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apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
app: mariadb
name: mariadb-deployment
replicas: 1
app: mariadb
app: mariadb
name: mariadb
image: ''
name: mariadb-root-password
key: password
name: mariadb-user-creds
containerPort: 3306
protocol: TCP
mountPath: /var/lib/mysql
name: mariadb-volume-1
mountPath: /etc/mysql/conf.d
name: mariadb-config-volume
emptyDir: {}
name: mariadb-volume-1
name: mariadb-config
key: max_allowed_packet.cnf
path: max_allowed_packet.cnf
name: mariadb-config-volume
###### Kubernetes SECRETS
Note: Both Secrets and ConfigMaps can be exposed inside a container as
mounted files or volumes or environment variables.
Definition: Kubernetes objects to store small amount of sensitive data.
e.g. Database Passwords.
CASE: MariaDB on Kubernetes
A. Manual Secret Creation:
1. Create a secrete containing the MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD, choose a password and convert
it to base64
## From the Terminal generate a base64 password;
echo -n 'KubernetesRocks!' | base64
LW4gJ0t1YmVybmV0ZXNSb2NrcyEnIA0K is the password.
2. Now use the base64 password to create our Secret YAML file:
## File reference:
3. Apply our secret into Kubernetes:
## Create Secrete:
kubectl apply -f secrets/mysql-secret.yaml
## Check it out:
kubectl describe secret/mariadb-root-password
## Edit the secret if you need to:
kubectl edit secret/mariadb-root-password
## Decode the Secret and pipe it through base64:
Note: Incase it doesn't decode, decode it online.
kubectl get secret/mariadb-root-password -o jsonpath='{.data.password}'
B. Kubernetes built in way Secret Creation: [Much Simpler]
Use --from-literal to set as many Key/Value pairs as you wish.
## Create the Secrets:
kubectl create secret generic mariadb-user-creds --from-literal=MYSQL_USER=kubeuser --from-literal=MYSQL_PASSWORD=kube-still-rocks
## Confirm that they are actually there:
kubectl get secret mariadb-user-creds -o jsonpath="{.data.MYSQL_USER}" | base64 --decode -
kubectl get secret mariadb-user-creds -o jsonpath="{.data.MYSQL_PASSWORD}" | base64 --decode -
###### Kubernetes ConfigMap
Definition: Similar to Secrets but store less sensitive data. Thus great
for storing environmental variables and config files.
Also used to create customized running services from generic container images.
### scenario:
Override the default max_allowed_packet in MariaDB from 16M to 64M
reference: ./max_allowed_packet.cnf
## Create a ConfigMap named mariadb-config
kubectl create configmap mariadb-config --from-file=max_allowed_packet.cnf
Note: Using --from-file=max_allowed_packet.cnf in kubectl above, creates
Stores the name of the file as the Key e.g. max_allowed_packet.cnf verbatim
Stores the file contents as Value.
Hint: You can explicitly set Key/Value with below option:
e.g. --from-file=max-packet=max_allowed_packet.cnf
Incase of multiple files, use additional --from-file=<filename> arguments to
store those.
### Validate the ConfigMap was really created:
kubectl get configmap mariadb-config
### View the ConfigMap's file contents:
kubectl describe configmap mariadb-config
### You can edit the ConfigMap properties live on Kubernetes:
kubectl edit configmap mariadb-config
### Confirm Edited contents:
Hint: Escape '.' before extensiontype.
kubectl get configmap mariadb-config -o "jsonpath={.data['max_allowed_packet\.cnf']}"
###### Secrets and ConfigMap Usage
Can be mounted as environment variables or as files within a container.
Example: MariaDB scenario
Mount Secrets as environmental variables and ConfigMap as files.
### First create a mariadb deployment.
reference: ./mariadb-deployment.yaml
Example: mariadb-root-password Secret addition
Specify the Secret and the key you want by adding an env list/array to the
container spec in the Deployment and setting the environment variable value
to the value of the key in your Secret.
Example: mariadb-root-password max_allowed_packet.cnf file addition
Add ConfigMap as a container volumeMount
Both Secrets and ConfigMaps can be the source of Kubernetes "volumes" and mounted
into the containers.
This aint persistent data store.
Q. Whereb to add the ConfigMap:
Add it under volume list and reference it inside the volumeMount along with a name.
### Now create the mariadb instance:
kubectl create -f mariadb-deployment.yaml
### Confirm the Secret and ConfigMap are being used inside the MariaDB container.
kubectl exec -it <pod_name> env | grep MYSQL
### Confirm the ConfigMap file "max_allowed_packet.cnf" is stored
inside "/etc/mysql/conf.d"
kubectl exec -it <pod_name> ls /etc/mysql/conf.d
REF: Always use this Site to Clean your YAML files:
Now the MariaDB has the environmental variables available for it to use.
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