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Last active August 2, 2023 21:47
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Translate a string to "sendkey" commands for QEMU.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Translate a string to "sendkey" commands for QEMU.
# Martin Vidner, MIT License
# sendkey keys
# You can emulate keyboard events through sendkey command. The syntax is: sendkey keys. To get a list of keys, type sendkey [tab]. Examples:
# sendkey a
# sendkey shift-a
# sendkey ctrl-u
# sendkey ctrl-alt-f1
# As of QEMU 0.12.5 there are:
# shift shift_r alt alt_r altgr altgr_r
# ctrl ctrl_r menu esc 1 2
# 3 4 5 6 7 8
# 9 0 minus equal backspace tab
# q w e r t y
# u i o p ret a
# s d f g h j
# k l z x c v
# b n m comma dot slash
# asterisk spc caps_lock f1 f2 f3
# f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9
# f10 num_lock scroll_lock kp_divide kp_multiply kp_subtract
# kp_add kp_enter kp_decimal sysrq kp_0 kp_1
# kp_2 kp_3 kp_4 kp_5 kp_6 kp_7
# kp_8 kp_9 < f11 f12 print
# home pgup pgdn end left up
# down right insert delete
require "optparse"
# incomplete! only what I need now.
KEYS = {
"%" => "shift-5",
"/" => "slash",
":" => "shift-semicolon",
"=" => "equal",
"." => "dot",
" " => "spc"
class Main
attr_accessor :command
attr_accessor :delay_s
attr_accessor :keystring
def initialize
self.command = nil
self.delay_s = 0.1 do |opts|
opts.banner = "Usage: sendkeys [-c command_to_pipe_to] STRING\n" +
"Where STRING can be 'ls<enter>ls<gt>/dev/null<enter>'"
opts.on("-c", "--command COMMAND",
"Pipe sendkeys to this commands, individually") do |v|
self.command = v
opts.on("-d", "--delay SECONDS", Float,
"Delay SECONDS after each key (default: 0.1)") do |v|
self.delay_s = v
self.keystring = ARGV[0]
def sendkey(qemu_key_name)
qemu_cmd = "sendkey #{qemu_key_name}"
if command
system "echo '#{qemu_cmd}' | #{command}"
puts qemu_cmd
$stdout.flush # important when we are piped
sleep delay_s
\G # where last match ended
< [^>]+ >
def run
keystring.scan(PATTERN) do |match|
if match[0] == "<"
key_name = match.slice(1..-2)
sendkey case key_name
when "lt" then "shift-comma"
when "gt" then "shift-dot"
else key_name
sendkey KEYS.fetch(match, match)
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vbwagner commented Oct 4, 2019

Documentation you've based your code upon doesn't mention several key names,. which are really supported
by qemu:

; -> semicolon
' -> apostrophe
\ -> backslash

There should also be names for right bracket and left bracket keys, but I haven't be able to just guess them. Probably I should resort
to RTFS.

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vbwagner commented Oct 4, 2019

RTFS (qapi/ui.json in qemu 3.1 sources) gives bracket_left and bracket_right for these keys.

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mvidner commented Oct 4, 2019

@vbwagner oops, sorry, I should have linked to a version which can do all the ASCII characters:

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