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Created September 2, 2010 19:26
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error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT);
* To runs this example you will need the UUID PHP Extension
* DomainModel Aggregate root for a Tweet
* The Aggregate root tracks all uncommitted events and can have old
* events replayed to it.
class Domain_Tweet
protected $_id;
protected $_version = -1;
protected $_message;
protected $_who;
protected $_when;
protected $_uncommittedEvents = array();
public function __construct($message, $who)
$event = new Event_NewTweetPostedEvent(
protected function _OnNewTweetPosted(Event_NewTweetPostedEvent $e)
$this->_id = $e->tweetId;
$this->_message = $e->message;
$this->_who = $e->who;
$this->_when = $e->when;
protected function _applyEvent($event, $fromHistory = false)
// would find event handler, we have hard-coded here
if (false === $fromHistory) {
$this->_uncommittedEvents[] = $event;
public function initializeFromHistory($events)
foreach ($events as $event) {
$this->_applyEvent($event, true);
public function getUncommittedEvents()
return $this->_uncommittedEvents;
public function getId()
return $this->_id;
* DomainEvent a new tweet post, this will be stored in the
* event store and replayed to the aggregate root when it is
* called back into memory
class Event_NewTweetPostedEvent
public $id;
public $eventTime;
public $tweetId;
public $message;
public $who;
public $when;
public function __construct($tweetId, $message, $who, $when)
$this->id = uuid_create(UUID_TYPE_RANDOM);
$this->eventTime = time();
$this->tweetId = $tweetId;
$this->message = $message;
$this->who = $who;
$this->when = $when;
* Command to post a new tweet, holds all the required data
* for the command. This would be sent from the client to
* the command service.
class Command_PostNewTweetCommand
public $message;
public $who;
public function __construct($message, $who)
$this->message = $message;
$this->who = $who;
* Matching Executor for the Command, this actually changes the state
* of our domain. Executors are called from the command service.
class Command_PostNewTweetExecutor
protected $_cmdService;
public function __construct(CommandService $commandService)
$this->_cmdService = $commandService;
public function execute($command)
$tweet = new Domain_Tweet(
* Classic Domain Repository, handles the persisting of state and recall
* thereafter. In CQRS we dont end up with a bloated repository though!
class Repository
protected $_eventStore;
protected $_eventBus;
public function __construct(EventStore $store, EventBus $bus)
$this->_eventStore = $store;
$this->_eventBus = $bus;
public function getById($id, $type)
// trick php to not call constructor
$aggregate = unserialize(
sprintf('O:%d:"%s":0:{}', strlen($type), $type)
$events = $this->_eventStore->getHistoryForAggregateId($id);
return $aggregate;
public function save($aggregate)
$eventsToSave = $aggregate->getUncommittedEvents();
foreach ($eventsToSave as $event) {
$this->_eventStore->store($aggregate->getId(), $event);
$this->_eventBus->enqueue($aggregate->getId(), $event);
* An In-Memory store of events that have been applied to the Domain.
class EventStore
protected $_events;
public function __construct()
$this->_events = array();
public function store($aggregateIdent, $event)
if (!isset($this->_events[$aggregateIdent])) {
$this->_events[$aggregateIdent] = array();
$this->_events[$aggregateIdent][] = $event;
public function getHistoryForAggregateId($id)
if (!isset($this->_events[$id])) {
return null;
return $this->_events[$id];
* The event bus sends events over to the read model for processing.
* This will then create our de-normalized storage.
class EventBus
protected $_db;
protected $_events = array();
public function __construct($db)
$this->_db = $db;
public function enqueue($aggregateIdent, $event)
if (!isset($this->_events[$aggregateIdent])) {
$this->_events[$aggregateIdent] = array();
$this->_events[$aggregateIdent] = $event;
public function publish()
// find the denormalizer, hardcoded here...
$denormalizer = new Read_PostNewTweetDenormalizer($this->_db);
// write events to the readModel, this would be
// where we did transactions etc...
foreach ($this->_events as $ident => $event) {
$denormalizer->write($ident, $event);
// clear the processed events
$this->_events = array();
* The denormalizer for the PostNewTweet event, this will take the event
* and translate its data into a de-normalized form.
class Read_PostNewTweetDenormalizer
protected $_db;
public function __construct($db)
$this->_db = $db;
public function write($aggregateIdent, $event)
$this->_db->exec("INSERT INTO tweets
VALUES('$aggregateIdent', '$event->message', '$event->who', '$event->when')");
* Command Service, directs the incoming commands to the correct
* Command Executor.
class CommandService
protected $_repository;
public function __construct(Repository $repository)
$this->_repository = $repository;
public function execute($command)
// find the command executor, again we hardcode here...
$executor = new Command_PostNewTweetExecutor($this);
public function getRepository()
return $this->_repository;
// in-memory read db
$db = new PDO('sqlite::memory:');
// create the readModel table, stores the denormalized data
$db->exec('CREATE TABLE tweets
`id` CHAR(36),
`message` VARCHAR(140),
`who` VARCHAR(128),
// setup all the components
$eventBus = new EventBus($db);
$eventStore = new EventStore();
$repository = new Repository($eventStore, $eventBus);
$commandService = new CommandService($repository);
// adding a new tweet
$tweetCommand = new Command_PostNewTweetCommand('Another really important tweet', 'Keith Pope');
// reading tweets
$stmt = $db->query('SELECT * FROM tweets');
$result = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
title('Tweets from ReadModel');
foreach ($result as $tweet) {
$id = $tweet['id'];
echo $tweet['message'] . '(' . $tweet['who'] . ')' . ' - ' . $tweet['when'] . "\n";
// whats in the event store?
title('Event Store');
// recalling aggregates, this would never happen here but we haven't got an update event :)
title('Our Tweet');
$recalled = $repository->getById($id, 'Domain_Tweet');
// Ignore this....
function title($title) {
echo str_repeat('-', 70);
echo "\n$title\n";
echo str_repeat('-', 70) . "\n";
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muteor commented Sep 2, 2010

Example Output:
Tweets from ReadModel
Another really important tweet(Keith Pope) - 1283456671
Event Store
EventStore Object
[_events:protected] => Array
[E2069990-7EF8-4E0C-BCD8-3583D75BFD6C] => Array
[0] => Event_NewTweetPostedEvent Object
[id] => E4DA269B-8E73-41C3-96E9-186472F495CE
[eventTime] => 1283456671
[tweetId] => E2069990-7EF8-4E0C-BCD8-3583D75BFD6C
[message] => Another really important tweet
[who] => Keith Pope
[when] => 1283456671



Our Tweet
Domain_Tweet Object
    [_id:protected] => E2069990-7EF8-4E0C-BCD8-3583D75BFD6C
    [_version:protected] => 0
    [_message:protected] => Another really important tweet
    [_who:protected] => Keith Pope
    [_when:protected] => 1283456671
    [_uncommittedEvents:protected] => Array


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