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Created May 8, 2020 13:44
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run h2 console from sbt
// Method 1 Create a task
// It can throw java.util.NoSuchElementException: head of empty list if you don't have h2 dependency
lazy val h2Console = taskKey[Int]("Init H2 console task")
h2Console := (Compile / dependencyClasspathAsJars)
.map(h2database => Process(s"java -jar ${h2database}").!)
// Method 2 Create a command
val h2Command = Command.command("h2Console") {
state =>
Project.runTask(Compile / dependencyClasspathAsJars, state)
exception => exception.printStackTrace(),
value =>"h2database")).map(file => Process(s"java -jar ${file}").!).head
commands += h2Command
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