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Last active February 22, 2022 00:57
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Process hierarchical data using recursion or stack

Process hierarchical data using recursion or stack

This is an example of how to process data in hierarchical structures using either recursion or a stack based approach. To examplify this we will use a didactical example: find the maximum number in an array of arrays. The same techniques can be used to find / process data in other hierarchical structure such as XML documents, JSON objects, etc.

var ar = [2, 4, 10, [12, 4, [100, 99], 4], [3, 2, 99], 0];
console.log( findMax1(ar) );
console.log( findMax2(ar) );
// Use recursion to find the maximum numeric value in an array of arrays
function findMax1(ar)
var max = -Infinity;
// Cycle through all the elements of the array
for(var i = 0; i < ar.length; i++)
var el = ar[i];
// If an element is of type array then invoke the same function
// to find out the maximum element of that subarray
if ( Array.isArray(el) )
el = findMax1( el );
if ( el > max )
max = el;
return max;
// Use a stack to find the maximum numeric value in an array of arrays
function findMax2(arElements)
var max = -Infinity;
// This is the stack on which will put the first array and then
// all the other sub-arrays that we find as we traverse an array
var arrays = [];
// Loop as long as are arrays added to the stack for processing
while(arrays.length > 0)
// Extract an array from the stack
ar = arrays.pop();
// ... and loop through its elements
for(var i = 0; i < ar.length; i++)
var el = ar[i];
// If an element is of type array, we'll add it to stack
// to be processed later
if ( Array.isArray(el) )
if ( el > max )
max = el;
return max;
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