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Created November 20, 2017 19:49
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State monad
function State(fn) {
this._fn = fn;
State.state = fn => new State(fn);
State.of = val => State.state(state => [val, state]);
State.get = State.state(state => [state, state]);
State.put = state => State.state(() => [undefined, state]);
State.modify = fn => State.state((state) => [undefined, fn(state)]);
State.prototype.evalState = function(state) {
return this.runState(state)[0];
State.prototype.execState = function(state) {
return this.runState(state)[1];
State.prototype.runState = function(state) {
return this._fn(state);
}; = function(fn) {
return State.state(state => {
const [result, nextState] = this.runState(state);
return [fn(result), nextState];
State.prototype.ap = function(sval) {
return State.state(state => {
const [fn, nextState] = this.runState(state);
const [val, finalState] = sval.runState(nextState);
return [fn(val), finalState];
State.prototype.bind = function(fn) {
return State.state(state => {
const [result, nextState] = this.runState(state);
const [finalResult, finalState] = fn(result).runState(nextState);
return [finalResult, finalState];
State.prototype.join = function() {
return State.state(state => {
const [result, nextState] = this.runState(state);
const [finalResult, finalState] = result.runState(nextState);
return [finalResult, finalState];
type LabelM = State Int
increment :: LabelM String
increment = state $ \i -> let j = i + 1
in ("$" ++ show j, j)
labels :: Bool -> LabelM [(String, String)]
labels discard = f <$> twoLabels
<*> twoLabels
<*> twoLabels
where f a b c = if discard
then [a, c]
else [a, b, c]
-- (,) <- is an operator creating a tuple
twoLabels :: LabelM (String, String)
twoLabels = (,) <$> increment <*> increment
main :: IO ()
main = do putStrLn "Enter `True`, or `False`"
discard <- getLine
print (evalState (labels . read $ discard) 0)
const increment = State.state(i => [`\$${i + 1}`, i + 1]);
const labels = discard => {
const twoLabels = => b => [a, b]).ap(increment);
const f = a => b => c => discard ? [a, c] : [a, b, c];
const main = discard => {
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