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mvance /
Last active August 25, 2016 18:34 — forked from cvrebert/
Survey of screenshot-based CSS testing tools

Currently considering

Core Goals:

  • Can test in up-to-date versions of all major browsers
  • Can test on up-to-date versions of all major OSes
  • Can test in IE9 (because Bootstrap v4 will support IE9+)
  • Don't want to have to setup/maintain our own cluster of VMs running all the necessary OSes (and all the versions of Windows)
  • Workflow for management of reference/baseline/norm screenshots
mvance / tmux_screen_cheatsheet.textile
Created April 25, 2016 17:36
tmux/Screen Cheat Sheet

tmux/Screen Cheat Sheet

similar commands

Action tmux (Ctrl-b) Screen (Ctrl-A)
detach from currently attached session d OR :detach
list windows w
switch to window # #
switch to last-active window l
switch to next window n
mvance / tansible.php
Last active January 4, 2016 23:59
Find long-running tasks in Ansible logs by prepending elapsed time for each entry in a log file
// This script prepends the elapsed time for each entry of an Ansible log
// file (see: for inspiration and
// additional background information). This script is intended to be used
// only on the "TASK:" lines from the logs. For example:
// $ grep "TASK:" ansible.log | php ~/tansible.php
while(!feof(STDIN)) {
$line = fgets(STDIN);
$exploded_line = explode(' ', $line);
if (isset($exploded_line[1])) {
mvance /
Last active April 22, 2021 16:20
Some of the Drupal resources I find most useful
mvance / git_in_25.textile
Last active May 12, 2022 17:30
Git in ~25 Commands

Git in ~25 Commands

Stash ←→ Workspace★ ←→ Index (or “Staging” or “Cache”) ←→ Local Repository ←→ Remote Repository


italics variable
[brackets] optional argument
mvance /
Created October 22, 2011 16:40
A bash script to set up Quickstart as a continuous integration appliance.
# Follow the steps below to configure Quickstart as a continuous integration appliance, complete with Jenkins,
# Selenium Builder, Selenium Server, PHPUnit, and Selenium Zoetrope. The script also configures and runs an
# example Jenkins test job for Quickstart's site, including Simpletest module testing and
# Coder module checks.
# 1. Download Quickstart and follow the installation instructions:
# 2. Open a Terminal window (Applications > Accessories > Terminal) and run the following command:
mvance / Drupal, Pressflow, Other?
Created May 18, 2011 01:38
A bookmarklet to determine whether a website is running Drupal, Pressflow, or something else.
/*@author Matt Vance (borrowing heavily from Pablo Cantero's pageChangesNotifier.js - */
var xmlHttp=getXMLHttpObj();
alert('Failed to load XMLHTTP');
var actual=getPageContent(xmlHttp,window.location.href);