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Created November 18, 2023 09:24
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Unit Tests for useDeepCompareMemoize: Testing Deep Comparison React Hook with Vitest and Testing Library
import { describe, it, expect } from "vitest";
import { renderHook } from "@testing-library/react";
import useDeepCompareMemoize from "./useDeepCompareMemoize";
describe("useDeepCompareMemoize", () => {
it('should return a memoized version of the input value based on deep comparison', () => {
const initialData = { user: { name: 'John', age: 25, city: 'New York' } };
const newData = { user: { name: 'Alice', age: 30, city: 'San Francisco' } };
const identicalData = { user: { name: 'John', age: 25, city: 'New York' } };
const { result, rerender } = renderHook(
({ data }) => useDeepCompareMemoize(data),
{ initialProps: { data: initialData } },
// Re-render with new data, expect result to change
rerender({ data: newData });
// Re-render with identical data, expect result not to change
rerender({ data: identicalData });
it('should handle primitive values', () => {
const initialNumber = 2023;
const newNumber = 2024;
const identicalNumber = 2023;
const { result, rerender } = renderHook(
({ data }) => useDeepCompareMemoize(data),
{ initialProps: { data: initialNumber } }
// Re-render with the same value, expect result not to change
rerender({ data: newNumber });
// Re-render with a new value, expect result to change
rerender({ data: identicalNumber });
it('should handle arrays', () => {
const initialArray = [ 'apple', 'orange', 'banana' ];
const newArray = [ 'grape', 'kiwi', 'pineapple' ];
const identicalArray = [ 'apple', 'orange', 'banana' ];
const { result, rerender } = renderHook(
({ data }) => useDeepCompareMemoize(data),
{ initialProps: { data: initialArray } }
// Re-render with a new array, expect result to change
rerender({ data: newArray });
// Re-render with an identical array, expect result not to change
rerender({ data: identicalArray });
import { useRef } from 'react';
import { isEqual, cloneDeep } from 'lodash';
* Custom React hook for deep comparison memoization.
* @remarks
* Traditional useMemo doesn't detect changes in nested data structures.
* This hook uses lodash's `isEqual` for deep comparison and returns a memoized version of the provided value.
* If the current value is different from the previous one (in a deep comparison sense), it clones and returns the new value.
* This hook can be particularly useful when combined with React's `useMemo` or `useCallback` to avoid unnecessary re-renders or recalculations when dealing with deep nested data structures.
* @param value - The value to be deeply compared and possibly memoized.
* @returns A memoized version of the input value based on deep comparison.
* @example
* ```tsx
* const data = { a: { b: { c: 1 } } };
* const memoizedData = useDeepCompareMemoize(data);
* ```
* @see {@link} for the original resource and explanation.
const useDeepCompareMemoize = <T>(value: T): T => {
const ref = useRef<T>();
if (!isEqual(value, ref.current)) {
ref.current = cloneDeep(value);
return ref.current!;
export default useDeepCompareMemoize;
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