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Created May 16, 2023 08:34
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ChatGPT 3.5 - write a new Seinfeld episode where Kramer, George and Jerry discuss the benefits of an all cereal diet
Kramer bursts into Jerry's apartment carrying a large box of cereal. George is sitting on the couch, eating a bag of chips.
Kramer: Jerry, you won't believe it. I'm starting an all cereal diet!
George: (sarcastically) Oh boy, here we go again. What's wrong with regular food, Kramer?
Kramer: (ignoring George's comment) What's wrong with cereal? It has all the essential vitamins and minerals you need.
Jerry: (rolling his eyes) Yeah, but it also has a ton of sugar.
Kramer: Sugar is energy, Jerry. Plus, I can mix and match all the different types of cereal for variety.
George: (sarcastically) Oh, yeah. Because nothing says variety like eating the same thing for every meal.
Kramer: (ignoring George's comment) And think about the convenience, Jerry. No more cooking or cleaning up dishes. Just pour and go.
Jerry: (shaking his head) I don't know, Kramer. That doesn't sound like a balanced diet to me.
Kramer: (defensively) Oh, come on. It's not like I'm eating nothing but Lucky Charms all day. I've got bran flakes for fiber, Cheerios for heart health, and Wheaties for strength.
George: (sarcastically) Oh, yeah. Because nothing says strength like a bowl of Wheaties.
Kramer: (ignoring George's comment) Don't knock it till you try it, George. You might like it.
George: (skeptically) I don't know, Kramer. I like to chew my food.
Jerry: (nodding in agreement) Yeah, I'm with George on this one.
Kramer: (frustrated) You guys just don't understand the benefits of an all cereal diet. I'm telling you, it's the wave of the future.
George: (sarcastically) Yeah, the future of obesity and tooth decay.
Jerry: (smiling) Alright, alright. Let's just agree to disagree. But if you start turning into the cereal monster, we're out.
Kramer: (smiling) Don't worry, guys. I've got this all figured out. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner, all cereal, all the time.
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