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Created March 1, 2018 15:31
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Prettier formatting of ternaries
// Original code
const score = 7;
const someVar =
score < 10 ? 'some long string' :
score < 20 ? 'this is looking promising' :
score < 30 ? 'passing' :
score < 40 ? 'proficient' :
// What Prettier does
const score = 7;
const someVar =
score < 10
? 'some long string'
: score < 20
? 'this is looking promising'
: score < 30 ? 'passing' : score < 40 ? 'proficient' : 'expert';
// Why does the last line contain more than one condition?
// In function definitions Prettier either puts all the parameters on the same line
// or each one on a separate line. Ternaries should be the same ...
// either all conditions on one line or each on a separate line.
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lipis commented Mar 1, 2018

File an issue if you feel like there is a better way..

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Okay, I just filed prettier/prettier#4087.

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