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Last active December 20, 2015 10:59
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module RPolish where
import Data.Char
import Data.Maybe
calc :: IO ()
calc = do
putStr "> "
line <- getLine
if not (head line == '0')
then do
-- このへん見にくいので何とかしたい
if checkFormula line
then do
let res = calculate line
putStrLn $ if length res == 1 then show $ head res else "Worng Formula"
else putStrLn "Wrong Formula"
else putStrLn "Bye Bye"
calculate :: String -> [Float]
calculate = (foldl f []) . words
f :: [Float] -> String -> [Float]
f (x:y:zs) "+" = (y + x):zs
f (x:y:zs) "-" = (y - x):zs
f (x:y:zs) "*" = (y * x):zs
f (x:y:zs) "/" = (y / x):zs
f (x:y:zs) "^" = (y ** x):zs
f xs y = read y : xs
checkFormula :: String -> Bool
checkFormula formula = check $ words formula
check :: [String] -> Bool
check [] = True
check (x:xs) =
if compareAll x ["+", "-", "*", "/", "^"]
then check xs
else case maybeRead x :: Maybe Float of
Just _ -> check xs
Nothing -> False
maybeRead :: Read a => String -> Maybe a
maybeRead = fmap fst . listToMaybe . reads
compareAll :: String -> [String] -> Bool
compareAll w cand = f w cand
f :: String -> [String] -> Bool
f w [] = False
f w (x:xs) = if w == x then True else f w xs
-- 挫折 --
--maybeCalculate :: String -> [Float]
--maybeCalculate = (foldl f []) . words
-- where
-- f (x:y:zs) "+" = (y + x):zs
-- f (x:y:zs) "-" = (y - x):zs
-- f (x:y:zs) "*" = (y * x):zs
-- f (x:y:zs) "/" = (y / x):zs
-- f (x:y:zs) "^" = (y ** x):zs
-- f xs y = case maybeRead y :: Maybe Float of
-- Just r -> r:xs
-- Nothing -> 0.0:xs
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