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Created February 2, 2020 09:39
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A solution for the "Ibid." problem proposed by Gene Kim here: We avoid explicit recursion
(defn replace-ibids [coll]
(letfn [(go [{:keys [acc latest]} e]
(if (and (= e "Ibid.")
(some? latest))
{:acc (conj acc latest) :latest latest}
{:acc (conj acc e) :latest e}))]
(if (= "Ibid." (first coll))
(ex-info "Invalid ibid" {})
(-> (reduce go {:acc []} coll)
(def authors ["toto" "Ibid." "tato" "Ibid." "Ibid." "tito" "Ibid."])
(replace-ibids authors)
;; => ["toto" "toto" "tato" "tato" "tato" "tito" "tito"]
(replace-ibids [])
;; => []
(replace-ibids ["toto"])
;; => ["toto"]
(replace-ibids ["Ibid."])
;; => #error {
;; :cause "Invalid ibid"
;; :data {}
;; ...
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