created June 9, 2012 12:56
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Modified Constraint Differential Evolution algorithm
;; Differential evolution minimization algorithm
;; f -- minimized function
;; feasible? -- predicate for checking feasibility of a vector
;; initial-population
;; F -- value in v1 + F(v2 - v3). Must be in [0..2]
;; CR -- probability of crossing in crossover
;; generations -- maximal number of generations
(define (differential-evolution f feasible? initial-population F CR generations)
;; Auxiliary function breed
;; Calculates next population
;; population -- some population
(define (breed population)
;; Mutate i-th vector in population
(define (mutate i)
;; Generate m unique indices for list of
;; length n
(define (generate-indices n m)
;; Generate unique random number with
;; given list of forbidden numbers
(define (random-unique forbidden)
(let ((value (random-integer n)))
(if (or (= value i)
(list-member? forbidden value))
(random-unique forbidden)
;; Helper for generating indices
(define (generate-indices-helper indices j)
(if (= j m)
(cons (random-unique indices)
(+ j 1))))
(generate-indices-helper '() 0))
;; Get values from list using
;; given list of indices
(define (list-ref-multi source indices)
;; Helper
(define (list-ref-multi-helper values list-indices)
(if (null? list-indices)
(reverse values)
(cons (list-ref source (car list-indices))
(cdr list-indices))))
(list-ref-multi-helper '() indices))
;; Mutation algorithm itself
(let* ((mixins (list-ref-multi
(generate-indices (length population) 3)))
(v1 (car mixins))
(v2 (cadr mixins))
(v3 (caddr mixins)))
(map + v1 (map (lambda (x) (* x F)) (map - v2 v3)))))
;; Crossover with father
(define (crossover father trial)
(define (crossover-helper crossed-genes father trial)
(if (null? father)
(reverse crossed-genes)
(crossover-helper (cons (if (< (random-real) CR)
(car father)
(car trial))
(cdr father)
(cdr trial))))
(crossover-helper '() father trial))
;; Main breeding algorithm
(define (breed-helper breeded i)
(if (= i (length population))
(reverse breeded)
(let* ((father (list-ref population i))
(trial (crossover father
(mutate i)))
(trial-fitness (f trial))
(father-fitness (f father))
(survived (if (and (< trial-fitness father-fitness)
(feasible? trial))
(breed-helper (cons survived breeded) (+ i 1)))))
(breed-helper '() 0))
;; Main evolution algorithm
(define (differential-evolution-helper breeded i)
(if (= i generations)
(breed breeded)
(+ i 1))))
(differential-evolution-helper initial-population 0))
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