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Created April 16, 2020 15:59
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Using bitcoinj to derive legacy, segwit and bech32 addresses from account xpub
import org.bitcoinj.core.*;
import org.bitcoinj.crypto.*;
import org.bitcoinj.params.*;
import org.bitcoinj.script.*;
import org.junit.*;
public class BitcoinJTest
private static NetworkParameters params = MainNetParams.get();
public void test()
xpub("xpub661MyMwAqRbcFtXgS5sYJABqqG9YLmC4Q1Rdap9gSE8NqtwybGhePY2gZ29ESFjqJoCu1Rupje8YtGqsefD265TMg7usUDFdp6W1EGMcet8", AddressFormat.P2SH);
enum AddressFormat
private void xpub(String xpub, AddressFormat format)
DeterministicKey rootKey = DeterministicKey.deserializeB58(null, xpub, params);
DeterministicHierarchy hierarchy = new DeterministicHierarchy(rootKey);
DeterministicKey external = deriveNextChild(rootKey, hierarchy);
derive(hierarchy, external, format);
DeterministicKey change = deriveNextChild(rootKey, hierarchy);
derive(hierarchy, change, format);
private void derive(DeterministicHierarchy hierarchy, DeterministicKey chain, AddressFormat format)
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
DeterministicKey key = deriveNextChild(chain, hierarchy);
Address address = getAddress(key, format);
System.out.println(key.getPath() + ": " + address);
private DeterministicKey deriveNextChild(DeterministicKey rootKey, DeterministicHierarchy hierarchy)
return hierarchy.deriveNextChild(rootKey.getPath(), false, false, false);
private Address getAddress(ECKey key, AddressFormat format)
switch (format)
case P2PKH:
return LegacyAddress.fromPubKeyHash(params, key.getPubKeyHash());
case P2SH:
Script script = ScriptBuilder.createP2WPKHOutputScript(key.getPubKeyHash());
return LegacyAddress.fromScriptHash(params, Utils.sha256hash160(script.getProgram()));
case BECH32:
return SegwitAddress.fromHash(params, key.getPubKeyHash());
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
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How to make it work with zpub and derivation path: m/0'? (Electrum)

With an account extended public key It works just as xpub, with BECH32 as AddressFormat.

xpub("zpub6qPQ4bNULwrEAXXquDFMRFXYsvUHLNKEZJU5ymkAHBGBApJj7orxvLWN8LUm7o6GdMZnnT198GKkH5WNvCd5gKX5zYtZMhnzvGRkSGmEH5S", BECH32);

With a BIP32 Extended Public Key I'm not sure.

I don't know what kind of zpub Electrum uses.

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vurezo commented Feb 23, 2021

Electrum 4.0.9 -> Standard wallet -> "I already have a seed" -> chimney between slight bachelor physical energy antique own prize announce open actor

Wallet type: standard
Script type: p2wpkh
Keystore type: bip32
Master Public Key: zpub6nszmTrMkYZRKGdmpbLtsckj7pUZaii1kviDP443Hw1ZjrhKY5EwLoSt58ZQp2JuEAjV7gxMamURENc35QSnJFeuVd7kPhEsGMSbA2i95Af
Derivation path: m/0'


Could you make java code that gives those 3 addresses using the zpub & derivation path above? It should be the first 3 addresses in the chain. If so I'll reward you with $50 payable in crypto, just let me know how to contact you to send you. Thank you in advance!

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The code above works with that master public key:

xpub("zpub6nszmTrMkYZRKGdmpbLtsckj7pUZaii1kviDP443Hw1ZjrhKY5EwLoSt58ZQp2JuEAjV7gxMamURENc35QSnJFeuVd7kPhEsGMSbA2i95Af", BECH32);


[0H, 0, 0]: bc1q99ls3x2ndxgfmeal8vm4l6tla3g5yl55n5tvq3
[0H, 0, 1]: bc1qvypl85m2j4npssp9yectdxz6v55wjm9vkdvuve
[0H, 0, 2]: bc1qtn8acsae9qeu2793lpkp3hcn8w98m6vnhphavl
[0H, 0, 3]: bc1q6x29y39xxjcll4dwa068wqgw0anhucjdx0wsn8
[0H, 0, 4]: bc1qp6u33zlgh2ha5vre0geeahwlv3fh8jaqa2rs55
[0H, 0, 5]: bc1q5rpu5fne55uhjn6n50lcxfqdpjrg6eqssyw6wg
[0H, 0, 6]: bc1qqfw9dvallxskfec4ka8r45wdct0q5k2kea9laa
[0H, 0, 7]: bc1q5l78g55a7apaypd7307uetzylanv79vfvktcdk
[0H, 0, 8]: bc1qy5fpyd0p6hllzwkl7swqnxmha84xxempkwjlgr
[0H, 0, 9]: bc1q5sheygnnk9kdg4dqkgn228pezff6k6v9m4l622
[0H, 1, 0]: bc1qgewhyg77u3dypgfp3se9238a3g3jz5l0f8fhmu
[0H, 1, 1]: bc1qp9pjhm93cnzr3mceqs3ajss9mg0yw5e96z4dkt
[0H, 1, 2]: bc1qvkguddek6zgsx2nnhhkcuxe7l84y6gwe26jr95
[0H, 1, 3]: bc1quj7f2ulfqm9r65edy02yfwfrgx2d5llree470s
[0H, 1, 4]: bc1q3cq937f35rv0xp8sulae7vq0egx9rkxllhvfxz
[0H, 1, 5]: bc1q22qkwqvndx5zddtee3r54auzcgreadk7rq677e
[0H, 1, 6]: bc1q6lapvs6luf7jvcvw707tya86ma4tumzatsdeaz
[0H, 1, 7]: bc1q5qh997mqty36440zjennkqz7ana5sq54s0apne
[0H, 1, 8]: bc1qxz0y6wk3uc96jkf7l57t32vaxu74e8yj23nqzl
[0H, 1, 9]: bc1qc276w78uhmljaxdj2a8m4edyhv4k67a2m37lg2

Only thing I'm not sure about is if m/o'/1 are the change addresses. You should verify that as well.

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I'm not familiar with Electrum seeds, but the bip39 tool ( doesn't recognise those seed words. Apparently they use a different standard, as noted by

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vurezo commented Feb 23, 2021

what's the code you used exactly to make that output? and email me with your BCH/BTC/crypto address

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The code is the gist. Just put the Electrum master public key zpub on line 14, with AddressType.BECH32. Run the test, that produces the output.

No need for payment, I wrote the code for myself, published for free.

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