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Last active August 29, 2015 13:58
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GitHub webhook integrating to ThoughtWorks Go Server
# A very simple CGI script to receive a Github webhook and
# send to a 'ThoughtWorks Go Server'
# Usage:
# Github Webhooks / Manage webhook
# Payload URL:
# Will send a POST to:
# This assumes that your pipeline is named after your github repository.
# If both names differ, you may use:
# Payload URL:
# Will send a POST to:
# This script uses a config file named '/etc/go/webhook.json'
# with the following format:
# {
# "webhook_url": "",
# "go_url": "",
# "go_user": "user-here",
# "go_pass": "password-here"
# }
# You may host this script using any solution you want but, just as a remainder,
# apache with CGI enabled is a very simple and stable option.
# Marcus Vinicius Ferreira[ at ]
# 2014-04
require 'cgi'
require 'json'
## Remember:
## - CGI is any program/script executed by the webserver
## - webserver will pass information in 2 ways:
## - using ENVIRONMENT variables
## - using STDIN for POST/PUT methods, encoded
## - 'CGI' is a module that will handle both inputs by itself
## - 'CGI' will decode all data by itself
## - 'cgi.params' is a Hash with all inputs combined
# ENV.keys.sort.each { |k| printf "%-30s = %s </br>\n", k, ENV[k] }
msg = "<html><code>\n\n"
def end_ok(msg)
puts "Content-type: text/html\n\n"
puts "#{msg}\n</code></html>"
exit 0
def end_err(msg)
puts "Status: 429 Too Many Requests\n\n"
puts "Content-type: text/html\n\n"
puts "#{msg}\n"
puts "429: Too Many Requests (pipeline already in progress)\n\n"
puts "</code></html>"
exit 1
msg << "Method: [#{ENV['REQUEST_METHOD']}]"
end_ok msg
## Github sending 'form-www': 'application/vnd.github.v3+form'
## - post-data is a enconded string:
## payload=%7B%22zen%22%3A%22Keep+it+logically+awesome.%22%2C%22hook_id%22%3A2061741%7D
## - cgi.params (after decoded):
## {"payload"=>["{\"zen\":\"Keep it logically awesome.\",\"hook_id\":2061741}"]}
## - usage:
## 'payload' is a key to an array
# payload = cgi.params['payload'][0]
## Github sending 'json': 'application/vnd.github.v3+json'
## - post-data is a JSON String
## {"zen":"Keep it logically awesome.","hook_id":2061741}
## - cgi.params:
## {"{\"zen\":\"Keep it logically awesome.\",\"hook_id\":2061741}"=>[]}
## - usage:
## in the params hash, 'value' is empty while all information
## is in the key itself.
# payload = cgi.params.keys[0]
cgi =
if cgi.params.has_key?("payload")
msg << "post-data: form-www\n"
payload = cgi.params['payload'][0]
msg << "post-data: json\n"
payload = cgi.params.keys[0]
# msg << " params: #{cgi.params}\n"
# msg << " payload: #{payload}\n"
json = JSON.parse( payload )
msg << "Error parsing json...\n"
msg << " payload: #{payload}"
end_ok msg
## info, please
config = JSON.parse('/etc/go/webhook.json') )
if json.has_key?('repository')
repo = json['repository']['name']
url_go = "#{config['go_url']}/go/api/pipelines/#{repo}/schedule"
msg << " repo: #{repo}\n"
elsif json.has_key?('hook_id')
msg << " hook_id: #{json['hook_id']}\n"
end_ok msg
msg << "What json is that?\n"
msg << " wtf?: #{payload}"
end_ok msg
## extra: sometimes 'repository name' is not the same as
## 'pipeline' name. An optional parameter takes
## precedence.
if cgi.params.has_key?('pipeline')
pipeline = cgi.params['pipeline'][0]
url_go = "#{config['go_url']}/go/api/pipelines/#{pipeline}/schedule"
msg << " pipeline: #{pipeline}\n"
## builds only to master branch, please!
master_branch = "refs/heads/#{json['repository']['master_branch']}"
if json['ref'] != master_branch
msg << " commit to: #{json['ref']}\n"
msg << " I will ignore this. Builds only apply to 'master', please.\n"
end_ok msg
## debug(?)
# puts "\n\ncgi</br>"
# pp cgi
# puts "\n\n"
## forward now...
res = `curl -s -k -u '#{config['go_user']}:#{config['go_pass']}' -d '' #{url_go}`
msg << " result: #{res}\n"
end_err msg if res =~ /Failed/i
end_ok msg
# vim:ft=ruby:
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