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Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
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Unix Cheatsheet
#To get folder size solaris
du -h | tail -1
# To Zip a folder r stands for recursive
zip -r /opt/xxx/YYZ/
#To Untar Linux
tar -xzvf ftpserver-1.0.0.tar.gz
#to tar gz solaris
tar cf - dsef.94.0.0/ | gzip -c > dsef_1.94.0.tar.gz
#To Untar Solaris
gunzip -c ftpserver-1.0.6.tar.gz |tar xvf -
#Wget Solaris
#To Download file/folder from ftp
wget -r -nH --cut-dirs=5 -P$localpath \ -nc ftp://USER_NAME:PASSWORD@HOST/$remotepath
# To create alias for bash shell , in file .bashrc
# alias command in the below files
# .bahsrc
# .bash_profile
alias aiasname='cd /xxx/opt/staging/log'
#To Send Email Attachment
echo "Sending an attachment." | mutt -a -s "attachment"
#To search for text within process
ps -ef | grep GLReportFileCreator
#To search text within folders
find . -name '*' -print|xargs grep '/usr/txs/tomcat7' 2>/dev/null
#to Locate file name
locate -b log4j*
#Change owner of directory with Recursive
chown -R username somedir
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