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Last active April 23, 2017 18:16
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Copy all the track files from a Clementine playlist to a separate directory.
Reads a Clementine playlist, and copies all the song files to a directory.
arg 1: path to the playlist
arg 2: optionally, the output directory
You can ignore the BeautifulSoup parser warning (or fi you insist, follow it's directions)
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup, Tag # pip install beautifulsoup4
from shutil import copy2
from os import makedirs
from os.path import basename, splitext
from sys import argv
def copy_playlist_files(xspf_pth, target_pth=None):
Read a Clementine playlist and copy all the track files to a specific directory.
This is useful for example when copying a playlist to your phone. (You can use Clementine Remote, but it didn't work for me).
:param xspf_pth: A path to a clementine playlist (xspf file).
:param target_pth: Optionally, the directory to copy files to. Defaults to a subdir of the current directory named after the playlist file.
if target_pth is None:
target_pth = splitext(basename(xspf_pth))[0]
except OSError:
with open(xspf_pth, 'r') as fh:
soup = BeautifulSoup(
tracks = tuple(soup.body.playlist.tracklist.children)
for track in tracks:
if not isinstance(track, Tag):
loc = track.location.text.replace('file://', '')
copy2(loc, target_pth)
if __name__ == '__main__':
assert len(argv) >= 2, 'provide a path to a playlist file, and optionally a target dir'
xspf_pth = argv[1]
target_pth = None
if len(argv) >= 3:
target_pth = argv[2]
copy_playlist_files(xspf_pth, target_pth)
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mverleg commented Apr 23, 2017

Fixed a few bugs

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