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Created February 15, 2011 20:06
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99 bottles of beer in FASM bootsector
; an x86 bootsector implementation of
; 99 bottles of beer
; by Ivan Sukin <>
; based on template made by shoorick
; Drive info
_bps equ 512 ; bytes per sector
_spt equ 18 ; sectors per track
_hds equ 2 ; number of heads
_trs equ 80 ; number of tracks
; First 3 bytes of bootsector
; Must be E9XXXX or EBXX90.
; 7C00h is the address where
; bootsector is put by BIOS
org 7C00h ; starting address
mov cx, 99 ; set CX to 99 right here
jmp short start ; short jmp (EB XX)
; Bootsector record (1 byte after standard)
more db "o more " ; OEM name and version (8 B)
more_l = $ - more ; !!! dirty hack
; !!! I've put some string here
dw _bps ; bytes per sector
db 1 ; sectors per allocation unit
dw 1 ; reserved sectors
db 2 ; number of FATs
dw 224 ; number of root dir entries
dw 2880 ; total sectors in logical volume
db 0F0h ; media descriptor byte
dw 9 ; number of sectors per FAT
dw _spt ; sectors per track
dw _hds ; number of heads
dd 0 ; number of hidden sectors
dd 0 ; total sectors in logical volume
; if volume size > 32 MiB
db 0 ; physical drive number
db 0 ; reserved
db 29h ; Extended Boot Signature record (29h)
dd 0 ; 32-bit binary volume ID
is db "Ivan Sukin " ; volume label (11 B)
db "(C) 2011" ; reserved (8 B)
is_l = $ - is ; !!! dirty hack
; !!! I've put my name here
; Entry point
; Point segment registers to the beginning of current segment
mov ax, cs
mov ds, ax
; loop: begin
call put_cx_99
cmp cl, 1
je short cx_is_1
call print_bott1
call put_cx_99
call print_bott2
call print_endl1
call print_bott3
; print cx - 1
dec cx
call put_cx_99
; if next_value_of_cx == 1 then goto cx_will_be_1
cmp cl, 1
je short cx_will_be_1
; else
call bott4_endl
jmp short @b
; loop: end
mov dx, b5_l
call bott5_helper
jmp short @b
; loop: end
mov dx, b6_l
call bott5_helper
mov al, ","
call put_char
mov al, " "
call put_char
call put_cx_99
mov dx, b7_l
call bott5_helper
call print_endl1
call print_bott3
mov al, "N"
call put_char
call print_more
call bott4_endl
mov ax, "N"
call put_char
call print_more
call print_bott1
mov al, "n"
call put_char
call print_more
call print_bott2
call print_endl1
mov dx, store_l
mov si, stor
call put_str
mov cx, 99
call put_cx_99
call bott4_endl
mov dx, is_l
mov si, is
call put_str
xor ah, ah
int 16h ; INT 16h -- function 00, Get keystroke
int 19h ; INT 19h -- Bootstrap loader
; (reboot)
; Many helper and printer procedures
; written for code shortening
call print_bott4
call print_endl
mov dx, more_l
mov si, more
call put_str
mov si, bott_1
call put_str
mov si, bott_5
call put_str
mov dx, b1_l
call bott1_helper
mov dx, b2_l
call bott1_helper
mov dx, b3_l
mov si, bott_3
call put_str
mov dx, b4_l
call bott1_helper
mov dx, endl_l
mov si, endl
call put_str
mov dx, endl_l1
mov si, endl
call put_str
; Simple printing procedures
; Procedure put_char
; al -- character to output
; Uses: ax
mov ah, 0Eh
int 10h
; Procedure put_cx_99
; Puts a value of CX
; assuming that it's in range
; 0 - 99
; Uses: ax, bx
mov ax, cx
mov bl, 10
div bl
mov bh, ah
test al, al
jz short @f
add al, '0'
call put_char
mov al, bh
add al, '0'
call put_char
mov al, " "
call put_char
; Procedure put_str
; dx -- string lenth
; ds:si -- string address
; Uses: ah, dx
call put_char
dec dx
jnz short put_str
; String data needed for the song
bott_1 db "bottles of beer on the wall, "
b1_l = $ - bott_1
b2_l = 15
bott_3 db "Take one down pass it around, "
b3_l = $ - bott_3
b4_l = b1_l - 2
bott_5 db "bottle of beer on the wall.", 13, 10, 10
b5_l = $ - bott_5
b6_l = b5_l - 4
b7_l = b5_l - 16
endl = $ - 4
endl_l1 = 3
endl_l = 4
stor db "Go to store and buy some more, "
store_l = $ - stor
rb 7E00h-2-$ ; reserve the rest of bootsector except last two bytes
db 055h, 0AAh ; bootsector signature
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You may build this code with FASM ( and then write it to diskette or try in emulator (the best choice is DOSBox).

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