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Created August 18, 2017 11:27
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Fixed `Editor.hs` file from CIS 194: Homework 7 (Spring '13)
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
, ScopedTypeVariables
module Editor where
import System.IO
import Buffer
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Arrow (first, second)
import Data.Char
import Data.List
-- Editor commands
data Command = View
| Edit
| Load String
| Line Int
| Next
| Prev
| Quit
| Help
| Noop
deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
commands :: [String]
commands = map show [View, Edit, Next, Prev, Quit]
-- Editor monad
newtype Editor b a = Editor (StateT (b,Int) IO a)
deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO, MonadState (b,Int))
runEditor :: Buffer b => Editor b a -> b -> IO a
runEditor (Editor e) b = evalStateT e (b,0)
getCurLine :: Editor b Int
getCurLine = gets snd
setCurLine :: Int -> Editor b ()
setCurLine = modify . second . const
onBuffer :: (b -> a) -> Editor b a
onBuffer f = gets (f . fst)
getBuffer :: Editor b b
getBuffer = onBuffer id
modBuffer :: (b -> b) -> Editor b ()
modBuffer = modify . first
io :: MonadIO m => IO a -> m a
io = liftIO
-- Utility functions
readMay :: Read a => String -> Maybe a
readMay s = case reads s of
[(r,_)] -> Just r
_ -> Nothing
-- Main editor loop
editor :: Buffer b => Editor b ()
editor = io (hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering) >> loop
where loop = do prompt
cmd <- getCommand
when (cmd /= Quit) (doCommand cmd >> loop)
prompt :: Buffer b => Editor b ()
prompt = do
s <- onBuffer value
io $ putStr (show s ++ "> ")
getCommand :: Editor b Command
getCommand = io $ readCom <$> getLine
readCom "" = Noop
readCom inp@(c:cs) | isDigit c = maybe Noop Line (readMay inp)
| toUpper c == 'L' = Load (unwords $ words cs)
| c == '?' = Help
| otherwise = maybe Noop read $
find ((== toUpper c) . head) commands
doCommand :: Buffer b => Command -> Editor b ()
doCommand View = do
cur <- getCurLine
let ls = [(cur - 2) .. (cur + 2)]
ss <- mapM (\l -> onBuffer $ line l) ls
zipWithM_ (showL cur) ls ss
showL _ _ Nothing = return ()
showL l n (Just s) = io $ putStrLn (m ++ show n ++ ": " ++ s)
where m | n == l = "*"
| otherwise = " "
doCommand Edit = do
l <- getCurLine
io $ putStr $ "Replace line " ++ show l ++ ": "
new <- io getLine
modBuffer $ replaceLine l new
doCommand (Load filename) = do
mstr <- io $ handle (\(_ :: IOException) ->
putStrLn "File not found." >> return Nothing
) $ do
h <- openFile filename ReadMode
hSetEncoding h utf8
Just <$> hGetContents h
maybe (return ()) (modBuffer . const . fromString) mstr
doCommand (Line n) = modCurLine (const n) >> doCommand View
doCommand Next = modCurLine (+1) >> doCommand View
doCommand Prev = modCurLine (subtract 1) >> doCommand View
doCommand Quit = return () -- do nothing, main loop notices this and quits
doCommand Help = io . putStr . unlines $
[ "v --- view the current location in the document"
, "n --- move to the next line"
, "p --- move to the previous line"
, "l --- load a file into the editor"
, "e --- edit the current line"
, "q --- quit"
, "? --- show this list of commands"
doCommand Noop = return ()
inBuffer :: Buffer b => Int -> Editor b Bool
inBuffer n = do
nl <- onBuffer numLines
return (n >= 0 && n < nl)
modCurLine :: Buffer b => (Int -> Int) -> Editor b ()
modCurLine f = do
l <- getCurLine
nl <- onBuffer numLines
setCurLine . max 0 . min (nl - 1) $ f l
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