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Michael van Eggermond mvaneggermond

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Make Home & End keys behave like Windows on Mac OS X

I came across a blog post outlining how to make Home & End keys behave like Windows on Mac OS X here

mkdir ~/Library/KeyBindings
cd ~/Library/KeyBindings
touch DefaultKeyBinding.dict
nano DefaultKeyBinding.dict
mvaneggermond / gist:08de8db270eb94b6b762ec2052da7926
Created October 23, 2020 09:15 — forked from ymotongpoo/gist:1381882
convert PuTTy public key.
# convert PuTTY's public ssh key file into OpenSSH public key
ssh-keygen -i -f >
mvaneggermond /
Last active September 4, 2020 10:18
Switching Java versions on OS X

You can view the installed versions on your computer by entering the following command in terminal:

/usr/libexec/java_home -V

For instance, I have the following versions installed:

14.0.2, x86_64:	"Java SE 14.0.2"	/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk-14.0.2.jdk/Contents/Home
mvaneggermond / round_df.R
Last active September 20, 2016 08:52
Round numeric values in a dataframe (R).
round_df <- function(df,digits)
nums <- vapply(df,is.numeric, FUN.VALUE = logical(1))
df[,nums] <- round(df[,nums],digits=digits)