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Last active October 5, 2023 15:32
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A Python3 implementation of an entity-component-system in under 50 lines code.
import uuid
import json
# Returns a python dictionary given a file containing a JSON-based
# component definition. Every definition *must* contain a 'type'
# and 'schema' field inside a top-level dictionary. Here is an
# example of a simple schema file that defines a 'meta' component
# containing a 'name' field.
# // Contents of meta.json
# {
# "type": "meta",
# "schema": {
# "name": ""
# }
# }
def Component(filename):
with open(filename + '.json', 'r') as f:
return json.load(f)
# The Entity class defines a single entity in our system composed
# of multiple components. At its heart, an Entity object is simply
# an empty bucket associated with a unique ID.
# This class provides exactly one relevant function: a way to
# attach a component dictionary to the entity. This function
# simply takes the dictionary loaded using the Component()
# function above, instantiates a new class on-the-fly, and
# sets a class attribute. Here is an example of how to attach
# our 'meta' object from above to an entity:
# >>> e = Entity()
# >>> e.__dict__
# {'id': '5afec678-4c4e-44a9-be74-8764f62b61fd', 'components': []}
# >>>
# >>> e.attach(Component('meta'))
# >>> pprint.pprint(e.__dict__)
# {'components': ['meta'],
# 'id': '5afec678-4c4e-44a9-be74-8764f62b61fd',
# 'meta': <ecs.Component object at 0x108a1e400>}
# >>> = 'Player'
# The attach() function also takes a namespace argument for
# renaming longer component names when creating the attribute:
# >> e = Entity()
# >> e.attach(Component('meta'), namespace='m')
# >> = 'Player'
# We also do some housekeeping: the 'components' object variable
# keeps track of all components attached to this entity:
# >>> e = Entity()
# >>> e.attach(Component('meta')
# >>> e.components
# ['meta']
# Note that namespacing maintains the original class name inside
# the components array:
# >>> e = Entity()
# >>> e.attach(Component('meta'), namespace='m')
# >>> e.components
# ['meta']
# Finally, we also track two reverse mappings: (i) to go from a
# given entity ID to an entity object, and (ii) to go from a
# component type to a list of entity objects. Both these are
# implemented as class methods so no instantiated object is needed
# to retrieve them.
# The first is useful in many cases where you want to reference a
# particular entity and use it in a system. For example, an attack
# component can simply store the ID of the entity being attacked.
# The damage-calculation system simply looks up the entity using
# this reverse index.
# target = Entity.get('47d78b7e-8c5c-417b-8f46-be0de7c0b62d')
# The second index is used in implementing systems that deal with
# all entities having a particular component attached. For example,
# a MovementSystem can easily grab all entities containing a
# movement component:
# entities = Entity.filter('movement')
class Entity(object):
eindex = {} # Index mapping entity IDs to entity objects
cindex = {} # Index mapping component names to entity objects
def __init__(self): = str(uuid.uuid4())
self.components = []
self.eindex[] = self # Assumes ID's never collide
def attach(self, component, namespace=None):
# Append component name to list of components
# Create a raw 'Component' object based on the JSON schema
key = namespace if namespace else component['type']
self.__dict__[key] = type('Component', (), component['schema'])()
# Add to component index
if component['type'] not in self.cindex:
self.cindex[component['type']] = []
def filter(cls, component):
entities = cls.cindex.get(component)
return entities if entities is not None else []
def get(cls, eid):
return cls.eindex.get(eid)
# The final class that completes our ECS implementation is the System
# class for defining systems that update the world.
# The class is designed as a simple pub-sub system where each system
# decides which game events it wants to be notified of. This is done
# using the `subscribe()` method, which takes an event type (string)
# as a parameter.
# Each System object contains its own list of pending events and
# a class method, inject(), allows for injecting game events into the
# entire set of systems. This function it basically looks up all
# subscribers of that given event and simply appends the event into
# each of their event lists. Note that at this point, the event has
# not yet been handled, but simply registered as pending by appending
# into each subscriber's events list.
# The reason the inject() function is a class method and not an object
# level method is so that external parts of the game, such as the
# input system, can freely inject events into systems.
# Finally, the update() function can be overridden by subclasses to
# define their own custom game loop logic. The `pending()` function
# can be used here to retrieve (and clear) all pending events in the
# system, and the Entity.filter() function can be called to get a
# filtered list of entities relevant to this system. Here is a very
# simple example of how to implement a system:
# class MovementSystem(System):
# def __init__(self):
# super().__init__()
# self.subscribe('move')
# def update(self):
# # Get list of pending events and clear current event queue
# events = self.pending()
# # Filter entities by type. Fast because we use component_index.
# entities = Entity.filter('movement')
# # Do something here that modifies state or generates events
# # Inject any new events at the end
# self.inject({'type': 'move', 'data': randstr(10)})
# Note that above, the update() function first gets all pending events,
# runs some processing code, and finally, if needed, emits a new set of
# events that get picked up in the next round by other systems.
# Note that there is also no restriction on which entities you access in
# the update() function inside a System object. Above, I show an example
# of picking entities having a single component ('movement'), but you can
# instead easily choose to pick out different sets, apply any kind of
# set operators, etc. before arriving at the entities you need and
# continuing with the loop.
# Here's a made-up example that illustrates how to do this using Python's
# built-in set operations:
# def update(self):
# ent_with_move = set(Entity.filter('movement'))
# ent_with_pos = set(Entity.filter('position'))
# ent_with_ai = set(Entity.filter('ai'))
# entities = list((ent_with_move& ent_with_pos) | ent_with_ai)
# # Rest of the loop goes here and uses 'entities'
class System(object):
systems = []
subscriptions = {}
def __init__(self): = []
def subscribe(self, event_type):
if event_type not in self.subscriptions:
self.subscriptions[event_type] = []
def pending(self):
# Get pending events and clear queue
ret = = []
return ret
def inject(cls, event):
# All events must be dicts with a 'type' field
event_type = event['type']
if event_type not in cls.subscriptions:
for subscriber in cls.subscriptions[event_type]:
def update(self):
def update_all(cls):
for system in
"type": "meta",
"schema": {
"name": ""
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