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Last active May 25, 2017 10:47
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use strict;
use Roku::RCP;
use GD;
use Image::Resize;
# connect to Roku
my $rcp = new Roku::RCP('');
# get a string representing the display contents
my $display = $rcp->GetDisplayData();
# strip the length header - it's always the same length
$display =~ s/^data bytes: (\d+)\n//;
# create a new GD image and specify the colors we'll use
my $im = new GD::Image(280,16);
my $bg = $im->colorAllocate(0,0,0); # black, first color defined becomes the background color
my $fg = $im->colorAllocate(0,255,255); # cyan to match the VFD on the Soundbridge
# traverse the width of the display
for (my $i = 1; $i <= 280; $i++)
# extract a pair of hex values
my $col = substr($display, 0, 4, '');
# use pack/unpack to convert the hex string to a binary string
my $bin = unpack ('B*', pack ('H*',$col));
# traverse the binary string
for (my $j = 1; $j <= 16; $j++)
# extract each pixel value
my $pixel = substr($bin, $j-1, 1);
# if it's a '1', set the corresponding pixel color, otherwise we leave it black
$im->setPixel($i,$j,$fg) if ($pixel eq '1');
# 280x16 is pretty small, use Image::Resize to scale it up
my $resizer = Image::Resize->new($im);
my $large = $resizer->resize(560,32);
# "print" the scaled up image as a PNG to STDOUT
binmode STDOUT;
print $large->png;
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