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Created October 21, 2021 15:43
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isolated_build = True
envlist = py{38,39}-django{20,21,22,30,31,32},py310-django{21,22,30,31,32}
requires =
tox-poetry-installer[poetry] == 0.8.1
tox-py == 1.1.0
basepython = python3
allowlist_externals = poetry
require_poetry = True
install_dev_deps = True
setenv =
XUNIT_FILENAME = junit-{envname}.xml
commands =
poetry run python check
poetry run python makemigrations --check --noinput
poetry run python
deps =
django20: Django>=2.0.0,<2.1.0
django21: Django>=2.1.0,<2.2.0
django22: Django>=2.2.0,<3.0.0
django30: Django>=3.0.0,<3.1.0
django31: Django>=3.1.0,<3.2.0
django32: Django>=3.2.0,<3.3.0
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