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Last active March 14, 2022 21:24
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RADIO1.HU WorldIsMine RadioShow Downloader Script
# original made by a-sync:
# python version by mva-one:
from os import getcwd
import re
import shutil
import urllib3
from unidecode import unidecode
urllist = [
# repeat for all desired mixes
for url in urllist:
# get the html, and parse the audio elements
http = urllib3.PoolManager()
html = http.request('GET', url).data.decode('utf-8')
# nice RegEx made by
pattern = """<audio data-artist="(.*?)" data-title="(.*?)".*?>\n.*?<source src="(.*?)" type="audio/mp3">"""
matches = re.findall(pattern, html, re.IGNORECASE)
# for each audio, download the file and name it like desired
for match in matches:
title = match[0]
datetime = match[1]
source = "" + match[2]
dlheaders = urllib3._collections.HTTPHeaderDict()
dlheaders.add("Referer", url)
dlheaders.add("Connection", "keep-alive")
dlheaders.add("Host", "")
titlesplit = title.split("-",1)
if len(titlesplit) == 2:
artist = unidecode(title.split("-",1)[1].replace(" ", ""))
artist = "ERROR"
date = unidecode(datetime.split(":")[0].replace(" ",""))
filename = getcwd() + "\\R1_WIM_" + artist + "_" + date + ".mp3"
print("Filename: " + filename + " Title: " + title + " Date: " + datetime + " Source: " + source)
# Download file(s)
with http.request('GET', source, headers=dlheaders, preload_content=False) as r, open(filename, "wb") as file:
print("STATUS = " + str(r.status))
shutil.copyfileobj(r, file)
print("An exception occured!")
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